One Piece: Luffy Anchor

Chapter 442: Meet Ulchiola again (please ask for vote


Luffy strode towards the angry beast.

The distance between everyone and him is too close. If Wang Xushuan meets his dragon flash, the situation will be completely out of control.

It was probably like the round hole where Luffy sat, and it was wiped out in an instant.

You can't attack, you can only think of a way from the source.

With the accumulation of spiritual pressure, Luffy came to the front of the angry beast, leaped up, and rode on the angry beast, holding his neck with both hands and stretching back.

The angry beast's face aimed at the front was abruptly broken into the sky.


The terrifying spiritual pressure was indiscriminately pressed on everyone.

The Ten Blades in their respective palaces came to the outside one after another, staring at the core of the explosion of spiritual pressure.

The ten-blade adjutants looked shocked, and their trembling body could not even move their bodies, and fear spread from the bottom of their hearts.

"The use of Wang Xu's flash is prohibited in the Xuye Palace. These people have repeatedly broken the prohibition one by one, don't they want to live!"

The blind Dongxian angrily pressed his hand on the Zanpakuknife on his waist, and turned to beg Aizen, who was sitting on the throne and leaning on his cheeks. kill!"

Ai Ran was as calm and unhurried as ever, "There is no need to beheaded, just fine."


"Hanglu!" Dongxian, who was a **** of death, disappeared into the palace with a sound of breaking his face.

A thought-provoking smile overflowed from the corners of Aizen's mouth.

Shi Yin Maru, who was holding the sword, narrowed his eyes.

"Aizan-sama seems to be very happy, did you think of something interesting?"

Ai Ran stared at the giant Luffy fighting in the projection, "Ah, I thought of something interesting."

Shiginmaru inquired: "If you can get the appreciation of Aizen-sama, what is the origin of these guys?"

Ai Ran repeated, "Ah, what's the reason?"

There is no answer, and the temptation is invalid.

"Shiyinwan, don't you think the cat on his shoulder is a bit familiar?"

Shi Yin Maru turned his head to look at the projection.

A cat who can calm down under such terrifying spiritual pressure...

"It seems familiar, so they are from Urahara Kisuke?"

The smile on Lan dye's face became more and more elusive.

"I think it has nothing to do with Urahara Kisuke."


Wang Xu flashed into the sky, breaking the dome and disappearing.

The angry beast roared and shook his head from side to side, trying to throw the guy off.

"I think you are so stable, why not be my mount in the future?"

"Ah no, no, you are uglier than the centipede I adopted. It would be a shame to let you be my mount."

The angry beast roared.

The body is like a real spiritual pressure red mist boiling.

"Is this angry? Then you are too irritable? In fact, ugliness is not enough to describe you. How do you say your appearance, if people with dense horror seem to feel disgusting, oh yes, it is disgusting."

The red fog is getting thicker and thicker.

But the body of the angry beast did not show a tendency to grow bigger.

"Although the centipede I raised has a lot of feet, but his feet are covered with snow-white exoskeleton, it seems that it doesn't have the nausea of ​​your flesh color, or you try?"

The angry beast carried Luffy on a rampage.

Eighteen people made his back very stable.

"Rubber Rubber! Dasheng Ran Da!"

Fists densely packed like heavy rain hit the angry beast's back, and the hammered angry beast vomited blood.

Put your hands together and hit the back of your head with the hammer!

The rushing angry beast lost its balance and leaned forward with a face brake.

"Rubber rubber! The Great Sage fell over his shoulder!"

Luffy grabbed the angry beast's hand, lifted the angry beast, threw it to the ground, and then threw it back again.

Virtual flash!

After a tossing, the two were far away from everyone.

The dragon flashes to the sniper.

Manic Reiatsu set off a storm.

Both bodies are thick and not blown away.

Luffy broke the Reiatsu storm with his fist and hit Yami's chin with his uppercut.

Then left and right uppercuts are like a slap back and forth a hundred times.

"Rubber rubber! The Great Sage Hammer!"

Luffy grabbed his dense head and knocked to the ground.

The muscles on Yami's body violently resisted.

Then he grabbed Lu Fei with his backhand and went through the hundred shoulder falls that he had suffered just now.

The battle of one beast shakes the ground.

Xu flashed at Luffy.

Luffy kicked the angry beast's body backward.

Turning over to the ground, both fists hammered to the dense abdomen.

"Rubber rubber, great holy gun!"


The steel skin shattered behind the angry beast that was shocked by the force passing through it.



The two sounds turned closer.

Ten-blade No. 4 Ulchiola hangs in the air.

Following that, with brown skin, purple hair, and goggles, the blind Dongxian appeared.

"Yeah, I haven't seen you in a few days, you look more handsome, Ulquiola."

Dongxian perceives Reiatsu and turned his head to Ulchiola.

"You are very familiar?"

Ulzio had no expression on his face, "I have only seen one side."

Luffy rode on the back of the angry beast again.

The angry beast's hands accumulated spiritual pressure, and the virtual flash bombarded Luffy.

Luffy jumped up and kicked the angry beast while avoiding the virtual flash.

Then Long Yan gathered into a ball in Lu Fei's hand.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh a mouth to be unscientful to be scientific?"

"Eat my trick, spiral pill!"

Luffy held the dragon flame in his hand and smashed it on the long spine of the angry beast. The scorching dragon flame was constantly consumed, and a hole was gradually burned out of the angry beast's back.


Luffy opened a mouth on the palm of his hand.

"Hole! Broken!"

It is almost the same as the dragon flash fired with an open mouth.

The bright dragon flashed through the spine! The angry beast crouched in pain and wailed.

"It turns out that this trick is better for sticking faces."

The spine was burned through and the angry beast became frantic, but the body still did not have a tendency to grow. On the contrary, after a short period of increase, the spiritual pressure dropped all the way until it disappeared.

The angry beast state was lifted, and Ya Mi's eyes were blank and lying on the ground.

"Ulquiola! Go and bring my sister Inoue, this guy may hang up late."

Urquiola's ringing disappeared.

The blind Dongxian drew out the Zhanpei Knife and slashed towards Yami.

Luffy wrapped his arms domineeringly around his hands, and blocked the blind man's attack with a "ding!"

"I want to execute him, you also want to stop?"

"Well, even you..."

Luffy clenched his fist, held the toothpick-like Zanpei Knife in his hand, waved his hand and slammed Dongxian to the ground.

The ground roared, leaving huge pits in place.

"Fifty-Four of Dao Breaking! Abolish inflammation!"

Luffy inhales and draws the flame directly into his mouth.

"Hole! Broken!"

Long flash stuck to his face and blew the blind man directly into the air.


Ulchiola brought Inoue to Luffy's front.

Inoue did not hesitate.

"Shuangtianguidun! I refuse!"

The retrospective light will change back to the normal size of the tooth densely enveloped in it.

The big hole that was almost cut in half began to repair at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Luffy took a glance.

The blind man rang and flew back.

"You are so strange, you just wanted to kill him? Why is that? Is it possible that you want to get rid of the dissident? Fight for favor?"

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