One Piece: Start With Trash Collecting

Chapter 28: Apprentice!

Seeing Yetong's reluctance to admit defeat, Karp was also a little helpless.

You can’t force others to be your own disciple yourself, right?

And this kid, it might not work if you force him!

"Shall we discuss it?"

"Don't you like cleaning? Be my apprentice, where do you want to clean, I will take you there!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't like my bondage, but you have to tell the public that you are my apprentice."

Karp also said sensibly.


"Miss Karp!"

Yetong instantly changed his face, rushed to Karp, and hugged this thigh!

"Uh, you guys have a terrible face!"

"Well, today you rest first, I..."

"Teacher, don't, throw some **** before leaving."

Just when Karp was about to leave, the nighteye on one side said immediately.

Since I hugged this thigh, I must have some apprentice gifts.

"Uh, there is nothing on me, wait for me to eat some senbei."

Karp also ate slowly, and then lost a few food bags.


Karp was a little helpless. Is it a good thing to accept this disciple himself?

There is no problem with strength, talent, and temperament, but this habit of picking up garbage is a bit weird.

Moreover, the devil fruit ability of this guy is a bit strange.

"Teacher, don't you see that you still have a knife, destroy it, and then throw it out."

At this time, Nighteye also saw a long knife on Karp's waist.

Yetong noticed it before.

But in Nighteye's memory, Karp doesn't need a knife!

"This is left by my last disciple."


"My Shiling will change it for you."

Before Karp finished speaking, Nighteye quickly handed out his Xi Ling. For me, Liangkuaidao is not enough.

Moreover, the knife that Karp threw out.

Either get a powerful swordsmanship level, or get a rare good sword!

"You kid, I'm really %..."


"Okay, I'll go back first."

Karp took Xi Ling from Nighteye's hand and left quickly.

Otherwise, here, it is estimated that it will be stripped in a while.

"Ding, pick up the food bag that Karp discarded, and get Armed Color 1."

"Ding, pick up the food bag that Karp discarded, and get Armed Color 1."


"Ding, I picked up the broken sword that Karp broke and discarded, got a sharp sword sound, and got swordsmanship 3."

Soon, Nighteye also cleaned up the garbage on the ground.

I checked my swordsmanship, now it has been upgraded to lv6.

Moreover, once again obtained a big sharp knife.

Go practice it.

Yetong looked at the sky outside and left here too.

While visiting during the day, Yetong found a barren mountain here.

There are no people here, and there are many trees and rocks.

It happens to be a good place to practice your abilities.


Yetong directly pulled out her own rain and spirit.

The armed color domineering, also quickly spread to the long sword.

Although only the blades of two knives can be covered for the time being, it is still enough.


Nighteye began to wave.

With the blessing of powerful basic attributes, the trees in front of them were also directly cut off.

Even some stones were easily cut open.

