One Piece: The Long Road

v6 Chapter 93: Angry?

Now I'm not in the mood to do anything, this feeling is unbearable to death.


Through the image bug, Simon's figure was also seen by people in the underground world. Except for the red-haired Shanks who did not involve in the underground world, the other three four emperors' subordinates saw Simon.

As soon as the people from Kaido and Blackbeard saw Simon, they immediately notified the news that Simon was testing the island where the goods were located. However, they didn't know where the island was, so they could only passively view the island through image bugs. Case.

At this moment, the snow suddenly fell, and the biting cold wind whirled past with palm-sized snowflakes. Large swaths of frost condensed on the icy exterior wall of the base.

When Simon came to the gate of the base, the kingdom of death also approached from behind. He raised his head and glanced coldly at the image bug on the door. Simon quickly stepped into the gate of the base. When his front foot just entered, the gate of the base suddenly slowed down. Locked up, and promptly blocked the kingdom of death from the door.

As soon as he entered the base, the thick layer of snow accumulated on his shoulders turned into water in a short time. Simon glanced at the surroundings and felt a little familiar. This base and the remains of the Moon Man on Fuergo Island The difference is not far, but it is relatively rough. Simon didn't have much interest in investigating whether there was anything in common, so he just picked a direction and walked with his feet.

The prying eyes have been there since they entered the base, and they are vaguely cast from hidden places. It is obvious that every room in this base is under surveillance.

In the room, the pipes were twisted like tree roots on the wall. Simon walked along the wall, and there was no sound all around.

Simon understood that he was under surveillance, and at the same time he didn't know which room Smoker and the Straw Hats were in at the moment.

Slightly turned his head and glanced at the epee wrapped in white cloth on his back, Simon suppressed the idea of ​​splitting the wall directly.

The poisonous gas spread over the entire island outside. If it wasn't for fear that the poisonous gas would enter the base and cause danger to Smog and Dasqi, Simon would split the entire base with one sword.

When Simon was still wandering aimlessly in the base, Luffy and Smoker were looking for the location of Caesar all the way, and Chopper and the others discovered the reason for the huge size of the children, and they couldn't help but vowed to rescue these children with anger.

Dasqi, who was separated from Smog, led him down to a huge room.

"Colonel Dusky, there is someone ahead!"

Among the many navies who were running fast, a sharp-eyed man saw a figure in the distance and couldn't help shouting.

Dasqi raised her glasses and looked at the figure in front of her with a slightly serious expression. She said solemnly, "Slow down and be alert!"

No matter who is in front of him, his identity is only one for outsiders, and that is the enemy.

Slowing down and approaching the figure, the rogue navy shouted in surprise after seeing the figure clearly: "It's Lieutenant General Vergo!"

The figure in front of him was obviously Vergo, who was wearing a pair of sunglasses, holding his hands behind his waist, and standing straight and powerful.

Compared to the blind optimism of his subordinates, Da Siqi was secretly on guard, and his right hand subconsciously climbed up on the 'Mistfall' hanging on his waist.

Although I couldn't believe it, when Virgo appeared in front, Dasqi was vaguely certain that the enemy she and Smog had faced all along was Virgo, the leader of the G5 base commander.

"Be careful, don't get close to Vergo!"

The idea only swung around in his mind, Dusqi looked at the subordinates who were full of joy approaching the expressionless Vergo, and couldn't help shouting worriedly.

"Sister Dusky, what nonsense are you talking about, that's Lieutenant General Vergo."

One of the bosses who was the first to approach Vergo turned his head and smiled at Dusky, and then only heard a puff, and his expression instantly condensed.

Just as he turned around, the expressionless Vergo stretched out his index finger like lightning and pierced the heart of the old man.

Looking at this scene, everyone stopped in shock. Dasqi's eyes slowly widened, and her small hands covered her open mouth. Even if she was conscious, when the previously disguised image was destroyed, that kind of The shock also made Dasqi, who was already mentally prepared, unbelievable.

Not to mention those navies who have always admired and respected Vergo. They only felt that the world seemed to collapse, and then subconsciously rejected this phenomenon and began to suspect that Vergo before getting up was fake.

Even the old man whose heart was pierced, staring at the sunglasses for the last few seconds, did not want to believe that the person in front of him was Vergo.

In vain, he had some regrets, why Lieutenant Vergo was wearing sunglasses at the moment, when his soul was about to disappear into the world, he just wanted to see what emotions were in the eyes under the sunglasses.

The navy present was stunned. They couldn't believe it and didn't want to believe it. The person in front of them was the boss who always had a soft smile on his face in his memory.

" The other navy who was standing more than one meter away from the corpse laughed a few times with difficulty, he swallowed and stammered: "This is definitely not Lieutenant General Vergo, yes, Certainly not! "

As if he had found a reason to accept the result in front of him, the navy's eyes suddenly lit up, as bright as the first star when the curtain fell at dusk.

When the surrounding navy heard the words, after a brief silence, they all subconsciously ignored the corpse lying not far away, whose body temperature gradually became cold.

That Lieutenant General Vergo is not like this!

Looking at this scene in the distance, Dusqi felt a little heartache in vain.

At this moment, the expressionless Vergo moved again, and when he passed through the nearest bosses, his fingers as hard as iron pierced the hearts of the bosses in seconds. One of them was the old man whose eyes lit up. At this moment, his eyes suddenly dimmed, and before he died, he could not retain even a little light.

Light is hope.



Seeing Virgo killing his former subordinates mercilessly, Dusqi's face sank, he suddenly pulled out the saber at his waist, and rushed towards Virgo angrily.

Her heart was full of anger, and she felt even more saddened by her subordinates who were stunned.

The boss whom he had always longed for, waved a butcher's knife at them in this room.

Virgo turned to look at Dusqi, the corner of his mouth twitched coldly, calmly watching the approach of the knife light.

When the sharp knife light approached, Virgo shifted half a step on the spot, dodged a knife from Dusqi, and his gloved hand rushed out like a poisonous snake at this moment, pinching Dusky's fair skin. 's neck.

"Are you angry?"