One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Chapter 309: .One hundred and thirty percent! ? (177-

3o9. One hundred and thirty percent! ?

Judging from the performance of this fist just now, Axel’s current moves have at least increased by 20 to 30%. If you encounter a move with a higher degree of fit, such as Xiangfeng Ren Tianxiao, attacking opponents with wind blades. The master's moves are even more powerful!

With this, there is the courage to challenge!

"Although it's a lot stronger, don't forget, they crushed us before. Bayi Zhongwen Net??W?W㈠W?.8㈧1?Z?W㈠.COM" Hell Fuxue had a headache, and he had to deal with it before. It is very difficult for a ghost level elementary level, and now there are several to deal with!

"It's okay, you listen to me..." Axel said his thoughts, Hell Chuuxue frowned. To be honest, Axel's approach still involves a lot of risks. But, having said that, who can guarantee that there is no risk at all in doing anything?

Don't take risks?

Then you have to stay here and wait to die!

I can only give it a go.

And this method is the only chance!

"It can only be so, I hope to wield the greatest power, otherwise, it will be dangerous!" Hell Chuuxue said solemnly.

The opponent is not a fool, and it is impossible not to know the reason why two people can't hide inside. Therefore, if they are lost, the enemy is very likely to take the lead in blocking the road for the two to retreat!

I have to say that this is a gamble, but it is another gamble that has to be gambled!

Axel walked out of the passage slowly. Hell's high-heeled shoes made a slight noise on the ground, and the sound of "rusting" from the rock and dust made people very uncomfortable in their ears.

"Oh, kid, can you give it up?" The spider-type fit weird sneered and said.

Axel did not speak, his pace was still very steady, and this time, the spider-type weird stood in front of him, and the lightning-type weird rounded back to Axel, preparing to cut his way back.

However, Axel didn't stop the opponent's behavior. When he came out this time, he didn't think about going back again.

The rock monster stood on the left side of Axel, and the steel monster stood on his right side, forming an encircling circle.

"Hey, this time, you can't escape!" The spider-type weird said with a sneer, looking at Axel like a dead person.

"I think so too." Axel's mouth showed a frenzied warfare, "Today, I will die!"

Step by step, that fist will also bloom.


This is Axel's most powerful boxing intent at the moment, and the other violent wind boxing intent has not been released.


Although the rain is not mad and not heavy, it gives everyone present a feeling of suffocation, and it is even more like the collapse of a mountain, which is unbearable.

Rain of Fire! thunderstorm!

"Strange, there is a burning sensation in the rain, and it's this fiery red!" The spider-type weird frowned.

"It's more than a scorching sensation, don't you feel a sense of paralysis? This is the performance of thunder in the rain!" The steel weird stroked his hand slightly in the rain, and suddenly, the blue thunder was stirred by the thunder. , The Thunder, like a snake with life, immediately followed his fingers quickly.

With a "bang", the steel weird squeezed the thunder spring, but judging from his expression, he was very uncomfortable. After all, his ability was mainly steel and was numbed by lightning. It's cool, don't want it.

The rock monster is the same. Although it is a rock, he also hates this kind of rain fist, and this kind of fist is above the level of his fist. It is like a child who meets an adult with a natural instinct. Weak.

"So that's it. After a long time, your boxing spirit has improved a lot. Do you think this is how you can defeat us?" The spider-type weird face was solemn, but there was no panic. Although several other weirdos were very annoyed by the interference of this kind of fist, they did not scare them. This suffices to show that although this kind of fist can improve Axel's combat effectiveness, it is not enough to threaten it. The outcome of the entire battle.

"Haha, a bit whimsical!"

"Hmph, even though this punch can interfere with our ability, it's amazing that it reduces us by 10%!"

"This fire and thunderstorm's power increase on himself is only 120% at most! This one comes and goes, and it is at most a 130% difference from the previous battle!"

"Don't talk so much nonsense, if the battle can be represented by numbers, everyone doesn't have to fight!" The lightning-type weird snorted coldly, "To put it bluntly, it is this kind of improvement. Although it has become stronger, but, In the face of us, although it is not a crush, it is still a complete failure after all!"

Axel was silent.

From their point of view, the analysis is indeed correct. This kind of improvement is at best to get rid of the fate of being crushed, but it cannot really change the outcome of victory.

"Haha, I'm laughing to death, until you die, do you want to die here?" The spider-type weird laughed, "No, I won't let you die, I will catch you and torture you well, It will transform you into a weirdo..."

"Hmph, can't make him cheaper."


"Hateful guy, give him enough punishment!"

"Haha, turn me into a weird person. After my strength has skyrocketed, will I sling you?" Axel's mouth curled up and said sarcastically, "However, you seem to be a little wrong. The suppression of this is not much different from your estimate, but you seem to have forgotten that I am not fighting alone!"

"What?" The four combined strangers were surprised at the same time!

When the voice fell, the **** storm of **** blowing snow had blown, and the fierce hurricane immediately enveloped the world, and the fire thunderstorm was even more powerful in the wind, like a sharp knife carrying a fire thunderstorm across the weird people on the scene. body.



"It hurts!"

"It's so sharp!" It hasn't been enlarged yet, just relying on the hurricane of the hell-blown snow-blowing hell-lane, it lifted the fist to another level, and used the strong wind to blow the wind blade that the thunder and blasting dragon turned into a crazy direction. All the weirdos on the scene, the four combined weirdos quickly urged their fists to resist, otherwise they would be scratched and bruised!

"You miscalculated!" Axel said with a sneer, "With my improved fist intent, I gave up using the wind-based fist intent and focused on fire and thunderstorms to become even more powerful. There is also **** blowing snow and **** lan's opponents Improve... it's not just 130% simple!"

"Hmph, this is not enough!" The four opponents said with a sneer.