One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Chapter 49: .Amazing dial

49. Amazing dial

"Hello. Bayi Chinese Language Network?? W≥W=W≠.≤8≥1≤Z≤W≥.≤C≤O≠M" Axel was still very polite.

"There is good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?" I have to say that the eloquence of the skunk kid gas mask is really good.

"Let's talk about the bad news first, I like to put the good news behind, bitter first and sweet later." Axel smiled, it seems that the other party has got some information.

"Well, the bad news is that according to the news we got, the weirdo is also in a group." The skunk kid gas mask said seriously.

Axel frowned. It seems that these large hero teams have sent some heroes to the Evolution House stronghold to conduct investigations. This seems to have received a lot of useful news now, knowing that the enemy is not dead, and these teams are not fuel-efficient. Lights.

It's just that the skunk kid gas mask is so kind to tell himself this precious information?

Weird people hold together!

The meaning is actually similar to the hero group, then, in this case, the weirdo is not an experienced baby, and even for some small hero groups, the danger may increase greatly.

"The number of weird groups has basically reached the level of 15. The strangest thing is that the number of weird people in this stronghold is still increasing. According to our estimation, there are 15 weird people composed of wolf-level middle-level and wolf-level high-level. There will be more than 3 groups, which is extremely dangerous! Even our team with more than 4o people has to be cautious, not to mention those teams with very small numbers. If they encounter them, they may even run away. There is no chance!" The skunk boy gas mask said in a deep voice.

Axel nodded. He agreed with the skunk kid gas mask's point of view. The stronghold of Dr. Kenos was naturally not easy to capture. The Heroes’ Association probably doesn’t know the true strength of the House of Evolution. If armed apes and Beastmasters are dispatched, it will not be difficult to destroy the entire c-rank heroes. However, Dr. Kenos apparently did not do this. This is also a very strange point for Axel. He could not help but secretly said, "It is five years ago in the normal timeline. I am afraid that the armed orangutans, the Beastmaster, etc. It hasn't been fully modulated, and it hasn't evolved to a tiger-level high-level level! In addition, this is just an ordinary stronghold, and it can only send some wolf-level weirdos to receive it..."

This is indeed a very bad news, for a small team of heroes, it is simply a bolt from the blue.

"Then, what's the good news?" Axel asked.

"The good news is that our team still has not given up on you, the girl in the vest, and the head of the armed staff. We have reserved a place for you, how about that? Isn’t that interesting!? This is what I asked the head of the team to get, but don’t Let me down with my kindness!" The skunk kid gas mask laughed and said, "Furthermore, in response to the problem of the large number of teams this time, the Heroes Association also has new rules for the kill rewards for the weirdos. In other words, if one If the weirdo is killed by multiple heroes, then the kill reward will be increased. For example, if 2 people kill the weirdo, then the reward will be 1.o2 times. And our group is about 4o people , This is equivalent to 1.4 times. You don’t have to worry about too few rewards from too many people!"

The skunk kid gas mask has always been worried about the inability to recruit Axel. He thinks that Axel may be due to too many participants and not much bonus.

"Thank you for your kindness, and I wish you a full reward this time." Axel was still very grateful, after all, the other party gave himself a very crucial message.

"Then what do you mean?" The skunk boy gas mask was very anxious. This time the stronghold raid mission was not optimistic, and the fighting power of the weirdo after the group was soaring. Originally, the Heroes' Association thought that the mission this time would be a wilderness hunt, but now it is not known who will die. Therefore, he hopes to recruit some powerful heroes, and Axel is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Sorry, we are still a three-person group."

The skunk boy gas mask opened his mouth wide on the other end of the phone, and his Adam's apple moved several times for a long time, but he couldn't say a word. He didn't expect that with such sincerity today, the other party still didn't want to form a group with him.

Isn't this Axel afraid of death?

Do you understand the horror of dozens of weirdos in groups? ?


It's too young!

It's arrogant, and I don't know how dangerous it is!

Then you go to die!

This is what you asked for!

Deserve it!

The skunk kid gas mask hung up the phone with great anger. This is an elm head at all. It is not worth angering him, but why is he so angry?

what! !

The skunk kid gas mask suddenly held his hero phone and roared to the sky. It was so annoying!

The heroes in the team turned their heads to look at the gas masks of the skunk boy who were suddenly mad, all of them looked awkward. Didn’t this boy smile just now, why suddenly it was like his bank card was maxed out? .


The skunk kid gas mask hung up, and Axel frowned. The situation now looks even more unoptimistic. The heroes will hug tighter, and the weirdos will hug the same. After all, everyone. I don't want to be the other party's experience baby, and there is a Dr. Kenos hidden in the dark. I don't know what level of weird he will release this time.

"There are many crises." Axel said solemnly.

"It seems that the difficulty of the task has increased again, isn't it?" The girl in the vest after training took a shower and was wiping her wet head with a towel. "However, the time should be almost up. I will pick up the armed staff chief. Taking advantage of these few days, we will also practice cooperation with each other."

"Yeah." Axel nodded, and the girl in the vest tidied up and went out.

Axel took a deep breath, opened his limiter interface, and suddenly displayed his own data.

The initial level of his limiter still stayed in front of the wolf-level mid-level, indicating that he is now at a wolf-level mid-level without explosive skills and abilities.

In terms of the power dial, Axel was a little surprised, and he actually hit the level above the wolf-level mid-level, and it was already about a quarter of the way between the mid-level and the high-level.

Compared with the strength of the dial, it is a bit behind, and it has not yet reached the intermediate level of the wolf, indicating that his degree has dragged back.

"This degree should be a comprehensive evaluation of the degree of movement of the body and the degree of punches." Axel is still very confident about his punches, and then his eyes are on the skill dial. This improvement is the largest. Actually, from the very beginning, it was less than 1/3 of the low-level position, and now I actually rushed through the low-level, and is about to reach the wolf-level intermediate. This has to be said to be an unexpected surprise. An affirmation.

His eyes moved, falling on the next few data, his brows couldn't help but raised.