One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Chapter 171: .This is the real proposal

171. This is the real proposal

"Well, if you agree, it will be fine.? August 1 Chinese W㈧W?W?. 8㈠1?Z㈧W㈠. C? O㈧M?" Agni nodded.

Hilda exclaimed, "Chairman, you can't just let Markle off easily. If this is the case, how will you convince the public in the future? This will make the hero chill!"

Those shareholders started again one by one, and some felt that their nostrils were itchy and it was uncomfortable not to dig. Some people think that they have found something they like on the ceiling. Some people feel that they are so sleepy all of a sudden.

Agni looked at Hilda, "You stand aside first, we still have issues to take over."



Moreover, it is still the issue for Hilda to stay?

what's the situation?

Zenil frowned, and he sat down slowly, but he was still in a good mood, because at least his nephew’s matter had been resolved, and he could wait for the limelight to pass before he could bring his nephew back. . As for guys like Hilda and Axel, hum, make them look good!

"The next issue is the punishment decision for Iron Fist Cloak, that is, Axel!" Agni said in a deep voice.

Suddenly, the shareholder who was digging his nose stopped, and the shareholder who was looking at the ceiling cast his gaze on him, and the shareholder who was sleeping finally woke up at this time.

Punish Axel?

Haha, I heard it right?

Zenil almost laughed out loud. It seems that Agni is afraid of my withdrawal. This is simply a compensation for Markel's removal!

Good, great!

Raise your hands in favor!

"Chairman!" Hilda was about to cry anxiously. What the **** is going on today? It's not like this in the script!

Seeing that Hilda, who originally sang double reeds, was so anxious, Zenil completely relieved his heart. This script seems to have not been rehearsed before, ok, great!

"The Iron Fist Cloak today, at the Heroes Association headquarters, regardless of the dissuasion of many staff members, forcibly assaulted Markel, the head of the Second War Department, this behavior is really bad!" Agni said.

"Indeed, if they beat the staff like him, then who else would dare to be a staff member of the Heroes Association?" Zenil sneered, "must be severely punished!"

The shareholder who had just supported Zenil saw this situation, his eyes lit up again, and he stood on the same front with him again and stole the vote.

The entire meeting room was silent, and shareholders looked at Agni.

"Well, it must be punished because he did something wrong. According to the regulations, he will be given a penalty of deducting one hundred thousand dollars!" Agni announced loudly.

When Zenil heard that he was going to be punished, he had to laugh out loud. This **** Axel was said to have scared his nephew's pee at the time. If you don't want to punish him, where is the face of the Zenier family?

But, one hundred thousand coins?

Are you teasing me?

"Okay, the next issue!" Agni didn't give anyone a chance to oppose, and went directly to the next issue. Hilda finally breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't think of a penalty of 100,000 coins. Axel is a trivial matter.

Those shareholders looked at each other again, the corners of their mouths showed a hint of what you knew, and then another expression of what to do.

"The Iron Fist Cloak's raid on the base of the Evolution House is really beautiful, and it must be rewarded! Otherwise, who else would dare to take risks like this in the future to cover the wind and rain for ordinary people!?" Agni said loudly. "According to our calculations, his reward should be 5.46 million. However, given that he killed so many weird people at one time, in terms of difficulty and high degree of danger, I suggest directly giving him 60 million. reward!"


Punish one hundred thousand and reward 60 million!

Are you kidding me or are you kidding me?

Zenil suddenly felt that today's things were not over at all, and the weakness that Agni had shown before seemed not so simple.

"Could it be that there is a fourth issue today?" Zenil glanced at Agni.

"You are right." Agni smiled and nodded, "That is, punishment for certain shareholders!"

When the words fell, all shareholders, no matter what they were doing, looked at Agni in unison.

It's going to be real!

Heroes Association!

"Zenil, what do you want to say?" Agney looked at him with a smile.

"Huh, today, is this the real issue?" Zenil said with a sneer. The other party's target was obviously himself. At this time, showing weakness is simply putting himself on the fire.

"Yes, my issue is that Zenil shareholders and the planning department use heroes for personal gain, and even let the heroes carry out extremely dangerous monster hunting activities! In response to this situation, my proposal is...Ze Neil shareholder, you hand over all your shares. The Heroes Association does not need a shareholder like you. Do you have any comments on my topic?" Agni’s voice is very cold, regarding this member of the Heroes Association. The stock was rotten, he wanted to move a long time ago, but he couldn’t find the opportunity, and he didn’t know how the following people would react. After reading the report of Hilda today, he knew that most of the staff were Very angry, but they dare not speak.

"You will regret it, without the funds of the Zenier family, your Heroes Association can have today, you will regret it, you will regret it!" Zenil roared and got up from his chair, rushing out of the meeting frantically Room, his follower had already collapsed on the chair.

Hilda wished to tell Axel the good news immediately, and Zenil and his party members were finally uprooted. Zenil's funds and strength are strong, and Agni has made great determination to achieve this.

"Hilda, are you satisfied?" Agni smiled, "Am I a qualified chairman?"

"of course..."

"There are many other corruptions in the Heroes Association, and a lot of dark sides. Let's take it slowly, and we can't eat hot tofu in a hurry." Agni said meaningfully.



There was a series of noises on Axel's hero card.

"Did you fire me?" Axel chuckled coldly. He didn't care, he could continue to do heroic activities, but without the support of salary and bonus.

When I opened the hero card, my eyes became bigger and bigger.

"Don't look, it must be the money." It was just a few days with Axel. Sykes looked at Axel's puff and knew what **** he was going to shit.

The one-eyed strange man in the palm nodded quickly, very tacit understanding, and this tacit understanding is also slowly growing.