One Piece: Luffy Anchor

Chapter 60: Fucking

How bold the heart is, how productive the earth is.

Just do it.

System prompt: Target locked.

Submission order-stun the target with electric shock

The mechanical eyeball lifted into the sky, and a slender spike protruded from the pupil.

This spike is very long, far longer than the eyeball can hold.

On the mechanical eyeball operation panel, you can see countless small units with the “nano-level” logos gathering toward the spikes to restructure the structure.

The task is in progress...

-Calculate the electricity required to stun the life body.


System prompt: Whether to carry out safety restriction protection?

Introduction: Restricted protection incorporates target safety into calculations.


The structure of the mechanical eyeball began to change. With the mechanical eyeball as the center, nanometer-level units spread around in eight directions, and eight slender glass-coated metal needles emerged from the branches.

The tiny metal needles pierced the stomach wall of Master Lantern in eight directions, like a big banyan tree.

From the ground up, it looks like a big net.

The system prompts: the preparation phase is over and the discharge starts.

The blue arc flows and spreads on the metal wrapped in the glass layer, and a flower composed of electric current blooms.

At the same time, the lantern fish's stomach shrank violently.

Gastric juice churned, patted all over the island.

The pterosaurs on the island were frightened and flew in all directions.

Fortunately, this degree of contraction is only a moment.

[Lobo! Throw the ball! ]

[It's now! Go Pikachu! ]

Liu Fei pressed the switch, and when the poke ball changed from a big walnut to a big fist, he threw it into the air.

[Fuck! do not! I suddenly thought of something! ]

[If it succeeds, Master Lantern Fish will be installed in the Elf Ball, but you are now in the belly of Lantern Fish! ]

[WoC! Forgot about it! ]

Text bubble: Damn it! Say it early!

[Lobo, get back the pokeball! ]

No need to remind, Luffy has already done so.

The rubber pen slammed into the poke ball.

But after the stomach shrinks violently, the size of the stomach has doubled, and the distance is naturally smaller.

Luffy threw it fast...


The Elf Ball hit the stomach wall, and the red light spread, rushed out along the esophagus, and then wrapped the whole body of Lord Lantern Fish from the outside.


The red light and the poke ball disappeared.


[Ride out a pterodactyl and have a look. ]

The mechanical eye is separated from the stomach wall, and the metal needle that extends is differentiated into the fuselage and restored to its original shape.

Affected by the electric shock, the light in the lantern fish's belly was a little dim.

Luffy operates mechanical eyeballs and intends to use metal eyeballs to illuminate it.

But the surrounding yellow lines suddenly lit up again.

Not the orange light in the past, but the dazzling light.

"Luffy what did you do?"

"I don't know, I guess Master Lanternfish was stunned by the electric shock, and then floated to the surface of the sea."

Luffy's arms stretched out to grab the pterosaur, turning over and landing on the pterosaur's back.

"Guina, you stay here first."

"Your name is Xiaolan, right? My name is Luffy, and I need you to help me with things and fly out along the esophagus."

"We! We!"

"It's the direction of the mouth, where food goes in every day."

The pterodactyl took off.

Luffy rode a pterodactyl and flew all the way from the second stomach to the first stomach, and then flew all the way down the esophagus to the mouth.

Lord Lantern Fish was affected by the electric shock, with his mouth half open, and two rows of jagged teeth open.

There is light outside!

"Fly out!"

Pterosaur seemed to understand Luffy's words, and flew out with Luffy.

The vision suddenly broadened.

Luffy saw the blue sky!


"We! We!"

"Don't panic, this is the outside world. You were in the belly of Master Lantern Fish before."

The pterosaur may never have seen the outside world.

Excited fluttered wings.

Soaring up and breaking through the clouds.


When the pterosaur hit something, his head was dizzy, and his body fell uncontrollably.

Fortunately, after only falling for a certain distance, he recovered, his wings were flat, and no accident was caused.

But what did the pterosaur hit?

Luffy did not see clearly when the incident happened suddenly.

But he had a bad feeling.

"Fly up again, slower this time."

Pterodactyl obeyed Luffy's words and flew upwards slowly.


This time it flew slowly and hit lightly.

The pterosaur was not affected much.

Luffy lifted his hand and wiped it off, touching a layer of smooth object.

It seems to be... glass?

To finish.

Luffy looked down.

Below there are 13 beaches and 23 seas. The whole is circular.

This is... a ball.

The pokeball was successfully captured...

[Fuck, funny. ]


[Lobo, you were taken 233 by Elf Ball. ]

[Can you still go out? ]

[The capture is successful, it should not be possible, the poke ball can only be opened from the outside. ]

[Hahahaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha s ]

Luffy raised his hand and scratched the back of his head.

His brain hurts a little.

"Should we not only collect lantern fish?"

[You are in the belly of the lantern fish, which is equivalent to food. ]

[It's like **** that didn't go out, it won't be pulled out automatically because of being caught. ]

"Bad analogy..."

"Hey... Tell me, what should I do now?"

[Wait for the end of the month, at the end of three months, the store function is open, just buy the random teleporting reel and send it out. ]

This is a way.

"But then, this poke ball can't be taken back."

[Sure, God knows where the pokeball is floating. ]

[It's a pity, if you want me to say, I'll wait for someone to pass by and pick it up. ]

[Well, that person will definitely study, the poke ball has no binding function, just press the button to open it. ]

[Fortunately, there is no fingerprint recognition, it would be interesting if there is one. ]

[Wait, then. ]

Looking up at the sea, Luffy said uncertainly: "Now, what should we see is the outside world, right?"

[It should be the panoramic view outside. ]

The endless sea, you can't even see the shadow of an island...

"Let's go, go back and talk to Guina about what happened."

Then, Luffy spent a minute, telling Guina about the passing.

Guina is very calm: "That means we can't go back in a short time?"

Lu Fei nodded, "Yes."

"Oh... will that be stuck here forever?"

"will not."

"Oh, that's okay, let's cook first, and continue training after eating. Anyway, there is a lot of food here. Even if you can't get it out, you won't starve to death."

Guina glanced around.

The white eggs are scattered in different nests**.

There are also fleshy pterosaurs... indeed they don't die from starvation.

Eat the three velociraptors hacked to death last night.

Luffy Guina took a pterosaur alone and went outside for a round.

"This is the inner side of the sphere, you can touch it."

Under Luffy's guidance, Guina tried to touch the canopy that was separated by a layer of glass.

"It's amazing, how big is it?"

Lu Fei introduced: "From the outside, it is actually a fist-sized ball with a circular switch on the top and red and bottom."

"We are inside, as if we were shrunk."

"Or we have not been reduced, just allocated to another space."

Guina nodded seemingly.

She had already seen Luffy put a lot of things into space, and with the preparation, it was much easier to accept it.

In short, something incredible is right.


The waves rolled and the huge lantern fish moved.

"That fish wakes up, will it attack us?"

"This... logically speaking no, he was subdued by me, and I am considered his master. But the problem now is that everyone is in it. I don't know if this master-servant contract was successfully signed..."

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