One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Chapter 399: . Centipede Senior

399. Centipede Senior

The first fist was broken, it was completely dependent on the power of the move, not under the control of the fist, that power was too limited. August 1?? Chinese W? W? W?. ?8?1㈧Z?W㈠. ?C㈧O㈧M?

However, at this moment, it was the combination of Axel's fist and the tomboy's fist that produced a stronger steaming-like fist, which had already loosened the shell of the centipede student. Then, in this case, what I encountered was two rock and iron fragments fused with fist, how could it not be penetrated! ?

However, the centipede students are not martial arts scholars, they don't understand these fist skills, but seeing the same moves, they are expected to win this game.

However, they failed miserably.

In just a short time, the centipede student was torn to pieces by Axel's wind system and steaming power, and the tomboy brother over there also blasted the two centipede students into mud.

However, long-term and large-scale display of fist will also cause their physical strength to be extremely exhausted.

Looking back at the battle on the side of the **** prisoner, it has already entered a fever pitch. A burly man, a weird half-beast, madly dropped his fists and feet on the opponent's body, just a moment's work, both sides were already bruised and swollen.

"Did you see that I sold my soul to a weirdo, but the power in exchange was not enough to bring you victory. Your ugly death will only be a redemption for the sins you committed!" the **** prisoner said coldly In his eyes, killing the opponent is already a matter of time. At this time, the opponent is already a weird, an out-and-out weird, no longer his former partner, and he has no burden in his heart.

"A bunch of rubbish, wasting those precious weird cells!" Prajoks had seen the tragic situation out of the corner of his eyes. He gritted his teeth and squeezed these words out between his teeth. At first, he hoped that these centipede students could become his own right-hand man, but now it seems that they are nothing more than other people's food.

"You will be the next one." Axel walked slowly to surround the opponent. Since the opponent is a boss, it is naturally not comparable to the combat effectiveness of the centipede brother. At this moment, he drank a sip of the nutrient solution. Slowly waiting for the recovery of his physical strength, so that his fist can reach the peak.

"Hmph, this kind of **** will make him dead forever!" Senior tomboys are also very expensive. Although the combat effectiveness of those centipede students is not particularly strong, it is because of their huge body. It takes more to kill them. Much physical strength. Fortunately, Axel has a nutrient solution, which allows her to recover faster. At this moment, she also moves tacitly to the right to surround her opponent.

The girl in the vest took the Bobo and slowly walked around behind the opponent without saying a word. What they wanted was not to let the opponent escape easily.

"Haha, you surrounded me like this, don't you think that I will run away?" Prajokes said coldly, his eyes were extremely contemptuous, although he was surrounded by several masters at the same time, he was not nervous at all. Although his companion was killed in seconds, he was not afraid at all.

"I admit that you are very strong, but you figure out the situation, under our attack, your shell is not your complete support." Axel sneered, and then said in a seductive tone, " If you tell me now where your weird cells come from, I might give you a chance to survive."

"Weird cell? Why are you interested in this?" Prajokes didn't seem to be in a hurry, nor panicked. He shook his head and said. You guys. It’s a weird weird person who looks like a palm with an eye in the center..."

Axel frowned, he already knew who it was.

"Sex." The girl in the vest said in a deep voice.

"Oh? Sykes? It seems that the name is correct. She seems to be a leading figure, but I am not afraid of her." Prajokes said nonchalantly.

Axel smiled. Today's Sykes, of course, is not the previously restrained and mentally damaged Sykes. Once she enters the role of the weirdo, she and the palm one-eyed weirdo are fully integrated, and she will be able to raise her mental power to the peak. That kind of strength, even the trembling tornado will be a little jealous.

The frog at the bottom of the well.

Then it will be easy. The best way to deal with such an unknowing person is to use absolute strength to make him understand and despise the consequences!

"Since these **** is dead, I have no intention of staying here," Prajokes suddenly closed his smiling face, and suddenly became extremely hideous. The blood pupils seemed to shed blood, "huh. , Come on together, I'm in a hurry!"


Prajoks soared into the sky and turned into a giant centipede 50 meters long. A yellowish-brown poisonous gas was ejected from his mouth, and the steel workshop was corroded into a semi-liquid object. , Make everyone's face changed greatly!

"It's so powerful and corrosive." Axel also had a solemn expression, and he was well prepared for strength and power, but this corrosive gas was extremely difficult to prevent.

"This is probably his biggest reliance, everyone, be careful of his gas!" The girl in the vest also reminded loudly.

"Hmph, you still underestimate me!" Prajkos, who is in the form of a giant centipede senior, sneered up to the sky, holding the front claws longer than a person incessantly, and suddenly his whole body rushed up, and then in the air A tumbling swooped down. That momentum, like a snow mountain collapsed.

The centipede's learning speed is extremely fast, so fast that it is too late to react.

Axel has a wind-based fist intent. Although his reaction is a little slow, he has the bonus of wind-based fist intent and his speed is relatively fast. He rushed to the girl in the vest and hugged her Got up, and then rushed to the side.

"Hurry up!" The **** prisoner is not even a hero who is famous for his degree. This kind of dive is impossible for him to avoid. However, what he didn't expect was that the tomboy brother could not escape.

The tomboy brother took the route of Yanyang Fist. The strongest is to use force to fight against external forces. It is impossible to avoid this kind of battle. She gritted her teeth and concentrated her fist on her fists. The swooping centipede-senpai bombarded the past.

The **** prisoner gritted his teeth and rushed over. The two people were like two pillars, bombarding the head of the centipede senior who was swooping down. However, the impact force of the centipede-senpai's dive this time is full of 100 tons, and the two people are looking dead when they join hands!