One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Chapter 5: .blasting

5. Blasting

With a sound of "Boom...", the egg weirdo flew out from a distance, and then fell to the ground. A puff of white smoke was spit out from a small mouth, and the cooked egg whites were still constantly in the cracks of the whole body. Of welling up. Bayi? Chinese? Net? W? W ㈧ W?. ㈧8㈧1?Z?W㈠. ?COM

"The egg weirdo was killed?" Saitama-kun's eyes were bigger than a copper bell, which is as incredible as the Axel weekend sale that started on Monday.

"One punch knocked that egg weird away for several meters, my goodness, that egg weird can be more than two meters high, at least two to three hundred catties, is this Axel's power so powerful?" Waved his own hand, swinging the hammer all the year round, he has more knowledge of power than the average person.

"It seems that the egg weirdo is cooked, how did Axel do it?" The waiter at the fast food restaurant is familiar with Axel, but she has never seen this one from Axel. Ability, "Is it what firearms are hidden in your hands?"

"Axel is so amazing, this kid is hidden!"

"Axel has the level of a C-rank hero, right?"


Although the neighbours said so, no one dared to come out of the house, and no one knew whether the egg weird was really dead or a fake death.

Axel put his hands on his knees, then gasped for breath. He squeezed his right fist, then raised it, placed it in front of his eyes, and looked at it strangely-there was no sign of burnt black on the red set, but just now, he clearly felt that there was a The heat rushed out of his right fist, and the result was obvious that the egg weird was cooked in an instant.

Although it is still unclear what happened, the crisis has finally passed.

"Fortunately, there have been various traps before to make this guy's egg shell loose. Otherwise, even if I punch it head-on, I am afraid it will be difficult to break his egg shell. If the egg shell is not broken, This kind of heat is difficult to effectively transfer to his egg whites and egg yolks, and give him a fatal blow!" Axel took a breath, took out his phone from his yellow cloak, and dialed the hero. The association’s customer service hotline.

The customer service hotline of the Heroes Association will register users who make requests every day, and Axel has also made requests for the threat of egg monsters earlier. Therefore, the customer service staff read Axel's information as soon as possible.

"Mr. Axel, we have accepted your request, and we have already listed the'posting situation'. If a hero reveals the list, we will immediately help you solve the crisis. What you need to do now is to wait patiently. The advent of the hero, rather than repeatedly calling our hotline. Because you do so, you will occupy one of the few customer service hotlines, so that some users in need cannot dial our hotline and put them in danger.. .... I know you are very anxious, but you can only wait patiently now." The customer service staff is extremely troublesome for users who repeatedly call the customer service hotline and occupy the customer service hotline resources, and can only warn the other party euphemistically.

"The egg weirdo has been killed by me." Axel said calmly.

"Huh?" The customer service staff on the opposite side was taken aback, and didn't believe his ears at all, "Sorry, I was distracted just now, I didn't hear clearly..."

"I said, the egg monster has been killed by me, and his body is now under my feet. Please take care of it." Axel continued to say calmly. He knew that the Heroes Association is not a hero to those, but it is also Ordinary people who get rid of weird people will also be rewarded with funds. That's right, he really needs this money. This **** egg freak has messed up his market. There are no insurance companies in this world...

"Did it?" The customer service staff still couldn't believe it, because there are many people in this world who cheat the Heroes Association and then cheat the reward funds.

With a beep, the customer service staff received a file transfer request on the phone. From the format, it was a picture.

She quickly clicked to receive, and as a result, a picture of the egg monster being cooked and lying on the ground appeared on her phone screen.

"Is it really killed by this Axel? He is not a hero, but an ordinary city boss?" The customer service staff is also experienced. She has never seen any means to cheat rewards. After calming down, she Immediately said, "We will immediately send relevant staff to the site to confirm. Please keep your phone open. Once it is confirmed that it is a fact, we will provide you with a reward."

"Okay." Axel hung up the phone. What he is more anxious about now is to see clearly what ability he has gained after breaking through the so-called "wolf-level limiter".

Back in his city, Axel didn't even care about the current misery of his city, but quickly got into his attic and sat there quietly.

What did I get?


How far has the strength increased?


What level is the degree almost reaching?


What is that heat?

Everything is like a mystery, how do you look at it, how do you master your own abilities?

At this moment, he was quiet, and a strange picture appeared in front of him——

At the top of the screen, there is a line with nodes. "Wolf-level limiter" is written on the first node, and at the same time, the word "wolf-level limiter" is lit, followed by a wire, connected to the second node, the second node It says "Tiger-level limiter"...and so on, this node is connected to the line, from the wolf-level limiter to the god-level limiter, but there is a node at the end, but no name is written.

Moving his gaze to the bottom, there are several pictures that look like the dashboard of a car.

The first screen is the power dashboard. The dashboard is like a clock marked with "Wolf-level" and "Tiger-level"... all the way to the god-level, and now there is a pointer pointing to the "wolf-level" In the position of ", the pointer protrudes a little bit, but it is still very far away from the Tiger level.

"Meaning, is my current strength at the level of wolf-level?" Axel frowned. This is not difficult for him to understand. Many wolf-level weirdos may give their strength due to their size. It is also possible to reach the Tiger level. Therefore, a wolf-level monster does not mean that all of his abilities are wolf-level.

Similarly, in the position of his own degree, he just passed the wolf level, and there is still a great distance from the tiger level.

The third dial is "technique", this is more embarrassing, it is actually in the "o" position, not in the "wolf-level" position.

"Meaning, is my current skill approaching zero?" Axel was very angry, **** it, isn't it because he is an otaku and rarely exercises, is he an idiot in sports?

The fourth dial is "Ability", but this dial is somewhat special. It is a huge dial with ten small dials nested in it. The first dial’s ability name is "Blasting", and the pointer also points to " "Wolf-level" position.

From the second sub-dial to the tenth sub-dial of the fourth dial, the names of abilities are written on it, such as "manipulation", "mind power", etc., but they are all gray, not like "blasting". Ability is lit up.

"Meaning, is my ability'blasting'?" Axel looked at this ability in horror, because he knew that the first place in the s-class hero in "One Punch Man", the extremely mysterious existence, the name It's called-blasting!

ps: Rush to the list, ask for recommendation votes, ask for collection, and be grateful for the support of book friends.