One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Chapter 408: .Bionic! ?

4o8. Bionic! ?

On the glasses, a wisp of white smoke slowly emerged. Then, it broke into two pieces and slanted on Tongdi’s face. It looked funny. What’s worse, the smoke seemed to be With a higher temperature, he rolled up the head on his forehead. ?? Bayi? Chinese W ㈧ W? W?. ? 8 ㈧ 1? Z? W ㈠. COM

The crowd looked at Tong Di in amazement, and they didn’t know what he was doing. What was even stranger was Axel. He wanted to describe the whole process to Tong Di first, but now it seems , It seems that the little urchin in front of him has some problems.

Somewhat embarrassing.

No, it should be very embarrassing.

Tongdi coughed, took off the glasses from his face with his hands, put them in his backpack embarrassingly, and slowly repaired them when he returned.

However, he was extremely puzzled.

After the value of 10,000?

It's incredible.

Who is this Axel?

Didn't his previous record mean that he was only able to fight a ghost-level weird person at most?

By the way, I also watched the last fight with Spring Beard, and analyzed the energy in it. It is absolutely impossible to reach the level of over 10,000, at most it is a little better than the girl in the vest. It should have entered the threshold of a quasi-s-class hero!

But what is going on here?

"By the way, there must be something wrong with my glasses. Go back and see if there is any overload. Alas, it's really embarrassing." Tong Di thought in his heart, and then looked at Dr. Kusno. .

"You don't wear glasses!" Dr. Cusno was about to cry to death. He knew that these glasses were definitely not ordinary glasses, so what were they doing?

"Uh, some accidents, accidents." Tong Di forcibly suppressed his embarrassment, and then continued, "By the way, did you just say you want to introduce it?"

"Okay, let me do it." Although Axel was puzzled, he didn't delve into it. Instead, he nodded, and then said the information he knew.

"Oh, there is such a powerful weird organization, it really opened my eyes." Tong Di's glasses are bright, and he is very playful.

Then, his backpack opened, and several things flew out of it.

Picked up one of the small planes, "This is my unmanned reconnaissance plane, which can detect the situation of the Weird Association. At the same time, the fisheye type camera can let us see the situation inside in all directions."

He let the small plane fly, and then took out a small screen, which immediately showed the situation detected by the small plane.

"The advantages of this are its small size and low noise. However, once it is discovered, it is difficult to handle." Tong Di put the plane away and said, and then took out an artificial dragonfly, "In this case, the size is similar. The bionic type is not easy to be discovered, so it is a good choice. It’s just that I heard that you’re talking about underground, and a dragonfly popped up suddenly. It’s probably weird."

"How about transforming into a bat? It's more suitable for the environment, and it's not easy to be suspected." The girl in the vest quickly suggested.

"Well, this is a good proposal. However, to be on the safe side, I suggest sending out a few more. Once one of them is out of order, there are a few others that can be topped." Tong Di continued, everyone It is nodding and saying yes, in this case, the fault tolerance rate will be much higher.

With Tong Di's help, things were much easier to handle this time, but everyone didn't say what to do next after the investigation was clear.

However, that is the next step after all, and it will not be too late to wait until the time comes.

It’s just that the situation on the scene is a bit special. Tong Di is an active S-rank hero, and the girl in the vest is also a hero now. Axel and Kusno once also served for the Heroes Association. So, after the investigation is clear, whether to go to the Heroes Association, this makes everyone have a small abacus in their minds.

"Well, there are tools for detection now, but the methods for detection are not complete enough." Tong Di said with excitement.

"You mean, the current detectors can see weird people at most, but can't distinguish the strength of the stack, right?" Axel asked.

"Yes, I need to add miniature strength detectors to these unmanned aircraft." Tong Di touched his chin and said, his heart was extremely painful. Just now, his pair of glasses was a strength detector. , However, the first test just now was scrapped, which made him a little frustrated.

"Do you have this kind of thing now?" Axel's gaze fell on the opponent's backpack, and the pair of glasses just now was a bit weird.

"No." Tong Di shook his head.

"Well, let me cooperate with you to make this kind of strength detector, maybe it will improve a little." Dr. Kusno said on the side. He is an old man with a sense of justice. He also wants to see that weird people are doing evil like this now. Do your part. And his technical aspect, of course, is nothing to say.

The two scientists joined forces, and Axel naturally felt relieved. This kind of Xiao Ming was a small case for them, but he himself had other issues to consider.

For example, after knowing the strength, how should we act? Who should be called to act?

"This time, it may not be that simple to miniaturize the strength detector. At the same time, we have to optimize the unmanned aircraft. This time is estimated to take one week to ten days. So, for this period of time, you can Do something else and wait for our notice." Tong Di said, and then quickly entered the scientific research state with Dr. Kusno, worthy of a scientific madman.


After coming out of Dr. Kusno’s research institute, Axel thought of the first martial arts conference and contacted the customer service staff. The customer service staff said that his application had been passed and at the same time, he would come to the match list.

"Oh..." Several people, including Janos, who was always calm, exclaimed.

Too many people.

It is almost astonishing to describe the number of players in this contest-the number of contestants alone has reached 182! Axel’s number is 172, and the opponent is 171. However, the number is only given, but the name is not given. Therefore, I don’t know who I will be playing against.

"Oh my god, so many people, how do you prepare for the field competition?" The girl in the vest couldn't help but sigh. For players of Axel's level, once they fight, the hundreds of square meters of arena is not enough. If these hundreds of people are fighting each other, wouldn't it be more than a hundred arenas?

"Don't worry about it..." Axel's gaze fell on the last column of the entry instructions.