One Piece: The Soul Purchasing Pirate

Chapter 350: Twin cape

The Logan had traveled for about a month, and he had once again reached the foot of the mountain.

Adjacent to the river, the hull slammed and swayed. The sound of the rushing river echoed in the minds of the crew. Although this voice was not heard for the first time, it still made them feel excited.

This is a miracle of nature and a true treasure.

When the ship came to the top of the mountain, this time Luo Chen did not hesitate, the rudder hit a dozen, and the Rogan straight went in the direction of the great channel.

This time, the boat went down the river. After a temporary buffer, the Rogan was getting faster and faster.

The sails swelled and the sound of the wind rang in the ears of everyone.

"so fast!"

"Hurry up, don't blow it down!"

"Ha ha ha, it's so cool!"

More than a dozen crew members are in different shapes, one by one is to grasp the objects beside them. Because the wind is too big, they can only have short words. In this way, the wind still blows his face and bulges like a canvas.

By the way down the wind and the power of the wind, the speed of the Rogan is raised to the limit.

Luo Chen sitting cross-legged on the bow of the bow, his face smiling, his face blowing, his black hair fluttering in the wind, flying freely.

The super fast speed makes people's heart beat faster, the adrenaline suddenly rises, and a feeling of refreshingness fills everyone's heart. This kind of feeling is hard to feel on weekdays. The blood is accelerating, and there is a thrill of dizziness.

After half an hour or so, the speed of the ship began to slow down. At this point, the river that reversed the mountain has begun to enter a relatively flat trend.

"Oh, I finally slowed down!"

As the speed of the ship was reduced, the sound of the wind was naturally small, and the crew members were long and angry, and the faces were full of smiles.

“Let me remember the old sand that took us to climb the red clay continent.”

Jason is loud.

"If the captain had a last resort, I am afraid we have all hanged up."

Terunsu smiled and smiled.

"You don't talk, no one treats you as dumb."

Krokdal stared coldly and glanced at Trentus.

The interaction of the three of them made the whole boatman's face smile.

After half a quarter of an hour, the Rogan had already left the hill and the boat began to park on the Gemini.

The Geminis are adjacent to the upside down mountain, and the two are almost huddled together. In this small place, there is a lighthouse to point the way through the ship.

Everyone looked out from the boat and saw flashing lights on the twins.


At this time, the sky suddenly clouded, and the lightning was staggered.

"The weather on this great route is changing."

Chaporos complained.

"The reason why the world is passed down by the world is that except for the many pirates and fierce competition, this is the violent weather."

Luo Chen said.

"The captain is right, compared to other pirates, the strange weather environment here is even more terrible."

"Sometimes, a sudden tsunami, a tornado is really deadly."

Dazzi Bonis continued.

He stayed in the great waterway for a long time and was very aware of the horror here. Sometimes, powerful pirates are not killed in the hands of their peers, but die in some magical weather.

These magical meteorology only exist in the legend, and few people know the specific situation. But once it comes across, it will die.

Or, if the vessel is in a dislocated direction and sails to an unknown area, the situation encountered will be desperate.

Many pirates have disappeared into the world inexplicably and are not known.

"There seems to be someone in the lighthouse. Do we want to see it?"

Krokdal pointed to the lighthouse of Gemini.

Just after his words, Luo Chen has jumped from the boat.


In the sky, the clouds are entangled, the thunder and lightning are intertwined, and the roaring roars seem to fall at any time.

"It seems that I don't have to think about it. It's going to rain. The brothers are wearing raincoats. Let's go to see the lighthouse people here. Maybe we will get different information."

Jason laughed and jumped down and followed.

When others were ready, they all jumped from the boat and walked toward the twins.

Speaking of it, there are many pirates in the four seas, but they are rare in the great waterway, and often do not see a pirate group in a few days. Although there are many pirates, there are very few who really dare to come to this sea area.

Holding a lot of blood, there are many people who come here with passion, but they are splashed with cold water, and the losses are heavy. The thieves who have left shadows are also quite a lot.

After they went back, they brought the experience they had experienced to other people, causing fear among the people, and naturally many pirates were jealous of this area.

Luo Chen went to the door of the room under the lighthouse and knocked on the door.


The dull knocking of the door sounded, and the people inside the door did not seem to hear it, and ignored it.


Luo Chen is not in a hurry, just knocked it again.

Still no one opened the door, but through the window it was clear that there was someone sitting there.

After a while, Luo Chen knocked on the door and continued to knock on the door, seemingly annoying the man inside the door.

"Knocking, what is the old man I haven't heard yet! Hear!"

The old man who was sitting at the table and playing with the documents finally stood up and came to the door with a look of impatience.


The door was pulled open, and Kolocas looked impatiently to the presenter, a subconscious exit.

"What does the stinky boy knock? Don't know."

But when he saw the appearance of the coming person, the latter half of the sentence was immediately plugged in his mouth and could not be said.

"Ro, Roger?!"

Kulokas was shocked and his eyes were full of incredible.

The face in front of him is similar to that of Roger. If there is a difference, it is that he does not have the iconic character, and his appearance is much younger.

"I am not Roger, he is dead."

Luo Chen smiled.

When Kurokas heard it, his face was complex and he took a deep breath.

"You said it is good, he is dead, and he has been dead for four or five years."


Luo Chen nodded.

At this time, a group of Jason behind him has also come over.


The thunder and lightning in the air screamed, and the pouring rain suddenly came, and the sly came to the ground.

"Wow, it's raining, go in and hide."

The crew ran over.

"Old people, don't mind if we avoid the rain."

Luo Chen looked at Kulokas and asked with a smile.

"Oh, of course not, come in."

Kulokas stared at Luo Chen’s face for a long time before he reacted and let himself open.

The rainstorms poured out and the crew moved in quickly.

The houses under the lighthouse are very small, and everyone is crowded and rigorous.

"Young man, what is your name?"

Kurokas, who had been observing Luo Chen, couldn’t help but ask for it.

"My name is Luo Chen, my brother D Luo Chen!"