One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Chapter 107: .shocked

1o7. Surprised

"Give up?" Axel sighed. Then, the solution now is to stop practicing and turn to his brother for help. ?August One Chinese Network??? W㈠W㈠W㈠. ?8?1㈧Z?W?. ? C? OM with his senior brother's ability, just pull out a few, and they can be flattened!

Thinking of this, Axel retreated and returned to the door of the gate.

Push door.

"Huh!?" Suddenly, Axel's eyes widened, because a huge gust of wind came from the gate. The sound of the gust of wind roared and turned into a tornado like a tornado. , What is even more frightening is that there are wind blades with blades around the tornado.

A "boom" directly knocked Axel back, and at the same time all his clothes were chopped up. His hands were also bloody. If he hadn't reacted faster, this one might have broken his hands. Up.

"How could this happen?" Axel took a few steps back and looked at the door in horror. Could it be that he didn't let himself go out?

At this moment, the overhead of the training room was originally cast by a projector, which turned out to be an image of Teacher Bangbu.

"What's the matter, I gave up so soon?" Teacher Bangbu seemed to have expected it a long time ago.

Axel did not answer, because it can be seen that Mr. Bomb’s words have been recorded.

"You are not a person who gives up lightly. You give up like this. There must be a special reason and you are very anxious..." Teacher Bangbu smiled faintly, without the slightest blame, but a trace of appreciation, "10 million Boxing is indeed a step-by-step method. The so-called punching a thousand times is the meaning of your own eyes. This is the truth, but if you want to get the true meaning of boxing in a short time, it is not without shortcuts!"

"Shortcut!?" Axel exclaimed, "Don't you always say that there is no shortcut in martial arts?"

He had forgotten it at the moment, this was just an image, and would not answer his question at all.

Teacher Bangbu continued, "I know you will definitely say that there are no shortcuts in martial arts. Indeed, there are no shortcuts in this world, because this method can improve your understanding of the true meaning of boxing, but it is extremely dangerous! And this kind of danger is equivalent to that kind of step-by-step adult cultivation!"

"Equivalent..." Axel heard this word for the second time. The first time he heard it, he and the woman who turned on his limiter said it.

She once said that in this world, everything is exchanged at the same price. If you want to gain a kind of ability, you have to pay something of the same value...

This time, Mr. Bangbu said almost the same truth.

"Dangerous is equivalent to Qingxiu's hard training!" Axel frowned. This is not difficult to understand. When he was most dangerous, he fought with the evolutionary form of the mosquito girl, and finally burst out Long Xiao Tianqi .

"I had anticipated this situation a long time ago, so I have also prepared this so-called'shortcut' for you..." Teacher Bangbu said with a smile.


At the door, a purple light flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help frowning. He pondered for a moment, but he didn't do anything.

"Let me come!" The gray-clothed child prodigy Xiao Quanshen jumped over, his aura is extremely high, and nothing is in his eyes.

"Slow..." Senior brother was surprised.

However, it was too late. The fist of the gray-clothed prodigy Xiao Quanshen had already been smashed fiercely. Compared with the Tyrannosaurus brother, his fist was more sturdy. The wind swept out of the wind, and the vest girl in the distance couldn't help it. Raise a pair of fists to block in front of him, that terrifying power, even tens of thousands of catties of boulders can be crushed at will!

The strange thing is that when he hit the door, there was no strong wind on the door. On the contrary, outside the door, there was a wind-shaped cover, and his fist was like hitting a meat mat. , Just went in a little, but couldn't go any further.

"How is it possible?" The gray-clothed prodigy Xiao Quanshen was shocked. His current strength can be said to have a tens of thousands of kilograms of power with a single wave. In front of him, the boulders are like tofu. But, can't get rid of this gas mask?

"Impossible!" He roared, and the power in his hand increased. In an instant, an extremely sharp cyclone appeared in front of his fist, which was the true meaning of the second-grade Iron Fist Long Xiao Tianqi! The extremely powerful gust of wind, this time not only was the girl in the vest pushed a few steps away again, but even the Tyrannosaurus brothers and others next to him continued to regress.

The second-grade iron fist of the gray-clothed prodigy Xiaoquan God Long Xiao Tianqi is completely different from Axel. Axel has played a powerful dragon-shaped fist, but he seems to have played a huge The drill bit can pierce anything in the world! Obviously, his attack method is even more terrifying and more invincible!

However, he was disappointed again.

The invincible iron fist had no effect on the gas shield. The gas shield simply shrank inward, and followed by a strong rebound force that completely collapsed him with his fists!

"Ah!" The gray-clothed child prodigy Xiao Quanshen fell to the ground and smashed a deep hole on the ground abruptly. He turned over and finally got up, but found that his right arm had been dislocated. Throughout the years of cultivation, some of the most basic self-rescue methods were still available. He quickly connected his arm, grinning painfully.

I have grown so big in my life, and I have never suffered such a big loss!

Moreover, it is a loss in front of a group of seniors!

What's even more hateful is that I obviously wanted to act, but the acting was broken.

"I blame this **** Axel, what's wrong? I'm going to practice in the training room, and it caused me to dislocate!" Needless to say, I must not be able to practice forcibly these days. I need to rest for a few days. There was a fire in my stomach.

The big brother looked at Bengfei’s junior and shook his head. The gas mask of this door was obviously set by Teacher Bangbu, and he set this on purpose, just to make the mistake of the gray-clothed prodigy Xiaoquan Shen. He is so arrogant, it is not conducive to his future exhibitions.

The big brother took a deep breath and pushed with both hands. He pushed very slowly, so slowly that the people next to him wanted to yawn.

"Big brother, what are you doing?" Senior Tyrannosaurus couldn't understand it anymore.

"Yes, I couldn't break the fist so violently just now..."

At this moment, the big brother's palms were already pressed on the gas shield, and then slowly pushed flat and continued to advance!

"How is it possible!?" The gray-clothed prodigy Xiao Quanshen's eyes widened. He realized that the big brother's hand had actually pushed into the gas mask, and then, he opened the door like this!

He was stunned.

He couldn't do it with such a sturdy fist, how did this big brother do it? What's even more embarrassing is that he did it. He, a child prodigy, known as the successor of the boxing god, did not break through!

Slowly pushed the door open.

The big brother took a breath at this time and wiped the big man on his forehead.

The gray-clothed child prodigy Xiao Quanshen looked straight. He knew that there seemed to be a mystery in it, and he couldn't understand the mystery, "Damn it, Master is so partial and doesn't teach me such a powerful punch!"

"Let's go, go in and take a look." The big brother waved his hand and led everyone in, but he was stunned just stepping in.