One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Chapter 147: .Sex, what do you want to do?

147. Sykes, what do you want to do?

With Sykes leading the way, and many weirdos were injured in the two tough battles, so we rarely see weirdos in the passage. Bayi Middle School? W≤W≠W≥. ≈81ZW. COM

Shaking the blood from his fist, Axel glanced at the corpse of the weird man on the ground. A high-ranking wolf-level weird was actually hit by the cooperation of him and Sykes-Sykes used it. Nian Motive controlled the opponent's actions, and Axel punched the opponent's chest directly, and this weird man fell directly to death without even saying a word.

I took out the hero's phone, took a photo of the weird body, and uploaded it to the hero headquarters.

Sykes wiped a sweat, "You are not short of money by this time, right?"

"Mosquito legs are also meat!" Axel said sternly. He must instill some positive energy into Sykes in order to save this future young man who stumbled.

"But the question is, you're investigating now, aren't you afraid of being discovered? Don't you know that you are dangerous now!?" Sykes whispered angrily.

"It's all right, it's going to happen soon." Axel quickly clicked to send, and then put the hero's phone into his arms.

"Cai fan, don't tell others that it's my friend after you go out!" Sykes gave her a look, but her mental strength has been very loose, shrouded in her surroundings, monitoring the surrounding situation. However, this large-scale release of one's mental power is very consuming of one's own energy.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry." Although he said that, Axel didn't have the slightest embarrassment on his face, but his complexion was extremely flat.

Axel gave a white look and continued to lead the way.

In general, most of the buildings in the headquarters of the House of Evolution are underground, like an ant’s underground palace. There are wide large rooms on each passage, and there are laboratories with instruments in the rooms. Some are rooms with some glass tanks.

"These tanks are actually weird adjustment slots." Axel sighed. Although he couldn't understand the electronic screen data on the adjustment slot, it was certain that the weird people in the adjustment slot were in a state of sleep.


Axel was about to start, but Sykes stopped him.

"Will this alarm them?" Sykes frowned. This time they came to investigate, find the other party's core control room, copy those data, and then inject the virus into it, destroying the brain of the entire House of Evolution.

Axel frowned, but if this great opportunity was wasted, once fighting with other monsters, these sleeping monsters would wake up, and it would cause them two great troubles.

"Hey, how about injecting a virus?"

"Inject the virus, they found that there is a problem with this adjustment slot, should they immediately send a weirdo?" Axel frowned.

"However, these networks are interoperable, and this virus is personally researched by Metal Knight. It can instantly invade all servers, clients and storage through the shared network, causing their entire network to collapse!" Saikes said.

"It makes sense, do it!"

Sykes gave a smirk, and then inserted the USB flash drive into the usB port of the adjustment slot. The virus program in it ran quickly and automatically, and the small LCD screen on the USB flash drive quickly displayed the invasion of the entire network and equipment. degree.



"Quick!" Saikes said, while she looked at the adjustment slots, and sure enough, the data and operations that were originally beating stopped, as if the entire adjustment slot had stopped working.

"Gurulu..." The weird man in the first adjustment slot frowned, as if waking up, he kept spitting out air bubbles.

"It looks like weird people are about to wake up." Axel said, he didn't expect that once the adjustment slot stopped working, these weird people would just wake up.

"Kill!" Sykes didn't think of this at all. In that case, he didn't consider the consequences. Moreover, the virus invasion rate was less than 3o%, and they had to insist on the virus invasion.

Apart from anything else, Axel's iron fist slammed directly into the glass cover of an adjustment slot, smashing the weird man to death in it, but he didn't have the slightest pain because he was still asleep.

Sykes was not idle either. He opened a glass cover directly with his mind power, and the violent wind directly pulled the liquid out, and at the same time the weird man was also caught in the air.

Ji Lingling shuddered, the weird awakened and looked at the two people on the ground in horror.

" are!!!" the weird exclaimed.

"Hehe." There was a sneer at the corner of Sykes's mouth, and the wind directly tore the weird man into two pieces.

The two are killing them here, and those weirdos obviously don’t have any room to change hands. Even if they finally wake up, they are still ignorant and didn’t see what happened, either they were torn into two, or It was smashed by a punch, but for a moment, the floor was messy, the liquid in the adjustment slot was everywhere, and the stumps and arms were everywhere.

"What's the situation? An enemy invaded in Area A!" In the control room, clone 34 screamed. Their video surveillance system did not show any traces of the other party's intrusion, so it appeared in theirs without warning. In an adjustment tank storage room.

"Those weird people in the adjustment slot are still recovering from their injuries, and they have no power to fight back!" Clone No. 35 frowned, these weird people were just giving away for nothing.

With sweat on his forehead, Dr. Kenos squinted at the two people on the screen, "Axel, and...Sex! No wonder I can enter my base without hindrance!"

"I have sent two teams of weirdos to kill them!" Clone No. 31 said. He is Kenos's assistant, second only to Kenos in power and status.

"Ordinary squads are useless, let the armed gorilla and the Beastmaster pass!" Kenos said in a deep voice.

"Let them pass?" Clone No. 31 exclaimed. "This Axel is just a C-rank hero. It is very difficult to deal with a mosquito girl..."

"Execute the order!" Kenos' voice was beyond doubt.

Clone No. 31 swallowed dryly, and he quickly notified the armed gorilla and the Beastmaster to rush to the incident as quickly as possible.

"Sex, what do you want to do?" Kenos' voice was extremely hoarse, he couldn't believe that this guy actually appeared in the opponent's camp.

However, just when they focused their attention on fighting, the virus was spreading fast, but Kenos and others did not show up. This also achieved the goal that Axel wanted to achieve before. It's just to hit the west and try to cover the spread of the virus!