One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Chapter 323: .His Royal Highness Prince

323. The Prince

Naturally, Axel and Hell Chuuxue didn’t know the situation here. Their attention was all focused on dealing with the fish monsters. The first round of fist and Hell Lan’s cooperation was quite successful, at least in an instant. Hundreds of fish monsters were killed, and a large number of corpses were drawn into the air and torn into pieces under the frenzied tearing force. ? Bayi Chinese W? W? W?. ? 8 ㈧ 1 ㈧ Z? W ㈧. ?COM

"Catch them, kill them!"

The death of their companions, not only did not frighten these four-legged fish monsters, but on the contrary aroused their bloodliness, and went to death one by one.

However, those archer fish monsters are completely different. They are shocked by Axel's strength one by one. When this guy first entered this area, it didn't seem to be so powerful! ?

Fate matters!

The archer fish monsters hurriedly got into the depths of the swamp one by one, no matter what they were fighting on, they would never come out anyway if they were killed.

"Thunderstorm·Flying Wind Blade Sky Howl!" Axel will not let go of any advantage. He will directly attack all his four-legged fish monsters with his maximum range. He needs a one-time attack. Kill these guys.

This is almost a crazy move, this is hundreds of tiger-level weird people!

"You are really the craziest person I know!" Hell Chuuxue smiled bitterly, "However, since you have chosen to go all out, how could I, Hell Chuuxue fall behind you!?"

With a sweet cry.

Hell Fuxue suddenly floated, his shawl raised, his green head flew up, and a surging mental power spread out.

"Nianli revolving storm!" Hell Chuuxue directly released a unique skill that was highly coordinated with Axel. Suddenly, under the power of reversing, the countless fire thunder and blasting dragons were faster, and each of them got into four. The foot fish monster's body then exploded with the power of thunder, and immediately exploded into flesh and blood.

The storm lasted for two full minutes. These two minutes were like a crazy attack on this area with dozens of tons of howitzers, completely unrecognizable.

"Ha..." Hell Chuuxue landed from the sky, gasping for breath, her brows were very tight, and her head hurt very much. The mental power released in a moment was too much, which caused too much physical burden on her.

Axel is also uncomfortable. This large-scale attack method is even more expensive than the Phantom Without Trace/Shadow Slaying of the third stage of the second stage, plus the speed of the fist. Release, his body is also at its limit.

"Look at the results of the battle." Now Axel is most concerned about the results of this battle. Whether or not the opponent can be wiped out is the key. Otherwise, they will not dare to enter the human world at all, otherwise they will be a group of people. The terrible weirdo brought into the human world to cause irreparable disaster, then he will become a sinner.

On the swamp, the bright red piece is like a dyeing factory discharging red paint into this swamp, full of **** smell, and you can't see the edge at a glance. Countless stumps and broken arms, countless fish heads and bones, countless unrecognizable parts of fish...

Seeing this moment, even Hell Fuxue, who has gone through many battles, feels vomiting.

"Huh, I don't know how much I have killed. There should be hundreds of them?" Axel felt a little bit painful again. If he changed his merits and bonuses, he wouldn't be happy! ? You know, this time, although the eccentric is strong in individual strength, it is a rare type of offensive strong and weak defensive. What is even more rare is that the individual is relatively small and light in weight. This will allow him and Hell Fuxue to have a great sway. Space, otherwise, wanting to kill hundreds of tiger-level and above weird people in an instant is simply wishful thinking.

"It's a pity that these bonuses." Seeing such a record, even Hell Fuxue took the initiative to "mouse" him in front of Axel.

"Please..." Axel was a little embarrassed, Hell Fuxue was notoriously cold.

However, the optimism of the two of them is still too early. In the water in the swamp, four-legged fish monsters slowly emerged, in groups, there are still more than six or seven hundred!

"Oh my God, there are so many more!" Hell Chuuxue exclaimed, because the scene of the storm just now was extremely chaotic, and no one could count how many they killed.

"Huh!" A four-legged fish monster came out slowly, "You two guys are also quite strong, killing so many of our compatriots! However, you will never understand that our clan lives here. The meaning of the world, when your storm comes, our warriors will form a protection circle on the outermost layer, and protect other people in the protection circle with their own flesh and blood! This, you **** humans are not You will understand, you humans deserve to die, this world should belong to our weirdos!"

"Boss, kill them!"

"Kill them and level the human world by the way!"

"Yes, this time, our emperor fish clan must rule the human world!"

"Kill all mankind and seize mankind's territory!"

"Long live the emperor's noble family!"

"We can go and meet the prince. I heard that the prince is trying to destroy humans!"

"Yes, go to your Royal Highness!"

The four-legged fish monsters said one by one what Axel could not understand, what the emperor fish family, what prince...

"Who is your prince? Is it the King of Weird?" Axel asked suddenly, not far away from Hell Chuuxue for a moment. She had never heard of the name of King of Weird.

"Hmph, I don't think, you have also heard of our prince's name, then you will be caught obediently, hand over the starfish monster, forgive you not to die!" The four-legged fish monster leader said coldly.

"I'll talk about it later... By the way, where is your emperor?" Axel continued to ask, he had too many questions in his heart.

"Don't worry about it!" Ling angrily said.

"Don't tell me, it's dead, right?" Axel glanced at the corner of his eye.

Sure enough, Ling's face changed drastically, becoming extremely gloomy.

With some answers or silence like this, Axel already had a lot of answers in his heart, plus the huge chair in the crack in the end, the pair of azure gloves, and those four-legged fish The argument, reminiscent of gg once said, in this final crack, there are a large number of ghost-level and dragon-level weirdos, but after this battle, the number is not consistent with gg's statement...

"Do you know this pair of gloves?" Axel raised the gloves in his hand and shook it.

Suddenly, the four-legged fish monster collar, including those under the emperor fish clan, was silent, and the collar was a conditioned reflex step backward. This was not a move after he made a judgment, but the body's response to this pair. The instinctive reaction of the glove is not controlled at all!