One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Chapter 571: .Summon Bald Head

571.Summon bald head

The atmosphere is very depressing.

Several people became extremely embarrassed at this time because of the relationship just now. Maureen simply ran directly into the cabin, and the octopus monster was even an outsider. He didn't dare to enter an invisible place, and could only stay there. Everyone can see here, which means that he has no two minds.

The embarrassing Hell Chuuxue shook his head, simply sat on the bow, took out a drink, and rested while waiting for the final destination.

Axel came to the octopus monster, smiled, leaned against the railing, and began to chat. Regarding what happened before, Axel can only say that he knows a rough idea, but he still I want to know a little bit more in detail.

"What happened back then, can you tell me in more detail?" Axel asked, anyway, the journey is still a long way.

The trembling Tornado withdrew his gaze, snorted, and did not stop.

The octopus frowned. He is a new member, so he naturally wants to be more active. "I also heard the things passed down from the elders from generation to generation."

"Yeah." Axel handed it a bottle of drink. The octopus froze for a moment, and then took it. He actually drank it. It looked like a human being. This made Ake. Searle was also a little surprised. "Actually, you don't need to be surprised. The earliest weird people are also humans!"

"Oh?" This also allowed Axel to confirm an idea in his heart. Sure enough, weird people used to be humans, this inexhaustible relationship.

"Weirdos, in fact, are just a collection of humans and monsters, at least for us." The octopus weird took a sip of the drink, closed his eyes with enjoyment, and then roared slowly. Said, for it, this is simply a fascinating life, which is too cool, and it is even more determined that it wants to return to the ordinary world.

"Does humans and monsters merge through equivalent exchange?" Axel asked.

"Well, the first humans have found a way to merge humans and monsters by equivalent exchange, and created a large number of weird people."

This point seems to be a little different from what Axel knew before. Before, he thought that there were only one or two weirdos. Unexpectedly, they were mass-produced?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help sweating. What kind of freak was the human leader back then? What is the difference between this and Dr. Kenos, who created so many weird people, and they were all odd weird people. The strong one seems to be able to reach the **** level, and the weak one is estimated to be the wolf level.

"Don’t look at me, I don’t know why we created so many weird people back then. Our ancestors had speculation. It may be that human leaders at that time discovered that weird people are more resistant to natural disasters. All humans will become weird." The octopus weird suddenly said.

This point, if viewed from the results, can also make sense, but I am afraid that the person at the time is no longer there, and no one knows the true thoughts of that person anymore.

"The original goal of the weirdo was to fight against disasters, which was the tool of human beings at that time." The word octopus weird used as a tool caused Axel to frown. Judging from the tone, the octopus weird has a resentment. , I'm afraid this is their clan's view of human beings. "Using the power of the weirdo, humanity has also achieved unprecedented prosperity. However, as an individual with thought and execution, the weirdo is definitely not satisfied with the treatment of being ordered."

This principle is easy to understand, and it is consistent with the previous understanding.

"So, the weirdo started to resist?" Axel asked.

"Yes, but there are not many weirdos who dare to resist, just the super strong among weirdos!" When the octopus weird said this, his face showed a very admiring expression.

Axel frowned, this is also true, courage is always proportional to his own strength, don't other weirdos want to resist?

No, I just don’t dare. This shows that weirdos have inherited some of the characteristics of human beings...

As a group with wisdom, the role of a leader is very important, and most people will choose to follow suit. The blind weirdos didn’t act. They just wanted to see the results of the resistance of these super-powerful weirdos. Once they get out of trouble, they will definitely support without hesitation. If they fail, then continue. ...

Sneered, weirdo? It's just human beings who have changed their form. In their bones, they are still humans. It's just that sometimes, under the influence of that power, they are bolder and more reckless than humans, and they even treat murders and other activities as pediatrics.

"How was the result of that resistance?" Axel asked curiously.

"It can be said that the resistance was very successful!"

This answer made Axel almost surprised, "Since it is very successful, why..."

"Listen to me first. Although the weirdo's counterattack was very successful, the human leader pretended to surrender, but secretly used the death of this war to make an equivalent exchange!"

"What!?" Axel was taken aback.



This kind of battle at the **** level, then the value of the dead body is so huge, then, what is the equivalent exchange, how terrifying! ?

"Could it be that the four gods are exchanged for the same price?" Axel asked, this possibility is very high.

As a result, the octopus monster shook his head, "No... As for what was exchanged for the equivalent, I don't know. I just know that it seems to be a bald head, but after being exchanged for the equivalent, the bald head disappeared. "

Axel was stunned.


How could they be exchanged for equivalent exchange? It seems to be a little different from the version I knew before, but the result is similar.

"Without the help of this equivalent exchange, the human leader did not know what method was used, and carried out the second equivalent exchange, which is to replace the four gods!" The octopus monster gritted his teeth and said, every time Speaking of the Four Gods, it is always extremely angry, that kind of hatred is in the bones, hatred in the bones. "However, the strength of the four of them is not enough to defeat the incomparably powerful group of weirdos. Therefore, they used the most despicable means..."


It was not the first time I heard this word from a weird person, but after all, it was a fart that decided the mind. Axel did not make a conclusion to the four gods, but continued to listen carefully.