One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Chapter 358: .Twist the head off

358. Unscrew the head

The assistant nodded, "Indeed, in terms of physical fitness, we are indeed too weak.? Bayi Chinese W? W? W?. 8㈧1㈧Z?W㈧.?COM"

"Judging from the current combat situation, the opponent's combat effectiveness is not so good. Tornado should be able to win easily. From this point of view, the battle test is still not enough." Browning said with a frown.

"Indeed, so, how about we find an S-rank hero to test?"

"But, will this cause strong resistance from the Heroes Association, because the sample of the tornado is there, no. 2!"

"That's what I said..."


"You'd better catch it with your hands, otherwise, under my mental strength, you will only die even worse." The child suddenly appeared in front of the running Axel, her speed was too fast. Axel has no way to avoid it.

Pausing, Axel has reached the edge of this town, and the goal has been achieved.

"Well, when did I say that I want to run away?" Axel smiled, with a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

"You!" The child was angry, because she did not see the other party's panic, but saw a mocking smile at the corner of the other party's mouth. She understood that the other party was not running away, but to avoid being in a crowded place. The war caused casualties among ordinary people.

"A child is a child." Axel shrugged.

"Bobo!" Bobo slapped a flattery very seriously.

"Hmph, you're going to end here. I can see your strength very clearly. Such annoyance to me will only make you die faster." The child said coldly, and at the same time, she began to release quickly. Her mental power.

Axel frowned, this mental power was too strong, and it was fundamentally different from the ability to blow snow in hell. To be honest, it was to control the wind and create powerful storms to kill opponents. The child’s fighting style is completely different, and she is even more capable in the true sense, which is the control of “power”! For example, the control of gravity, the control of repulsive force and attractive force, through these manipulations, a floating state can be created, a force field can be generated, etc., which is quite different from the ability of **** to blow snow.

Without any scruples, Axel's combat power was released in an instant.

"Oh!?" On the big screen, Browning's eyes widened for a few minutes. "It seems that this is a good boxer. It seems that he can test it well."

"Hehe, no matter how strong it is, there is only one dead end in front of the tornado." The assistant smiled.

on site.

Axel's fist was released. Suddenly, a gust of wind raged, howling blasted, and rain fell. This space seemed to have become Axel's territory. Anyone who entered here would be restricted!

"There is still a bit of strength." The child said coldly. Although she said so, her face did not have the slightest dignity. She was still so relaxed and careless, as if what she was doing now was not a life-and-death battle. It's just a simple thing to play.

Lifting his right hand, a powerful repulsive force suddenly appeared, and the gust of wind and rain was suddenly bounced off. This force was like a banana fan swept across, and disappeared without a trace, even above the heads of two people. , The clouds created by Axel disappeared instantly, and this space seemed to have been swept clean...

"Hiss!" Axel gasped. This was the first person to destroy his fist in a simple way!

Fist is the basis for Axelke's enemy to win. Once he loses the bonus of fist, his combat effectiveness will plummet.

Seeing this, Acselton frowned.

"Why, is there no way?" The child put his arms around his chest, the breeze blew gently, and suddenly the corners of her cheongsam were blown up, and she walked slowly in the air, as if on a stone road. Walk slowly, lightly dismissing everything in front of him.

"There is a way, but it's a bit unsuitable for children. You are so young again." Axel coughed. Since you are not in a hurry, of course I have to create some time for myself to think about countermeasures.

"Hmph, don't pretend, if your strength is like your face, I am afraid you can still fight with me for a few rounds." The child said coldly, seeing Axel's foreign powers clearly.

"Really!" Axel smiled and released his fist again. However, this time the fist was not like the large-scale coverage just now, but only enveloped his body.

There is a very important reason for the large-scale release of boxing. It not only improves one's combat effectiveness, but also reduces the strength of the opponents that are enveloped in it. However, just shrink the scope of the envelope and improve yourself without lowering the opponent. In this way, you should not be blown away?

Axel thought this way, and not far away, the child's brows moved slightly, and it was obvious that she was slightly moved in her heart.

This time, the child did not use his own repulsive force to blow away the fists around Axel's body. The reason is simple. One kilogram of cotton can easily be blown away, and one kilogram of iron is not easy... this is The contact area is different.

"Hmph, I still have some brains, but this alone can't defeat me, our strengths are too different. Okay, I need a trick to defeat you, and then, take the traitor away." The child has no feelings. The voice echoed in this space.

Enraged, her green head flew up.

"It's going to be true." Axel's face was solemn. Of course he would not stand still waiting for the other party to gather his strength, and roared, "Long Xiaotianqi!"

Axel caught the thunderstorm dragon in his hands, and at the same time rushed towards the child.

"Innocent!" With a soft drink, a terrifying repulsive force was immediately repelled. The terrifying force distorted the air in the sky, causing the light to be refracted, making it impossible for people to see exactly what happened in this area. what.

With a loud "bang", Axel flew out with his Long Xiaotian, directly hitting the ground, plowing the hard ground into a ravine hundreds of meters, even behind him All of his cloaks were rubbed off.

"If you know that you are insignificant, just wait for me to screw your head off." The child rushed to the end of the gully at the same time with Axel with a terrifying degree, and faced Axel with his right hand in the void. Head.