One Punch Man’s Weekend Sale Supermarket Owner

Chapter 98: . Frankly speaking, don't mind fighting

98. Frankly speaking, don't mind fighting with you

Although Axel didn't know why this happened, he didn't hesitate. Eight? One Chinese network?? W≥W=W≥. ≥8≤1≤Z≈W≈. ≥C≠OM

The cyclone that had been condensed for a long time finally exploded at this moment, the cyclone injected into the legs, and immediately produced an unparalleled upward thrust, pushing Axel into the air.

I saw him tumbling in the air, his right fist condensed the power of his whole body, and volleyed.

"First Grade Iron Fist Breaks the Wind and Howls!"

"Boom" there was a loud noise.

Axel's iron fist struck heavily on the sword body of the tactical weapon silver, carrying the terrifying cyclone, and the gravity bonus of the volley shot down. In an instant, that power was incredibly tough.

The sudden change caught the man off guard. What he didn't expect was that Axel would actually attack him at this time. That heavy and incomparable force struck him. Even if he was stronger than him, he took a few steps backwards. Stabilized the figure.

"Are you crazy?" the man looked at Axel angrily.

Axel fell on the ground and shook his head, "You can't kill him."

He had countless questions in his heart, and wanted to ask the machine **** g1 behind him, but at this time, the machine **** g1 seemed to be stuck in a sluggish state. He didn't run, bark, make no noise, and didn't make any movement, just like exhausting his energy The robot went on strike.

"You want to stop me?" The man looked at Axel coldly, and there was still no emotion in the only pupil. The tactical weapon in his hand, silver waved, pointed directly at the tip of Axel's nose.

Axel stood up straight and looked at the man in front of him. There was a strange light in his pupils. In an extremely excited tone, he clenched his right fist and said, "Frankly... .I! Don't mind fighting with you!"

The man was a little strange, because it was too abrupt.

Obviously, Axel was forced into a desperate situation by the machine **** g1 just now. Moreover, as a hero of the Heroes Association, Axel has an obligation to stop this kind of weirdness.

But why did it suddenly turn around?

For a moment, it also made him confused about his head, and he was stunned on the spot.

"What the **** is Axel doing?" In the distance, someone looked at the still picture strangely.

"He seems to have prevented the strong from killing the Mechanic G1?" Someone could hardly believe their eyes. This Mechanic G1 is simply a lunatic. If it weren't for the heroes to stop him, this place would have been flattened by him. That's it. Such a weird person, went to save him?

"Is this Axel a hero? Does he know what he is doing!?" Someone was extremely angry. His home was turned into a ruin under the swing of the giant sword. In his eyes, there was only right The incomparable hatred of the machine **** g1.

At this time, the monitoring screen in the Heroes Association was also stunned. The operator looked at his screen dumbfounded. Although the A-level hero still did not arrive, the powerful man who was suddenly killed out of the scene was completely stunned. It was shocked, and with just one blow, the **** Mechanic G1 could be killed.

But at this time, how did Axel stand up and stop the opponent?

"Iron Fist Cloak, are you crazy?" In the hero phone, the voice of the Hero Association operator was forced to be heard again, "You actually prevented the opponent from killing the weirdo!?"

In the information of the Heroes Association, the machine **** g1 has been listed as a weirdo, and the level has been adjusted between the elementary to the middle level of the tiger level.

"It's not that simple." Axel knew that if he didn't explain it, it would become extremely tricky in the future, and if the Association of Heroes sent more powerful heroes to hunt down again, things would become impossible. pack. More importantly, the truth of all this will probably be concealed in this killing, because the corpse is hard to speak.

Axel had a belly of questions in his heart. He wanted to ask face-to-face, and even more vaguely felt that under the cover of the plot he knew, there seemed to be a certain conspiracy that had been eager to move around. It's just that there are only a few mentions in the original work, and the plot has not been shown to that place...

"No matter what the matter is, this machine **** g1 must die. He has already destroyed two villages. Such an extremely threatening weirdo has no reason to live!" The operator almost screamed, this **** it. Axel, who is simply a disobedient guy, just told him not to leave recklessly, he didn't leave. At this time, they did not listen to the arrangement to prevent the killing of the strong man. If the heroes of the Heroes Association are doing their own way, what do the back-end operators and writers do?

"No, in this case, it will only allow the real criminals to go unpunished!" Axel is very sure that the machine **** g1 in front of him is just a pawn. Once it is obliterated, the player behind it will escape again. Go into darkness and get away with it.

"You must obey the order, Iron Fist Cloak, if you..." The operator was really angry, because this matter was very urgent, so he was given the command, because he was one of the operators. Squad leader, has a lot of experience in front of the battle command, and he also has a lot of earth permissions, can directly impose certain punishments on the hero, for example, if Axel does not obey the command, his salary will be directly deducted, etc. Wait.

However, before the operator finished speaking, Axel had turned off his hero phone and put it back in his arms.

"You seem to show something?" The man looked at Axel coldly, with a faint light from one eye, his words were full of disdain, and his contempt for Axel's power." But I want to advise you not to touch this thing in the dark. With your strength, it is basically a manipulative vehicle."

Judging from the man’s tone, he must know some inside information, and he may even know where the machine **** g1 came from. This is consistent with his previous call of the other party as a "failure product", and it may even be the manufacturing machine. The place of God g1 was sent to erase the traces.

Talking more is not helpful.

Axel has already decided to save the machine **** g1, not for anything else, just for those familiar eyes!

"Frankly, I! Axel! Looking forward to a battle with you!" Axel's footsteps stepped on, the cyclone revolved again, and an awe-inspiring aura immediately surrounded his body. This is the prelude to the trick of using the whirlwind to slash the iron fist.

"Expect?" The man frowned. It seemed that he didn't know the boy in front of him. He looked at Axel coldly. The tactical weapon in his hand, silver, suddenly burst into light, and his steel cheeks were shining white. , "You don't even know how dangerous these failed products are... If you must stop me, I will make you regret making this decision!"