One Piece: The Long Road

v6 Chapter 11: When the turtle enters the urn

Duflamingo stared at the plain-faced Simon, thinking of the contemptuous temperament that had inadvertently flowed out of the man in Ice Iceland, Duflamingo shook his head slightly.

"No, it's not that man, like that kind of person exists, what he says is the law, it won't appear again, it can't appear again." It was determined that it wasn't the man who appeared on Ice Iceland, the fear in Duflamingo's eyes But even more intense, "But if this kid will grow to that level in the future..."

The dangerous light in Duflamingo's eyes skyrocketed in vain, and even the sunglasses could not block the light.

If Simon were to die on the battlefield, he would lose the status of Qiwuhai, and at that time, many things would be very inconvenient.

If you don't let Simon die on the battlefield, if you grow to that level in the future, you will inevitably face the threat brought by Simon.

Under the balance of the two, the dangerous light in Duflamingo's eyes gradually dimmed, however, it skyrocketed in vain.

"Sure enough, I still don't have the habit of letting the enemy grow up in the cradle."

Duflamingo clasped his hands against his chin, and looked at Simon's back lightly, until after a while, he suddenly stood up and walked towards the most intense battle circle between the ice and the solid wall.

Duflamingo understands that, judging from the current battle situation, unless Whitebeard makes a move, the gap will not be breached.

Simon ignored Luffy. He saw all the battles ahead and knew that Qingzhi had come to stop Luffy.

War will never be controlled by one person. This is what the crane said, and it is also the truth. If someone can control the situation by himself, then he cannot be called a person.

Warring States took the phone bug and called to the navy in the audience: "There is only one guy in the straw hat, don't let him lead by the nose, stop him!"

On the other hand, Whitebeard divided the pirate team led by its captain-level characters into three groups, two groups crossed the middle battle circle to the left and right, and one group supported Luffy who was breaking through.

Seeing the order given by Whitebeard, Warring States laughed at himself and said, "If I want to deceive you with such a simple trick, it seems that I am tacky."

After laughing at himself, the Warring States looked straight and said to himself in a deep voice: "However, the final result will not change, as long as your goal is to fight the fire fist Ace, then this urn, you must always enter, Whitebeard! "

While talking to himself, Sengoku glanced at Simon, who was blocking the gap, and fell silent.

Warring States knew what Simon wanted to do, and also knew that Simon must have guessed the specific plan of the naval deployment, but even so, Simon had to plug the gap, and Warring States did not understand.

No matter what Warring States thought, he could not imagine that Simon plugged the gap, just as Warring States thought, in order to end the war as soon as possible, but there is an idea under this idea.

If you let the pirates flood into the square in front of the execution stand, regardless of whether the plan is successful, as long as the pirates have the possibility to approach Ace, Simon will not allow this to happen, especially since Luffy is now on the battlefield, then Simon Even Luffy was not allowed to approach Ace.

Simon once asked Karp how he would deal with the hostilities in the future, and the answer he got was always clear in due time, but Simon knew that no matter how he dealt with it in the end, it would undoubtedly be painful.

What I hate is not the unsatisfactory performance of Sun Tzu, but the fear of what stance should be used to face it in an antagonistic situation.

Hancock completely ignored Smog, just looked at Simon coldly, as if thinking about whether it was appropriate to do it at this moment, Smog didn't dare to act rashly at this time, the domineering Hancock could easily hit him entity.


Hancock couldn't forgive Simon who had done it himself. After thinking about it for a while, he decided to kill Simon.

Immediately, Hancock's right index finger tapped his lips and pulled out a pink heart, and then the index finger was twisted and pulled back in the love, aiming at Simon.

"The arrow of the prisoner!"

Hancock snorted coldly, and shot dozens of arrows of love from his heart towards Simon.

"Is this your decision?"

Simon's face turned cold, he stood still, and the epee shot up with lightning, a huge slash slashed the air from the tip of the sword, crushed the dozens of arrows of love into pieces, and there was no pause after that. It's a cut to Hancock.

Seeing that the Luzhi clan was completely broken, Hancock looked slightly stiff. She was proud that she had no plans to dodge the slash, and still sat on the coiled snake, her hands in a loving gesture, and a beam of light shot out of it. Hit that huge black slash.

Under Simon's slightly surprised gaze, the huge black slash was turned into stone after being submerged by the pink light emitted by Hancock.

The surprise only lasted for a while, Simon did not pause, and cut out three slashes again.


Hancock snorted coldly, patted the snake to let it go, then leaned forward, flashed three slashes extremely fast, and rushed towards Simon who was standing on Oz's Going to kick Simon into a pile of brittle stones with his feet.

Luffy didn't expect the conflict between Hancock and Simon. He was startled immediately. When he was about to say something, a bunch of icicles appeared in vain, and then turned into a sluggish green child who touched his head. .

Luffy stopped abruptly, without any emotion of fear, his fists pressed against each other, and made an attacking gesture.

A hint of surprise flashed in Qingzhi's eyes, and then he was calm again, standing not far in front of Luffy, with a chill in his palm.

On the execution platform, seeing Hancock attacking Simon who blocked the gap, the Warring States face suddenly sank, but he turned against another Qiwuhai.

If Hancock breaks the gap blocked by Simon and gives Whitebeard a chance to enter the square, then the plan can be started, but the Warring States period does not want Simon to have any good or bad in the hands of Hancock's powerful woman. The future of the Navy needs to be fresh after all. The blood is poured into them, not the veterans who are already holding on.


Whitebeard was worried that it was difficult to break the gap blocked by Simon, but Hancock, one of the Qiwuhai, helped Mang in time.

Eyes like eagle eyes overflowed with a little bit of light. Whitebeard looked at the men who were going to destroy the warships on the left and right sides, and said to himself in a deep voice: "Wise general Warring States, is it the idea of ​​catching turtles in the urn? It is for sure that I will save no matter the cost. Are you going back to Ace?"

"Kulala, it's a good abacus, but it's really unpleasant to be considered a soft-shelled turtle that will be obediently captured."

Whitebeard raised the big knife, slowly leaned down, created a wave of air, glanced at the frozen Joz, and then glanced at Simon who was blocked in the gap, and said coldly: "I will take this turtle. It's settled, but we have to see if your urn is strong."