One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Chapter 258: .The third eye, open!

258. The third eye, open!

At first, Axel only thought he was a talent for Hell Fubuki, hoping to be included in his own Fubuki group. Bayi Middle School? W≤W≠W≥. ≈81ZW. COM is not a fool. There are indeed a lot of people in the Fuxue group, but most of the time, when fighting with weirdos, these people are just a huge cheerleader, and there are not many real talents. Although there are some Ability, but also limited.

After that, the battle with Axel hit her into the abyss with a punch, and the reputation of the Fuxue group almost fell from the top to the bottom in a parabolic manner. And these prestige, but I have accumulated bit by bit over the years, relying on killing weird people, relying on my own management methods, and finally accumulated. But it was the young man in front of her who shattered her reputation, and many people even began to check whether there was any moisture in her record.

After learning from the pain, she worked hard to improve her ability, even gritting her teeth and asking her sister for advice. You know, she is so strong and eager to get her to ask her sister for help, that is simply unprecedented.

But this time, she did.

For the first time, she realized that she was not living for the position of the so-called B-level apex, but to become stronger, and for the first time she had the desire to step onto another apex. Hope!

When she realized this, she began to be horrified at the change that the young man had made to herself, hiding her deep in her heart, so that the desire to become stronger was dug out.

Looking at the teenager lying on the girl in the vest, she sighed slightly, "Why are you stronger? Just like me, do you want to stand at the top? It doesn't look like..."

At this moment, the girl in the vest lowered her head and bit on Axel's already swollen arm.

"You...what are you going to do!?" Sykes rushed over in shock. She stood there, staring at the vest girl dumbfounded.

Help him **** out the poison?

What a joke! ?

This is the poison of the blood-sealed throat, even if it is sucked out, it will be poisoned to itself. This is just a way to change one life!

Moreover, it is also possible that both people were poisoned and died!

"She, isn't she afraid of death?" Sykes looked at the girl in the vest in horror. He had already forgotten his breath. He just stood there blankly, without moving a step for a while.

"Sex?" Hell Chuuxue saw this, and she was also a little surprised. With the characteristics of a capable person, she found that the mood of Sykes at this time was extremely fluctuating, like a flat boat in the ocean of huge storms. , The last moment was at the peak of that wave, the next moment may fall into the bottom of the abyss.

However, at this time, others did not notice this.

The girl in the vest still sucked out the poisoned blood one by one, and then vomited it on the ground next to it, and the helicopter finally arrived in about three minutes, and slowly landed, not far from Nassex. And the head of Hell Fuxue blows up.

The girl in the vest didn't know how much blood she had sucked, and her consciousness began to blur. Then, she lost consciousness and lay down on Axel.

"Hurry, hurry!" The police chief was about to jump up in a hurry. The doctor on the helicopter almost jumped off with the medical kit, and the medical staff at the back also quickly brought down oxygen and other equipment. , Just in place, built a simple medical environment.

"Both of them are poisoned. Hurry up, inject the serum first!" The doctor hurriedly injected the serum directly, and then checked the eyes and face, pupils, heartbeat and breathing of the two people.

Everyone was busy making a group, and the morning sun continued to rise, and the people who did not understand the truth slowly walked out and looked towards this side.

"what's the situation?"

"It seems to have killed an amazing weird person last night, but the hero is also poisoned!"

"who is it?"

"It seems to be heroes such as Iron Fist Cloak, Vest Girl, Hell Fuxue, etc. The opponents are really too strong, look at that building, they have all been penetrated!"

"It's terrible, what's that? I walked over from the street, and that street, no matter where it's still a street, is turned into tofu!"

"I hope that there will be nothing wrong with their poisoned heroes!"

"Come and pray for them?"

"Come and pray!"

I don’t know who took the head, folded his hands together, and prayed silently towards the direction of Axel being healed. As ordinary people, it seems that there is only this, that pious faith, I don’t know. Can the lives of these heroes be saved?

No one noticed, even if it was Hell Chuuxue, his attention was focused on the treatment.

At this moment, Sykes’s golden head slowly stood upside down, which was a precursor to the wanton release of mental power. In the center of her eyebrows, a vertical mark was slowly forming, and a sleeping eye was about to go again. Look at this world.

"" Saikes kept muttering, her eyebrows were the third eye The direction was the position of Axel and the girl in the vest. She couldn't believe it, didn't want to accept, and couldn't accept the facts in front of her. A woman who can't stand beside him, a woman who can't even see the future, how could this be?

Will not!

"Huh?" The changes in the surrounding mental energy also attracted Hell Fuxue's attention. She turned her head to look at Sykes a little strangely, "Sex, what are you going to do?"

However, Sykes’s state at this time couldn’t understand what she was talking about. The long fighting, coupled with the burden of opening her third eye, immediately caused her nose and mouth to flow out of blood, but she completely ignored it. , She kept chanting a sentence, ""

"Sex, you're crazy!" Hell Chuuxue was startled. At this moment, if Sykes continues to release her mental power like this unscrupulously, then it will be a great burden on her brain and mental power. , From fainting, in severe cases, you may be in a coma for a long time, and even cause permanent damage to your own mental power! "That thing, stop her! Otherwise, she might die!"

Hell Chuuxue knew that at this time, her cry could not reach Sykes's mind at all, and she could only turn to the palm one-eyed weird next to her. However, at this moment, the one-eyed monster in the palm is hard to protect himself, it is completely controlled by Sykes, and it provides Sykes with an increase in mental power.

at last.

"No!!! Yes!!!!!" With a roar to the sky, Sykes' third eye can be opened completely.

A golden light suddenly enveloped Axel and the girl in the vest who were wearing various medical equipment.