Online Farmer

Chapter 157: Then go to the sales office.

   Being served by a very nice and **** beauty, so respectful and well-behaved, this is a scene that many male compatriots have imagined.

However, few people can turn this fantasy scene into reality.

Because in today's society, there are generally more single men.

It is very good to be able to marry a wife or have a girlfriend. How can you expect to have such a **** and charming beauty who serves yourself so respectfully?

Therefore, many male compatriots around him cast extremely envious and jealous eyes on Mu Bai.

There were even a lot of whispers, but Mu Bai, who had a good hearing, still kept these words in his ears.

"I'll go, the beauty in professional clothes is too **** and charming."

"Yeah, looks good. I'm still so young. Damn, to be my girlfriend, I would rather live less than ten years."

"Hey, behind every beauty, there is a man who is vomiting on her. Do you see the boy's appearance? Calmly ignoring the answer, the beauty is still flattering like this."

"Hey, people are more angry than people."


These words of amazement or admiration made Mu Bai couldn't help but smile softly.

Especially the classic saying "Behind every beauty is a man who spit on her" made him smile.

But Mu Bai didn't care much either, he just listened quietly to the discussion around him while eating.

In about half an hour, after eating, he and Jiang Wenwen were in the sight of many people in the hotel, paid the bill and left the hotel.

When many of them saw that this beauty Jiang Wenwen paid the bill, some words such as "little white face" and "scumbag" whispered.

But Mu Bai just chuckled softly, not caring much.

At this moment, he turned his head and said to Jiang Wenwen beside him: "Well, take me to your manager."

What Mu Bai wanted to do now was to quickly advance the side mission of Shenhao's aura. After all, this mission had a time limit of 24 hours, which was considered a very urgent mission.

However, the rewards are extremely rich, especially for new functions of the system.

This made him have to work hard to finish.

"Uh, yes, Mr. Mu, I will take you there."


The two chatted politely and walked out of the hotel, then Jiang Wenwen smiled and made a rental, and rushed to his sales office with Mu Bai.

In the taxi, she still provides Xiaomu with the best service meticulously.

This made the driver master praised: "Little brother, you are lucky to meet a well-behaved, gentle and beautiful girl like your girlfriend!"

"Haha, it's okay."

Facing this, Mu Bai just smiled softly, did not explain, and was too lazy to explain.

He just leaned quietly on the co-pilot, scanned the sky outside the window, and found that night had come.

In winter, it gets dark very early.

It was less than seven o'clock in the evening now, but it was already dark and I couldn't see my fingers.

All companies have almost adjusted their work and rest schedules, and employees have already left work at this time.

However, after he and Jiang Wenwen reached the place, they found that the sales office was still brightly lit, and there were many salesmen walking in.

"Huh? Is your company still not off work at this time?" After Mu Bai and Jiang Wenwen got off the car, he asked curiously.

"Well, yes, we salesmen don’t actually have a commute point. Our basic salary is very low. Most of the salary comes from commissions. So as long as there are business and customers, then it’s twelve in the evening. At the same time, we will also get up to serve our customers. The company's mission is to put customers first."

"Customer first? Haha."

Hearing Jiang Wenwen's answer, Mu Bai smiled softly.

Because he knows that the so-called customer first means money first.

In this era when money is king, rich people can really enjoy the most respected treatment.

At this time, after Mu Bai finished speaking, he walked into the sales office with Jiang Wenwen.

After entering, many sales colleagues in the office building greeted Jiang Wenwen.

After seeing Mu Bai, many of them teased "Wow, Wenwen, is this your boyfriend? So handsome!" "Is this your client? So young." "Such words.

Facing these kind jokes, Jiang Wenwen smiled politely.

In fact, from the bottom of her heart, she really wanted to be the girlfriend of the handsome boy in front of her, but she still knew that a mysterious and golden boy like Xiao Mu was not something she could expect.

Even if Xiaomu didn't buy Xuanwu Zhongshan's hundreds of millions of mansions, he was just joking.

But just a few days ago, the spirit of buying more than two million yuan into the apartment of Ink Linju let Jiang Wenwen understand that this boy and she are not at the same level.

Although in many TV bubble dramas, I often act as the overbearing president who falls in love with me, but Jiang Wenwen knows that TV dramas are false after all, and there are not so many whimsical plots in reality.

Sure enough, while smiling back to the colleague's ridicule, she looked back at Xiao Mu and found that the boy didn't have any embarrassed expressions, nor did she explain even a word.

Jiang Wenwen knew that Xiaomu didn't say anything and didn't explain it was not a tacit understanding, but should be lazy to explain.

What is it like?

It's as if the eagle faced the misunderstanding of the chaffinch and would not explain it either.

Because even if it is explained, the Chaffinch will never understand the sky in the eyes of the eagle after a lifetime.

And even if Xiaomu explained that he came to buy the Xuanwu Zhongshan Villa, it is estimated that these colleagues would just smile in disbelief.