One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Chapter 560: . This person has a slight difference (1

560. This person has a slight difference.

As her voice fell, the sky suddenly dimmed in front of her, as if entering the night, and the extremely thick dust and mist slowly dissipated.

The line of sight suddenly became a lot more cheerful, which made everyone not comfortable enough, and the Metal Knight felt it too.

"Oh, the detection range has been expanded several times!" Without the dusty fog, in other words the obstruction of things like the current haze, the signal transmission has become much smoother.

The field of view has reached a radius of 50 meters, allowing the metal knight to see a lot of things that could not be seen just now-this is more like a trench-like place, and the towering cliffs on both sides have experienced Countless wind and rain and the washing of the waves have become dark and mottled. The sharp edges and corners are like a spear in the fight against destiny. The resistance was seen as a kind of ridiculous worm shaking the tree.

Hell Fuxue looked at this situation, and she felt a little bit in her heart, and she worked very hard, but faced with her sister’s incomparable talent, faced with the sudden and powerful strength of the weirdo, when faced with powerful disasters, there was always a kind of Powerless, she wanted to fight hard, but found that she was the worm who was about to shake the tree.


Yes, it's ridiculous.

As a B-level hero, such behavior seems to be extremely ridiculous indeed.

Thinking of this, Hell Chuuxue's mood suddenly became extremely low.

Hell Fuxue is like this, but what Maureen saw was completely different. At this moment, her thoughts seemed to have returned to the extremely remote ancient times, where there were many weird people, as well as monsters and humans called sacrifices. Under the strength of human beings, they resisted natural disasters and various disasters.

However, in the eyes of those in power, whether it is human beings who are ready to merge, monsters as sacrifices, or even powerhouses who have merged into monsters, they are just some weapons, tools, and props. In their eyes , The life and death of these weirdos, monsters and humans are irrelevant. What is important is whether they can complete the task and resist the incomparably powerful natural disasters.

But one day, this balance was broken, because weirdos are not props without thoughts and feelings. They also yearned for a beautiful vision, wanted to negotiate with those in power, and even later, use their incomparably powerful force as a backing. Come for persecution!

Those in power were scared, and they suddenly discovered that the weirdos are so powerful and uncontrollable, but they are so unable to leave the help of the weirdos.

Ever since...

They made an equivalent exchange...


The weirdo is gone...


As Mao Lin can see now, the powerful self, although known as a god-level powerhouse, is still suppressed, that kind of despair, despair that comes from the depths of her heart...


Mao Lin sighed. After a thousand years of awakening, is it better for herself to wake up, just continue to fall asleep without having to face those things, face those extremely powerful opponents... and, More importantly, that desperate...

betray! !

Thinking of this word, Mao Lin's hand clenched tightly, the nail pierced into her palm, and blood burst out, but only a pain can make herself sober.

No, since I have woken up, I won't waste this opportunity in vain. As long as I restore my complete body, I still have the power to fight, at least let those betrayers understand that the end of the betrayal!

The silver teeth shattered and the palms pumped blood.

Looking at the shuddering tornado, he did a whole lot, as if he had encountered something extremely scared, and his thoughts seemed to have returned to the time he was more than ten years ago.

Although, he is only ten years old.

Although I am only a child, in the orphanage, even if I am ten years old, I can still lead the children of the orphanage to live in this world.

She is not afraid of death.

However, she was afraid that her sister would die.

This is her weakness, but also her key point.

What made him truly desperate was the betrayal of Bingxue Xiaohuiyue's sister, the former leader of the orphanage, after leading them through the sufferings again and again, and then abandoned them. What's more hateful is that they used these orphanage The child threatens himself to do those terrible tests...

Why does Bingxue Xiaohuiyue become like that?

She didn't understand, she didn't understand, she just knew that if she didn't obey her orders to do it, then, waiting for her, I'm afraid the death of her sister.

She can only do it.

However, no one understood what she was doing, no one to support herself, no one to encourage herself.

She felt like she had fallen into the abyss. Although she was very strong and pretended that she could survive everything, deep down in her heart, she understood that there were some things that she could not survive.

Moreover, for all these years, I have guarded my most important things, my sister, and the little guys in the orphanage who have no blood relationship, but are not different from their sister... But, seeing them, I watched them with my own eyes. One by one died in helplessness. Suddenly, she felt very tired, very desperate, and very eager to have two hands to help herself get out of this cage.

She wanted to crush her seemingly strong appearance, nestled on her broad shoulders like a little woman, and let herself have a good rest.

The younger sister was controlled, and she had no choice but to enter the cage, doing those things and doing those experiments and tests against her conscience and against her will.


Outside the window of the steel cage, she saw a long cloak, short hair, and a pair of iron fists, shattering the powerful test weird that she was going to face.

That sister...

The person who used to be the sister stood in front of the man. Although he was very angry, there was no way. He watched the man stretch out his hand to him and took himself out of the cage...

The hand with the azure blue glove, slowly, stretched out towards him like that...

"Wake up soon, trembling tornado!" A roar sounded in the ears of the trembling tornado. She suddenly woke up from the memories of the past, and the scene in front of her became gradually clear. The azure blue glove is still in front of me, short hair, long cloak... It's just that there is a slight difference between people.

But, I don't know why, seeing him, I let go of my heart.