One Useless Rebirth

Chapter 88: investment

Thinking of this, he changed his lazy posture on the bed before he climbed up and climbed up against the script.

The story of "Steller's Poison" is actually very cliché, that is, several heroes from different countries with different skin colors, gathered together in order to eliminate the monster "Stolen Poison", and they have to work together to reinforce each other and finally unite together to save the world.

There are a total of five heroes in the previous generation of "The Wolf Poison", which correspond to the five countries in the southeast and northwest of the mainland. Each hero is defined as a meat shield, pastor, remote, melee, according to their respective roles in the team. The five occupations of Assassin can be attacked and defended, which is very reasonable.

But in this version of the script in his hand, there are six countries on the mainland. In the corner of the mainland, there is still an island country covered by snow. The island country is sparsely populated, and it is very mysterious. It is not mysterious until the "Salmon Poison" appeared to harm the mainland. They sent an emissary to respond to the call of the five major countries for self-help.

And this a force waste.

He Bai turned here for a few seconds and raised his hand to wipe his face.

It's no wonder that in the introduction of the characters, other characters have special features, and only the messenger's description column is blank, which seems to be out of place.

Is this the reason why this character was last deleted? Because it is too chicken ribs?

He frowned and picked up the script and continued to turn it down.

In the script setting, this messenger is a very gentle, very lovable and selfless person. When he first appeared, he was very popular because of the mystery of the island nation, but he was not arrogant and flat. Later, the essence of his military waste was discovered, and he quickly fell from the high platform. He was disgusted by everyone. He did not care, and smiled. From the beginning to the end, his attitude is moderate, and his goal is the clearest: to eliminate "the wolf" and save the world.

After the official start of the adventure, the heroes of the other five countries were very disagreeable because of the disputes between their respective countries. They almost had an infighting. Seeing this situation, they have been stood out by the messengers who ignored the cold, with no interest to each country. The entangled island country resident status, reconciled and successfully stabilized the team, but it was also subjected to a lot of anger and bullying.

Seeing this, He Bai is speechless again.

So the position of this messenger in the team is a gas package? Or team glue?

If this is only the case, then the role is deleted is also very good ... too wrong, the audience is not expected to like such a person.

The plot continued to develop, and the team encountered the first wave of danger after reluctantly stabilizing. The captain of the meat shield was blind and ruthless. It almost killed everyone and was in a critical juncture. The messenger played a little smart and let everyone escape from birth. Go back to life. After this incident, the captain of the meat shield matured a lot, began to position himself, took the initiative to understand the characteristics of his teammates, and sought cooperation.

He Bai blinks, smart? What the hell?

In the version of "The Wolf Poison" that he saw in his life, the first group crisis that he encountered after the adventure was spent on the safety of the small universe that broke out when the captain was seriously injured. Then the captain got the conviction of his teammates. It is a very important team to break the turning point.

And this version... So the last time I was ridiculed by the fans as the captain of the "occasional second-day bug stunt", but the scriptwriter forced the team to escape and run-in after the role of the messenger was deleted. A patch...

There are messengers, the team fleeing, morale frustration, began to reflect on themselves, and actively understand the running-in; no messenger, the captain broke out after making mistakes, saved the team and got support from teammates...

I feel that there is still a better messenger.

He thought very privately and continued to turn down.

As the story continues to develop, the team is facing more and more dangers, and the messenger’s little cleverness is increasing...

After reading this familiar and unfamiliar script, He Bai was stunned.

Scorpio, the messenger who can't be ruined in the early stage, is actually the setting of the team's brain after the plot is on the right track! In other words, he is the conductor of this team! It is the wind vane! It is the soul of the team!

Combining the version of "The Wolf Poison" that I have seen in my life, he found that the fans of the previous generation loved and hated the madness of "The Wolf Poison". Most of them were deleted after the role of the messenger. Bug!

For example, the treatment of the occasional Madonna of the sister; such as the sudden silence of the youth suddenly mouthful; for example, the captain of the meat shield is full of blood, occasionally but rationally close to the cold-blooded contradictions; such as the assassin's uncle's inexplicable fraternity and self-sacrifice; such as melee The luck of the Buddha's fascination... If the story is really wonderful, the fans have already sent the blade to the scriptwriter!

