One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Chapter 463: .Elder Centipede Interception

463. The Interception of the Centipede Elder

Yes it is. "August One Chinese" text W ∠ W? W?. ㈧81ZW. COM

Judging from the definition of weird by the Heroes Association, all intelligent creatures except humans, whether they are aliens, subhumans, or those who have abandoned the human form... all can be counted as weird!


Of course it's a weirdo!

Not only him, but even zombie men and others are weird!

However, the Association of Heroes is still able to accommodate them, because there are many weird people now, and they need their power to hunt these extremely destructive weird people.

However, once the threat of the weirdo is eliminated, what will heroes such as the driving knight and the zombie man do?

There is a good saying that people who are not from my race will have different hearts, and the Heroes Association will definitely pick up the butcher knife in their hands, but it's not time yet.

Countless thoughts flashed in the mind of the driving knight, and he said in a deep voice, "You have said so much to me that you want to discredit the Association of Heroes. What use is it for you? You were meant to attack the Association of Heroes. For the purpose, right?"

"I think you should be like a hero and make the right choice. Our Weird People Association has always cherished talents..."

Driving the knight for a moment, the other party actually wants to recruit himself?

The palm-eyed weirdo waved a small paw on the top of his head, and the barrier was suddenly removed.

"You can see my sincerity..."

But at this moment, the driving knight, who had been thinking about it, suddenly turned around. The tactical weapon turned into a flying machine and held it under his feet. Then it sprayed out two blue flames and rushed up without looking back. The direct passage from the center of the tower disappeared.

"You!" The one-eyed weird in the palm roared. This **** driving knight is actually acting all the time!

"Sex!" The strange king's voice suddenly sounded.

"Weird King Lord..." Sykes was a little frustrated. She originally wanted to recruit the other party, but she didn't expect the other party to be pretending to be stupid, and then she ran away looking for this opportunity.

"Go ahead with your plan. Our goal now is not to recruit these so-called heroes and weirdos, but to create a large number of weirdos, and take a look at the reaction of the Heroes Association. If it creates a large area of ​​negative public opinion for them At that time, any decision made by the Association of Heroes will be at a loss. Even some heroes will not be able to stand it and leave, perhaps taking refuge in another organization. In this way, the Association of Heroes can be split!" Weird King Shen The voice said, "The strength of the current Heroes Association is still too strong..."

The King of Weirds knows that the Heroes Association has many powerful S-rank heroes, even those who are far from weird heroes. If these guys rush over, it will be very tricky.

"Understood." Saikes gritted her teeth, but she was still too angry. On the surface, the driving knight looked like an honest guy, but she couldn't think of being such a cunning person.

Fortunately, the plan continues.

As long as the huge weird cell reaches the top, I must concentrate on manipulating it, amplify the stone of the other world, and shoot the rays that human beings mutate into weird. By that time, thousands of people in this area can even reach it. Tens of thousands of people became weird in an instant.

The gigantic weird cell is still slowly lifting into the air, and the driving knight has already retreated first due to energy problems, and arrived at Dr. Kusno’s research institute to urgently replenish energy.

"It seems that the battle this time is extremely tricky." Dr. Kusno has a cold sweat on his forehead. As his masterpiece, he knows how powerful the knight’s combat power is. He knows too well, but even if it is. In this way, it is still defeated by the opponent in an overwhelming manner. This is really...

"The next battle will be even harder, so quickly replenish him with energy." Tong Di is a hero. He doesn't have the mother-in-law and emotion of a researcher like Dr. Kusno. For him, the things he wants recently. , Is to destroy the Weird Association.


"Axel, that gigantic weird cell!" The girl in the vest and Axel are fighting the giant centipede elder. For them, this battle is simply torment, let alone killing the centipede elder. Even breaking the opponent's shell is an extremely extravagant thing, even if Axel's current strong fist is coupled with the comet impact of the girl in the vest, it is still impossible to break the defense.

The elder centipede's shell is too hard, which is probably ten times harder than the hardest stones in the world!

"Hmph, a few little guys, just die here like this!" The centipede elder roared, and he could smash a huge tall building into pieces with just a single dive.

Axel and the girl in the vest still didn’t give up. They were looking for each other’s weaknesses and then attacked. It’s just that they could guess that Dao’s weaknesses could not be found anywhere except the distribution and eyes, and such a place must be Centipede elders focus on the object of protection.

"Hmph, once the weird person radiation begins, Heroes Association, are you acting or not?" Sykes chewed on these words intriguingly, and now what we need to see is the response of the Heroes Association.

Soon, the gigantic weird cell had flown to the top of the tower, and slowly landed on the top of the stone in that other world.

Suddenly, the stone in that other world gave out a very bright blue light.

"Are you going to start!?" Axel said in a deep voice, this is not a joke!


"Vest, let me go up!" Axel roared immediately without even thinking about it. The attack on the Weird Association is much lighter than this one. We didn't take down the Weird Association, just attack again next time, but once tens of thousands of people become weird, it will become an irreversible evil!


Needless to say, the tacit understanding between the two people has reached an inhuman state, avoiding the offensive of the centipede elder, the impact of the girl in the vest pushed Axel's feet, and immediately, Axel's whole person was like a cannonball. He flew to the top of the tower and drew a straight line with fire and thunderstorms in the air.

"Want to go, dream!" The centipede elder, as the weird person who controls the outside and enters the tower, the goal at this time is not to kill more heroes, but to prevent more heroes from destroying the decision of the Weird Association. Obviously, this move by Axel was to destroy Sykes' plan, and he was naturally the first to deal with it.

Apart from anything else, the tens of meters-long tail flicked up and hit Axel heavily in the air. This tail weighed tens of tons. After being swiped, it weighed hundreds of tons. The momentum of thunder.

If Axel wants to continue to attack the top of the tower, he must be shot straight by the tail. With his physical condition, after this blow...

In the sky, Axel frowned.

He does have the ability to heal himself, but after suffering this blow, I am afraid the bones of the whole body will be broken!