One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Chapter 589: .Blood Sword

589.Blood Long Sword

That's right.

The flashing Fleish didn't say much, and directly launched an attack. At this time, he turned into a silver-white light, appearing among the deep sea clan at lightning speed.

"Although our family cannot move freely in the deep sea, but at my speed, such a little time is enough for me to move." The flashing Flesh secretly said in his heart, his expressionless face is like a stone Buddha, Lightning penetrated into the enemy's camp like a lightning bolt. Although he couldn't breathe, the pressure in the deep sea was too great to give him freedom of movement for no more than two seconds, his opinion, This time is enough.

"So fast!" Axel and Maureen exclaimed at the same time. This speed was barely keeping up with the eyes of the two of them. It was too fast.

It is very difficult to keep your eyes on the opponent's actions, and then you have to let your nerves react to avoid the opponent's attack, it is too difficult and too difficult.

Rao is that both Axel and Maureen are like this, not to mention the ordinary soldiers of the deep sea clan, they just saw a silver-white light flashing, and they didn’t doubt that it went to other areas at all. I thought it was some kind of luminous fish or object in the deep ocean that just refracted a little light.


It seemed that a silver-white ball of light appeared in front of his eyes, the speed was so fast, it just flickered, and then disappeared from his eyes.

what's the situation.

The light just now is a little weird. If it is a fish, it is not that big! What appeared before my eyes just now seemed to be a humanoid...Oh my god, it was a light spot in a humanoid!

What the **** is he doing, is that the shining man just now?

It's so strange, why does he appear in front of us?

By the way, I heard that Ninja Village is a place where ninjutsu is used. It must have been some kind of bright ninjutsu just now. I want to scare people. After all, he only has himself. It is impossible to deal with so many of us. Mission, therefore, thought of this way to scare us off, right?

Thinking of this, the soldier of the Deep Sea clan wanted to taunt the opposite, suddenly, what about the shining man on the opposite?

Why is it missing! ?

Also, I obviously want to make a sound, but I can't make a sound, I can only...In front of me, what is the red in the sea?

The weird red color is slowly spreading in the sea water, and as the sea water is turbulent, it quickly dissolves everywhere...

Why is there a little **** smell?

By the way, this red thing seems to be blood, and it is the blood of the deep sea clan!

How could this be?

Who was attacked?

Oh my god, why are you floating here? Which hapless guy is it?


Why is the direction of blood flowing so close to yourself?

It's me!

It's me!

God, it came from my throat, my throat has been cut off, and the blood is shooting out crazy!

No wonder I can't make a sound. It turns out that my throat has been cut off! The light spot just now wasn't an illusion at all, but the real boy. He rushed in front of him and wiped himself directly!

That's it!

Why is he so fast? The distance of hundreds of meters was reached in an instant, and when he came, it was said that the people from the ordinary Ninja Village could not survive in the deep sea for two seconds!

Is he going to use these two seconds to kill everyone?


He must be crazy!

The soldier of the deep-sea clan who was hit hard, his body began to tilt, and in his world, it seemed that time had begun to become a staggering old man, playing frame by frame.

He could see that there was a light spot that was constantly shuttled among the soldiers of the Deep Sea clan, and every time a long sword was swung, a Deep Sea clan soldier would be wiped out.

A moment, yes, just a moment!

When I watched it again, the shining Flesh had returned to the original place, and I didn't know what secret method he used to allow him to freely shuttle between the inside and outside of the shield.

The silver-white clothes and trousers were a bit damp, because the strong pressure in the deep sea forced the seawater to press on him.

"If it weren't for the huge pressure and the resistance in the deep sea, it might be possible to kill more soldiers?" Shining Fleish was not happy because his attack went smoothly. On the contrary, he wrinkled his brows mightily. Looking at the hundreds of soldiers from the Deep Sea clan in front of him whose throats were wiped for a moment, he was a little dissatisfied talking to himself.


The generals of the Deep Sea clan were stunned at this moment.

It was too fast, but within two seconds, hundreds of soldiers of the Deep Sea clan were all wiped. In this instant, I just blinked my eyes, but my back was already covered. Killed...


It must be illusion!

The general of the Shark Deep Sea clan opened his mouth and spit out a moray. The moray had a heart-to-heart connection with him, and he was able to attack autonomously without command at all. The sea eel bit on the neck of a soldier next to him without mercy, and received a scream.

Not an illusion!

The Shark Deep Sea clan took a step backwards involuntarily, and at the same time, the generals of the deep-sea clan around him who were originally energetic Deep Sea clan backed back again and again.

It was terrible, I didn't even see the opponent's actions clearly, and my subordinates were killed as if they had been chopped off melons and vegetables!

Oh my god, how do you fight this?

Isn't this going to die?

I thought that this time I would come with a crushing attitude, but unexpectedly, I ran into a nail head-on!

How to do?

Retreat here?

No, we still have those powerful deep-sea creatures, but although those deep-sea creatures are powerful, their size is too large, and speed is not what they are good at. If you fight against such a boy, you can only get beaten!

"The purpose of our visit this time is to make the Ninja Village surrender! I don't believe it. The entire Ninja Village is a powerful character like him?" The generals of the Shark Deep Sea clan finally calmed down, there is no need Rushing against this guy in front of me, and the vitality of those huge creatures is also extremely amazing, there is no fear of this guy's hack!

That's right, don't care about him, then, destroy this shield and see how arrogant the people in Ninja Village are? As long as the shield is broken, the people inside must die, or surrender to the deep sea clan, then, spare their lives!

Thinking of this, the Shark Deep Sea Clan and several other generals glanced at each other. They were all very familiar with each other. With just a glance, they already understood the other's intentions.

"Okay, are you ready to retreat?" Flashing Fleish asked again, but this time, he was carrying a **** sword!