One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Chapter 651: .The Intent of the Shaking Tornado

651. The trembling tornado's intention

The door was wide open.

Countless people rushed out in horror.

Axel sighed and silently let these people go. There were heroes in these people and the staff of the Heroes Association.

Everyone glanced at him in horror, as if they had seen a demon, and ran away wailing.


This is simply a tragedy.

To be honest, even if you are running, you must run to a place hundreds of kilometers away from this place. Otherwise, it will not be safe.

"Can't you change the place?" Axel looked up at the figure in the night, with his current eyesight, he could see clearly.

"Huh, this is an excellent place! The number of deaths? It's not my concern at all. It's like a god. Would he worry about the life and death of a mortal? In front of God, everyone is equal. Anyone’s death is nothing but a kind of reincarnation.” Browning said lightly. In her opinion, no matter how many people die, no matter how many ants die, they are all things in the world. Perhaps, In the eyes of humans, this is not equal, but in her eyes, especially now, humans and ants are just equal existence.

As long as she is willing, she can completely deprive human beings of the right to survive on the earth, and then let other creatures dominate the planet.

Axel sighed.

Such Browning is already out of the category of human beings, and already wants to become a god.

However, God is also a kind of weird person according to the standard of weird person, but the standard of this kind of weird person is very high.

Silently, watching everyone leave here.

Axel sighed, and did not immediately go to fight Browning, but slowly came to the last side of the Heroes Association, which is the Hero Tomb of the Heroes Association.

There is still some bleakness in front of the tombs of the heroes, and there is also some desertedness in front of the tombs of the armed clerk, and there are some weeds in front of the tombs.

"I don't know how long it has been since." Axel sighed. The three people who used to be, now, one is lying in the tomb, one in the mirror world said to destroy the mirror world, and one himself... ...Recently, I don't know how many people's blood is covered in my hands.


Once, this was the dream of three people.

Once, I wanted to use my own hands to bring happiness to mankind.

But how cruel the truth is, hero, it is so easy to do there.

Sigh, only a long sigh.

"What do you mean, when will you wait?" Browning's eyes were full of war, her hair was flying in the air, and the huge mental power immediately enveloped the entire hero association.

Stand up.

Axel knew that if he had to wait for everyone to leave and arrive at a safe place, he would probably not be able to fight tomorrow, and Browning would not be able to give himself such a chance.

The spiritual power shrouded, and suddenly discovered the strangeness of this hero association.

"Oh, you are there." Browning suddenly discovered that the trembling tornado was actually in the Heroes Association headquarters. At this time, she was left alone in the entire headquarters. Suddenly, her voice made a radius of thousands of meters. The voice he heard roared, "Don't you want to get a share of the pie too? Oh, no, you should be waiting for me and Axel to fight to the end, to pick up a ready-made one, right?"

"What do you mean?" The shuddering tornado also drifted out quietly, flying in the sky like that, quietly looking at Browning at the top.

The appearance of the trembling tornado suddenly made the entire battlefield interesting.

The metal knight's drink almost sprayed on his screen. The appearance of the trembling tornado was indeed unexpected. With his knowledge of the trembling tornado and Axel, what did she come for? , He couldn't guess it with Ben.

He was shocked on this side, and Agney almost came to a living room slide on the other side.

He left in a plane, but immediately found a place he believed to be safe, and began to monitor the battle.

Although this is not the scene I expected, but at least if Browning won, then things are still going for a turn.

However, it is different when the trembling tornado appears.

Persuading her before, it still seems to have a certain effect!


Excited, he slapped his maid's buttocks fiercely, "It's great, the trembling tornado appeared. It seems that we have won this matter."

In fact, it is not as simple as they thought.

No one can see through the thought of the trembling tornado.

Axel raised his head, saw the green figure, and the mysterious and invisible A-time, frowned.

The trembling tornado is also the name on his list. It is impossible for him to force the opponent to surrender his own inner core. He has been thinking about how to solve it. If the trembling tornado is called out, the trembling tornado is probably gone. How will the battle of this hero association continue in the future?


Fighting Browning will cause a lot of damage, and the estimated death toll is another incredible figure.

Fighting with the trembling tornado, this is more uncomfortable than killing myself, but I still owe the opponent many lives.

How to do?

"This matter, no matter who comes to the end, will only be a result, that is, to face this so-called crisis alone, and at the same time, to gather the power of other people on oneself. Just think about it. How powerful is the power!" Browning's expression began to become extremely exaggerated and crazy, it can be seen that her pursuit of this kind of power has begun to be crazy.

"You are crazy." The trembling tornado put his arms around his chest and said lightly.

"I'm not crazy, it's just my pursuit!" Browning sneered and looked at the shuddering tornado. "You were just a defective product of our Super Power Research Institute. You dare to face this way. For me, hey, I want to hand over the kernel to me, right?"

With the last burst of shout, Browning's mental power exploded in an instant, like a hurricane that could destroy the entire world.

Suddenly, the entire Heroes Association headquarters, which was made of superalloy structure and had a height of several hundred meters, began to shake. Moreover, the metal structure of the connecting parts was flying off one by one. Obviously, the collapse of the entire Heroes Association headquarters was just A matter of time.

"It's going to start?" Axel frowned, and suddenly, a blue light was emitted from the azure blue pupils, covering the entire hero mound. Then, he...