One Piece: Start With Trash Collecting

Chapter 698: We are quite rich!

The navy that was still hesitant.

I heard Sakarski's words first, and then I heard the words of the Warring States Period.

The dissatisfaction of the former marshal and the current marshal towards the Tianlong people was beyond words.

There is no more doubt in their hearts.

When I joined the Navy, it was not because of anything else.

Just because after becoming a navy, you can become stronger and can maintain justice in the world.

They didn't know what justice is and what is evil before.

I only know that the things arranged above will always be good for the world.

It was also the order to kill demons in the South China Sea, which chilled most navies.

You know, there are also people from the South China Sea in the Navy!

Their family, their friends are also there.

However, the world government is just because it wants to eliminate some hidden dangers.

Actually, a demon killing order was issued to the entire sea area.

Fortunately, they were resisted by Akatsuki.

So that they didn't commit any mistakes they could never forgive in this life.

"If you want to fight, I will fight to the death!"

At this time, Pei Duolang also said with a righteous expression.

"Fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"


Countless navies finally shouted out the deepest cry in their hearts.

They are not machines, nor human dogs!

They are all living people!

Criminals should be sentenced to justice.

However, they were defending criminals before. As a representative of justice, the Navy has become an accomplice of crime.

The long depressed mood was also directly ignited at this moment.

Of course, if it wasn't for the words and deeds of the Holy Family of Charles Roth.

Such an outbreak may be postponed for an unknown period of time. But, not so much if not.

"Good good!"

"Since the Navy has now decided to rebel against the world government."

"Then, you will find a solution for the future military expenditures and various materials."

Nonal Sangsheng said playfully.

You know, they are not worried about the navy's rebellion at all.

This is also one of the most important reasons.

Tianlong people charge such a high level of gold.

On the one hand, it is to make one's life more extravagant.

On the other hand, it is because of the need to maintain a huge navy and its own combat organization.

The navy itself, apart from fighting, has no income at all.

As long as the Heavenly Dragons cut off their supplies and don't need them to act, this greatest force will collapse.

At that time, just set up an obedient organization.

Wasn't the original navy established in this way?

"Um, our Xiao organization is quite rich."

"There are many countries that support us."

"If you want materials, wealth, you should maintain the navy is not a problem."

"By the way, some allies, they won't hand in heavenly gold."

"Are you really sure that you can still maintain your standing combat effectiveness?"

At this time, Yetong's clone also came out.

Said jokingly.

"Dawn Zero?"

"Unexpectedly, the guy who made the whole world crazy and turned the world upside down is such a young man."

"However, how many countries can you convince in such a short period of time?"

"Those guys are also accustomed to arrogance and luxury."

"You really, can change their minds?"

Levsky said disdainfully.

