One Piece: The Soul Purchasing Pirate

Chapter 212: Confrontation in the warehouse

The grace of dripping water, the spring is reported.

Then how can these people reward themselves with the helplessness of life?

Even though he was seen across the crowd, he was not far away, and the ones offered a reward of no less than 500 million super supernova pirates.

Although these powerful guys did not show much enthusiasm, they also looked at his eyes with goodwill.

But in a group of fiery eyes, a grateful atmosphere, an untimely voice suddenly rang.

"Brothers, do you want to hide here like this, do you hide like a mouse?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Mona's face immediately shook.

Lying in the trough, who is this, the old man's Taiwan?

I am tired and tired, and I am going to save this group of people in order to get their friendship. Are you, are you inciting them to go out and desperately with the Navy?

"Yes! Anyway, I can't stand this!"

"If it is me, I will go out and do it with them!"

"We pirates, even if the strength is not as good as people, but we are passionate, but we will not be afraid of them!"

"I am willing to take a nap and dare to pull down the general!"

A vocal sound, spread throughout the underground warehouse, instantly attracted the eyes of all pirates.

And this also made many pirates look gloomy.

This year, I can be a pirate, no fool. Now that the navy is strong, even if it rushes out, it is inevitable that it will die. Do the people who talk, treat them as fools? Dare to fool them to death!

When you follow the sound, all the pirates look condensed.

That is the six big men who stood together. What they said just now is that they are all exporting one by one.

At this time, in the face of everyone's eyes, they are also calm and confident.

"What are you guys?"

Mona asked aloud.

These six guys have broken his business, and he naturally has no good feelings in his heart.


Six people smiled on their faces.

"We are the soul pirates!"

This sentence is exported, all pirates are a glimpse. Some people have really never heard of the name of this pirate group, but those who have heard it are shocked and then taboo.

"The Wraith Pirates?"


"What pirate group is that? Newcomer? I have never heard it!"

Then, there was a voice in the pirates, and there was disdain in the tone.

At this time, in the middle of the six men, a young man with a long gun stepped out and faced a powerful group of pirates, showing a smile.

He smiled a little embarrassed and seemed shy, but the words were domineering.

"Don't hear it? Nothing, you will hear it soon!"

As the young man appeared, the pirates saw it and immediately whispered.

"Trensu, he is Tronsu!"

"What? Who is he? Terunsu? I haven't heard it!"

"You shut up, that guy can't provoke! He once shot a pirate group, and the bounty is up to 190 million. It is definitely the most difficult guy in this group of supernovas!"

Soon, there will be people who know, drive down the voice, and say quickly.

This explosive information spread quickly, and the guys who expressed disdain were blind and silent.

Seeing the silence in the field, Trensu still smiles.

"It seems that some people now know who I am."

No one echoed, and Mona also shut up.

The Mona pirate group he formed was just a pirate group doing business. When it comes to combat power, it is very weak. The whole pirate group adds up to a total of 100 million total bounty.

The other party, he just heard, this young guy, killing one hundred million in one shot, how terrible?

"As my partners just said."

"Everyone is a pirate, there is a dream in the heart, there is ambition, the blood is hot, hiding in this underground, naturally will not be comfortable!"

"Playing out is in line with the identity of our pirates!"

Trensu said with a smile.

"As for Mr. Mona who can provide us with a temporary rest place, I will thank you on behalf of everyone."

Said, Terenceu turned his head and bowed to Mona.

Mona's face is darker, but she doesn't speak.

This guy, in a few words, saved him all the pirates, cut a few points, only to provide a place to rest.

Mad, is this a good street to save their lives? Is it a few streets?

"Trensu, now the navy is outside, you want to fight out, how to fight out?"

"As far as I know, there is still a general in the Champagne Islands at the moment. Even yesterday, there are already ten lieutenants coming!"

"Under such forces, don't say that we are new people, that is, the latter half of the sea thieves can hardly compete against these forces at this time!"

Suddenly, a voice appeared, and the words were very unkind.

Everyone looked and found that he was a man in black, with a young face and a little indifference.

He wore a revolver around his waist and covered his hair in his hat.

"It's a black-faced Blanco, with a bounty of 250 million!"

Some people recognized it and whispered quickly.

"And, what about your partner? Broken Jason, Sand Crocodile Krosterdal, and your mysterious captain, Rochen!"

Blanco's eyes were cold and his expression was cold, and he continued to ask.

His strength is strong, and it is the forefront of this group of supernovas. The total number of bounty of the crew of the whole pirate group reached 600 million. At this time, the audience was quiet.


Terunsu eyes are serious.

"As you said, at this moment, there are indeed big generals in the Champagne Islands, and it is the veteran general Zefa!"

He spit out this sentence and caused a group of pirates to exclaim.

"Really there are generals, my God!"

"It’s Zefa. He and the hero Karp are a great ambassador of the times. The strength is very strong, it is him!"

"This is not good, and I don't know how long we have to hide."

Many pirates do not know that there are generals in the Champagne Islands, and even some even see Zefa can't recognize them, only occasionally seen in reports.

In spite of the many pirates in the first half of the great fairway, in fact, for all pirates, they are just newcomers to the entry!

"But this general has been seriously injured by me and my companions!"

"Now, I am afraid I am being healed."

"So, if you have any ambitions and want to act, just look at the present!"

The words of Trensu, calm, not urgent, slow, slowly said, but let the original boiling pirates quiet again.

This time, all the pirates are big and unbelievable.

Blanco shook his face and stared at Terence.

Mona shuddered and looked at the eyes of Terunsu full of horror and fear.

"They, defeated Zefa?"

At the corner, a team of women was shocked, and the leader, it was Phoenix Ming Cui!