One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Chapter 105: .Find the old nest and defeat them

1o5. Find the old nest and defeat them

"The inhumane use of ordinary people to do such cruel experiments will completely destroy the human spirit. Is it worth it for you to do this!?" Kusnobosch, wearing a semi-circular hat, frowned. Looking at the old scientist. ?? Eight? One Chinese? W ㈧ W? W?. (I) 8? 1? Z? W. COM

"Of course it's worth it, as long as it's for creating god-like works, everything is worth it!" The old scientist suddenly raised his mouth slightly, and looked at Dr. Cusno with a mockery, "Aren't you the same? Are you qualified to criticize me? Didn't you turn humans into cyborgs in your hands!? You and I are just the same kind, and you are not qualified to criticize me!"

Dr. Kusno shook his head, "I am different from you. I save humans who are dying. If they don't become cyborgs, there is only one dead end. My fundamental purpose and yours are at odds."

"Hmph, strong words are your strong point." The old scientist sneered. It was obvious that he and Dr. Kusno were very familiar with their respective research fields, but it was also obvious that the two of them were very familiar with each other. The relationship is not great.

"Moreover, this 1ink system belongs to the Institute of Ability, so do you believe them?" Dr. Kusno didn't want to be entangled with the first question. It seems that they have disputed many times on this issue. What kind of people are they, don’t you know? If it weren’t for the change thirteen years ago, they would have been lawless at this time. They are now attached to you temporarily, but because you have the ability to make them breathe. It's just for the sake of it, and their hidden backdoors in these systems will kill you!"

"Hmph, this is not your concern. Of course I won't be so stupid and let them be at their mercy." The old scientist also became extremely solemn when he said this, "I am not a fool, I have a sense of measure, in the final analysis, They are just my pawns, and when my research is successful, they will be useless."

The old scientist seemed to be tired of this kind of conversation and walked slowly forward, "If you want to destroy my work next time, don't blame me for turning my face and denying people..."


"We are just researching in our respective fields. Non-interference is the best outcome. It is not good for everyone to tear your face. I know your strength, and you should know my trump card!" The voice of the old scientist was far away. It came from a distance, like a warning, and like a showdown, "You better don’t forget, all your funding comes from our organization, if you cut off the funding source, you know the consequences! Scientific research, To put it bluntly, it means fighting for money and financial resources!"

"Oh..." Dr. Kusno seems to have a lot of hardships, like what the old scientist said is right, every part, every research, every instrument, is money, even if there is no money It doesn't help to have a brain.

Dragging his slightly exhausted body back to his laboratory, Dr. Kusno sat in his own chair.

"Dr. Cusno, have you negotiated with them?" The driving knight suddenly opened one eye and said. At the same time, more than a dozen metal pipes on his body were loosened, and a mist of mist was sprayed from the joint.

"Yes, their research will continue."

"You should know that, after going to talk about it, this is the result."

"Everything, I hope there is a case, don't you?"

"Then what shall we do?"

"Leave here, it doesn't make any sense to stay here." Dr. Kusno shook his head and said, as if there was a lot of helplessness, like the corruption of the Heroes Association, so many people clearly saw it, but, But there is nothing I can do to change these things.

"But what about your research funding?" Driving the knight frowned. This is the biggest problem that plagues a scientist. For example, driving every part of the knight requires a lot of money.

"In terms of research funding, you don't need to worry, but this matter just needs to be discussed with you." Dr. Kusno said here and connected to a person on the phone. Suddenly, that person's figure appeared in the laboratory. On the big screen.

The driving knight looked up and saw a figure appeared on the screen, wearing a black suit and a pair of sunglasses.

"It's nice to meet you and drive Mr. Knight." The man said respectfully.

"Are you?" The driving knight was puzzled.

"I am an official of the Heroes Association, responsible for recruiting heroes." The person said.

The knight's heart moved, he roughly understood why this happened, "Doctor, have you agreed?"

"You still need your approval," said Dr. Kusno. "I respect your own opinion. The price you pay for being a hero is that the Heroes Association provides sufficient funds for me and you. On the one hand, it adds a lot of research to me. On the other hand, it is also an important source of funds for your replacement parts."

The driving knight pondered for a moment, but did not immediately answer.

"Drive Mr. Knight, you don't need to answer my question right away. You can think about it for a few days. At the same time, this is our condition." The man in black immediately displayed a series of conditions on the screen. Very attractive conditions. As a cyborg like a driving knight, every battle may need to be refurbished, and the refurbishment requires replacement of lubricating oil, small parts, etc., even in normal times, a large amount of energy is required for charging, which requires funds. In addition, if you want to improve yourself, you need a lot of research by Dr. Cusno, all of which require funding.

A sum of money, is it a hero...

"Heroes, do they specialize in dealing with weirdos?" the driving knight asked.

"It cannot be said in a narrow sense. If it is more accurate, a hero should be someone who solves various crises of mankind, including weirdos, natural disasters, etc.. To be an exaggeration, that is, heroes are the protection of mankind. God." The man said more pertinently.

"The same thing as the name seems to do..."


"You defend all kinds of weird people and natural disasters like this all day long. Haven't you thought about finding their lair and getting it right once and for all?" The driving knight said blankly.

The people on the screen were in a daze.

"Well, I join the Heroes' Guild, please tell me the lair of those guys..." The one-eyed one that drove the knight flashed a ray of light, "What I need is to completely defeat the enemy at once!"

"Good spirit, then, can you sign this S-rank hero agreement?" That person can hardly hide the excitement in his words, and being able to get such an extremely powerful S-rank hero is a piece for the Heroes Association. It’s a great thing, "The first money in the agreement will be credited to your account the moment you sign it."

Then, the man stood up, tidyed up his clothes, "Welcome you to join this big family, s-class heroes, driving knights! Please go to the Institute of Heroes Association for you as soon as possible, there, the Heroes Association will Guarantee your funds and safety!"