The whole team will collapse once, is it like a curse!

After reading the current "The Wolf Poison" script, He Bai understood the helplessness and grievances of the writer.

In order to round the plot, he had to give the Father of the messenger the treatment of the calm Royal Sister; the clever mind that controlled the whole situation was dismantled to the captain and the luck of the melee; the behavior of fraternity and self-sacrifice, and the way to arrange for the assassin; Mouth cannon... Oh no, it’s facing the enemy’s danger, and the BB can hold the audience’s ability to brainwash, and miss a little bit to the remote... Editing is really difficult! He has tried not to collapse! However, some plots must go smoothly, and the promoters' part of the promotion must not be lost. Without the role of the messenger, he can only press the messenger's work on other teammates!

The writer is bitter!

He deeply understands that the role of the messenger is definitely not the writer and the director who deleted it because of the taste of the chicken! Combined with Cooper's previous explanation, this role is most likely because I couldn't find a suitable actor and had to delete it!

Cooper saw the first time in the show that Di Qiuhe was in February, and now it is June. That is to say, "The Wolf Poison" has been dragged for four months for the role of this Asian actor, for a poor crew. In terms of this, how much sacrifice is this!

Poor, too poor.

The director is also blind-minded. If you can't find a suitable Asian actor, you can find a small piece of meat in your country. Why do you insist on the setting of the black-haired mysterious orientals?

Hey, the door was pushed open, and Di Qiuhe and He Bai, who was sitting on the bed and holding the script, sighed and sighed. They couldn’t help but smile. They went over and asked, "What happened? Hungry, don’t want to eat. Something padding belly?"

He Bai looked at him indeed very gentle and in line with the face of the ambassador's image of the cherished father, decisively grasping his hand, clenching and seriously, "Autumn crane, the role of the messenger you must pick up! If the crew has no money, I I suggest you invest, keep making a profit, believe me!"

The "Stolen Poison" of the previous life was deleted because of the role of the messenger and the map of the island country, as well as several major branches related to the island country, which led to several very obvious bugs in the plot, but even this is the case. Finally, it was also a fire, and it has become a classic.

Perhaps there is a part of this hot "missing beauty is more attractive" component, but he believes that after the complete adventure team and the entire background structure plot, "Stolen Poison" will only be more fire than before! Those who are not from time to time are set to crack, and the other heroes will become more full and attractive!

The first documentary-style adventure movie, this epoch-making film, must be filmed! Absolutely shoot! Pay money to shoot!

Di Qiuhe looked at him seriously as if he was looking at the eyes of a small star, his expression became serious, his brow wrinkled, his hand touched his forehead, wondering, "...what is the fever?"

He Bai: "..."

"Hungry?" Di Qiuhe touched his stiff face again, and finally couldn't help but smile. He bowed his head and kissed his eyes. The relatives boasted, "Puppy, you just looked at my eyes." It’s so cute when a puppy sees a meat bone."

A sulking gas rushed straight from the soles of the feet to the heavenly cover, and He Bai took a deep breath. The angry cockroach opened his hand and photographed the script on his face. "Spicy chicken! You are the dog!"

The lover was teased, and Di Qiuhe was beaten back to the cold palace - the living room.

When Shao Shaofeng saw him with a smile, he came out with a smile on his face, and he continued to talk about it. "Di Chunhua’s mistakes have been made. And domestic news, Qin Li can't sit still, has bought a ticket to fly over, she may come to you."

Di Qiuhe heard the frowning, sat back opposite him, pushed the script that He Bai had thrown to him and the two business cards given by Cooper, and said, "If you come, you will not be seen. If you make a mistake, you will be punished. Di Chunhua The main guilt of this time is not for me, but for the two underage girls who are threatened by her deception. If Qin Li is smart enough, she should first appease the two teenage girls and the other’s parents instead of running. It’s quite awkward to come to me."

