One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Chapter 617: .The legend of the priest (187-179)

617. The legend of the priest

After downloading the virus, under the control of the metal knight, he immediately modified his permissions.

"Oh, I can't modify myself as a leader..." The Metal Knight is a little regretful. The head of the entire battleship has been hardwareized, and that kind of authority can no longer be modified. "However, the commander level seems to be OK, um. , Not bad..."

The commander level and the country are the highest level below the leader level, and there are only three among the warships, and the information and powers that can be viewed are very large.

The metal knight started to wander with this permission and downloaded what he wanted quickly to a place, which was also a store in the power department. It only needed Axel and others to reach the power department and think about it. Bring back the things you want with this storage bucket, so you can say that you have completed your merits this time.

Here the metal knight started his happy search, and over there, the Axel trio had already begun to clean the battlefield.

"We can retreat here, we don't want to stay for long." Axel checked the dead alien and threw away the disguise of this body, using the appearance of an ordinary human.

The clothes on the corpse on the ground are also unusable, either damaged or all blood, and it can only do so.

"Go to the power department as soon as possible." To go to the power department, on the one hand, to complete the mission of the metal knight, on the other hand, Axel also has his own ideas.

The metal knight also quickly sent the road map over, and the three people ran along the road.

Soon, the chasing horn sounded from the inside of the battleship-please note that there were three intruders, using our costumes, but their shoes...

During the warning, the characteristics of the three people were stated extremely clearly.

"Have you seen those three guys?" A cadre-level alien rushed over with dozens of alien soldiers and saw the three Axel asked.

Shook his head.

"Continue searching!" Aliens of these levels, when they encounter Axel, the first goal is not to start a battle, but to report the position, and then send out the signal, waiting for reinforcements to annihilate Axel and others in one fell swoop.

move on.

Sometimes the three people meet are not the aliens in such a brigade, but one or two, and the three will smile without hesitation.

Soon, the notice in the battleship changed, and the current appearance of the Axel trio was described extremely clearly.

"Damn, the information is updated very quickly." Axel curled his lips, and at this point, he could only kill him directly.

"I said it a long time ago, kill directly!" The shuddering tornado floating in the air, unfolding the side of her fangs, the violent mental power directly knocked a cadre-level alien into flight. The powerful impact force, even the superalloy wall, was unstoppable. After penetrating the battleship, it fell on the top far away, hitting a deep hole in the mountain.

"Tsk tusk." Axel looked at the round cave on the battleship and couldn't help feeling. Although he had improved significantly during this period, there was still a certain strength gap between him and the trembling tornado.

Cadre-level people are all killed by spikes, not to mention other levels. Besides, with the help of Hell Fuxue, Axel's strength has also been greatly improved, and dragon-level and below are basically a punch.

The entire battleship shook because of the battle of three people. A large number of extremely powerful movements caused the battleship to explode in many places.

"Huh?" At the center of the battleship, Soros was sitting in the middle of a huge chair. He was resting quietly with a hand supporting his head, but he was awakened by this movement. He immediately contacted the big Crab weirdo, "What's the matter?"

"There are people from the earth invading, three!" said the big crab monster. He gritted his teeth. Up to now, Axel and others have killed more than two hundred aliens, including six cadre-level powerful men. .

Soros waved his hand and immediately passed the image over. He narrowed his eyes and landed on Axel and the trembling tornado, "It's very strong..."

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Kill them at all costs for me."


His move was to force Axel and others' final strength out, and then to see if he was qualified to fight himself?

With Soros's order, the aliens immediately began to group together. As soon as the number rose, even Axel and the others did not dare to fight hard, and galloped directly in the direction of the power department.

Soon, I came to the power department-this place is at least more than 3,000 square meters, and in the huge space, there is a sphere in the center, and it is this sphere that provides the power for this extremely large warship.

On the side, I don't know why, they are all empty, like a battlefield created deliberately.

When he arrived at the power department, Axel didn't say a word, and hit the ball directly with a punch. Suddenly, the engine was destroyed by a force of more than 1,000 tons.

"This bastard!" The big crab eccentric had rushed to the battlefield himself, and couldn't help being furious after seeing Axel destroy the power source.

Suddenly, the power of the entire battleship suddenly disappeared, and all the lights quickly went out at the same time. Immediately after that, the backup power was turned on, and many lights came back on again.

"Warning, because the main power supply was destroyed, all the backup power supplies can only provide necessary lighting, and the enchantment energy support was forcibly shut down..." Soon, the warning sound sounded again.

"Damn fellow, caught by me, I will kill you for a hundred days!" The big crab eccentric was murderous.

As one of the three commanders, the big crab monster is extremely tall, and his subordinates who are accustomed to women are also militants. Under the yelling of the commander, they suddenly shouted loudly, " Kill them!"



At the center, Soros was still sitting in his chair, looking at the screen in front of him, not caring about the energy issue of the entire warship.

"This little guy has a lot of energy..." Soros frowned and stretched out. "Look, can you find me a little bit of fun on this planet? Since I left my home planet, I have I have never happily fought before... this planet..." He suddenly remembered what the priest had said, "On this planet, there is an astonishing and incredible power... I really look forward to it!"