This time, although Di Chunhua has the subjective intention to buy murderous people, but because of minors and crimes, he may not be sentenced too seriously. She is now being taken care of because she has the crime of threatening to force two underage girls to take **** photos and insult videos.

It’s also said that Di Chunhua’s own stupidity is that he is still in the country, and he still has family members. He is arrogant and arrogant to take pictures of **** photos and insults taken while threatening two girls, and he was searched by the police. Still die and not repent, and refuse to recognize.

Shou Shaofeng saw him say this, knowing that he did not want to continue this topic, so he looked down at the business cards and scripts that he pushed over and asked, "Is this the two new jobs you mentioned?"

Di Qiuhe nodded. "You contact each other. Both of these tasks are going on. The script is going to print a good study and assess the risks. I want to invest."

"Investment?" The criminal Shaofeng accident, when did Di Qiuhe start to involve film investment?

Di Qiuhe glanced at his expression and his face was even more powerful. It was not explained by explanation. "Xiaobai likes this movie very much."

After a slap in the wind, he laughed out loud and laughed at the script and the business card. He said, "I understand that this movie investment risk assessment will be done 'goodly' to ensure that you are satisfied. The result." After laughing and walking out of the room, she shook her head very clearly, very emotionally.

"..." Di Qiuhe felt that he was being laughed at.

After deciding to take over the work of "Stolen Poison" and V&G, Di Qiuhe went to the inner room to hug He Bai, and stunned it in the name of negotiating the work. Finally, he was forgiven and the two decided to avoid the possibility. Qin Li, who will go to the door to go crazy, first return to China to prepare for the follow-up work and schedule.

So when Qin Li was looking for the door, she was faced with a harmless face of the criminal Shaofeng.

"What about Di Qiuhe?" Qin Li pressed the tiredness of long-distance flight and the anxious anger in her heart, and asked quietly.

"Returning to China." Punished Shao Feng honestly answered, and then politely said, "Die Shao has given me all the powers here, so Ms. Qin, I don't know if you come to the door today, what is it?"

Qin Li was stunned with a anger and couldn't be channeled. "Returning to China? He still has the mood to return to China?! Give me his number, I want to talk to him!"

"Di Di told me before leaving. If you strongly demand to talk to him, I will tell you a sentence." The punishment of Shao Feng, who wiped out the handkerchief and wiped the suspected splashed face, still smiled politely.

Qin Li was stunned by his hand rubbing his face and shivering. He took the urge to swear under the pressure of the mouth and asked, "What?" The situation is stronger than the people, and I can't bear it!

Shou Shaofeng was very satisfied with her cooperation. The handkerchief was thrown into a group and lost. He answered slowly, "Die Shao let me tell you that when you are underage, you can't be an excuse for offense. Mental illness may be possible." The inside bodyguards waved and waved the bodyguards sideways, then stepped back and stepped on the door with a handkerchief on the floor.

"Please leave here, don't force us to ask the security guard and the police." The bodyguard captain kept at the door and frowned at Qin Li, indicating that she was going.

Qin Li returned to God from the horror. She only felt that her face was the handkerchief that was stepped on the ground. She couldn’t help but scream and screamed. "Don't think! Di Qiuhe, he dreams! Chunhua, she can't be beaten in this life. Cover the label of mental illness! You can't live forever!" After you finished using the bag, you couldn't make yourself look too embarrassed and walk away.

In the room, together with the criminal Shaofeng, the lawyer who handled the Dichun incident was puzzled and frowned. He looked at the criminal Shaofeng who was throwing his handkerchief to the trash can and asked, "Why is Qin Li’s reaction so big, though Very helpless, but the history of mental illness is indeed a good offense."

"Because she is afraid." Shao Shaofeng patted the ash on his hand and smiled.

Di Chunhua did have some mental problems, but Qin Li did not dare to mention it with the police. She still had to hide it, because once this was exposed, the police would definitely arrange for the hospital to give Di Chunhua a comprehensive view in order to confirm the physical condition of the prisoner. The inspection, and once this inspection is done, some hidden reasons that lead to the problem of Di Chunhua’s spirit may not hold back.