Online Game Alchemist

Chapter 87: Brake failure

The owner of the garage was very efficient, and the inspection was completed in fifteen minutes.

Luo Yong asked concerned, "How is it? Is there a problem with this car?"

The owner of the car repair shop touched the sweat on his head, and said with a look of fear, "There is a problem, the problem is big! Fortunately, Mr. Luo did not drive out today, but then it is unpredictable! The brake system of this Maserati was moved. If you pass your hands and feet, the brakes will be completely out of control if you can't drive far!"

"What?" Luo Yong thought about the consequences, but didn't expect it to be so cruel! Luo Ziyong's gaze shifted to Luo Shuang, if it weren't for today's daughter's reminder, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Husband!" Bai Su squeezed Luo Yong's hand tightly and hugged his arm tightly. After so many years of each other, the two of them have long been inseparable from each other.

Rayong patted the back of his wife's hand, and said comfortingly, "Don't worry, I know it!"

Obviously this incident is no longer a civil case, but a premeditated murder! Luo Yong finally decided to call the police and vowed to completely eliminate the spies who were in the Luo family.

The meeting of Roche Pharmaceuticals is naturally unable to go on, and the middle and high level members of the group are waiting anxiously. The only thing that didn't worry much was Luo Sheng, who was sitting in front, waiting excitedly for the good news. Roche Pharmaceuticals is not far from becoming its own pocket.

Waiting left and right, when everyone drank a few cups of coffee, even Luo Sheng was a little nervous when he waited from early morning to noon. It stands to reason that the car accident should have happened a long time ago. Why hasn't there been any news for so long?

Just as everyone patiently disappeared and Luo Jin was planning to announce the cancellation of today's meeting, suddenly two policemen pushed in!

"You are?" Luo Jin asked in astonishment, why would there be police here? Roche Pharmaceuticals is a legal enterprise that has always abided by laws and regulations and never evaded taxes.

"We asked Comrade Luo Sheng to cooperate with us in investigating a murder case!" The policeman showed the police officer ID. Everyone's eyes gathered on Luo Sheng!

Luo Sheng, with a pale face, was completely blinded at this moment. It is impossible. How could anyone know that he had tampered with the car?

"No, it's not me!" Luo Sheng, with extremely poor mental quality, collapsed instantly, limply on his seat, and said shiveringly. The two policemen's eyes lit up, and this is a typical refusal. Save yourself a lot of effort. Just as Luo Sheng spoke. A team of criminal police rushed in and arrested Luo Sheng.

When the icy handcuffs were worn on his body, Luo Sheng still couldn't understand which link was revealed. Why did Rayong's family react so quickly? Shouldn't they be in chaos, guarding the hospital and rushing to the ground?

Luo Sheng was put on a black headgear, was directly stuffed into the car, and taken away.

When everyone hasn't reacted yet. Luo Shuang appeared, a black professional attire that outlined his perfect curve. On his cold face, he said without a smile, "Chairman Luo Yong is temporarily in poor health. I will accept the management of Roche Pharmaceuticals these days. What are your opinions?" Roche looked around coldly at the backbone of the company sitting around. NS.

On Luo Shuang's side was Li Chi, who was even more cruel. He kept protecting Luo Shuang's safety every step of the way.

There was silence in the conference room, and everyone seemed to be immersed in the reality that Luo Sheng was taken away, and had not yet woken up.

"I agree!" Luo Jin was the first to take the lead in answering. As a confidant of Rayong, on the research and development of Yijing Marrow Washing Medicine. Luo Jin knew something about the inside story. This miraculous potion to reverse the company's profit and loss came from Luo Shuang, a little girl in her twenties.

At Roche Pharmaceuticals, Rayong has 80% absolute rights, and as Rayong’s sole legal heir, Luo Shuang, of course, has the right to deal with the company’s affairs.

Everyone unanimously approved that Luo Shuang took over the rights of Roche Pharmaceuticals without any suspense. With a clear judgment on the future, Luo Shuang quickly adjusted the development direction of Roche Pharmaceuticals, reducing the purchase of western medicines, but increasing the hoarding of Chinese herbal medicines, especially for the hoarding of high-end medicinal materials, at all costs.

Seeing the new instructions and orders given by Luo Shuang, Luo Jin could hardly listen to him by the side. Luo Shuang's appearance was obviously a prodigal, and he sprinkled a lot of the money earned from the Yijing Marrow Cleanser. , Bought some bark and grass roots back. Luo Jin, who doesn't recognize Chinese medicine very much, has a lot of headaches and worries. If this toss continues, can Roche Pharmaceuticals be able to withstand it?

However, he is just a part-time employee. Even though he has a relationship with Rayong, Luo Jin, who knows how to advance and retreat, knows what to say and what not to say. The boss will always be the boss, not a relative, let alone Friends, if you want to be a good employee, you will faithfully implement the boss's orders. After the final struggle, Luo Jin chose to remain silent and silently recorded the company's latest development plan formulated by Luo Shuang, and worked hard to complete the tasks assigned by Luo Shuang.

Did you do it yourself?

Having been out of the meeting room, Luo Jin was still entangled, hesitating...

Luo Sheng's self-written farce soon came to an end.

In the interrogation room of the Public Security Bureau, Luo Sheng quickly explained the whole story. It turned out that the white Maserati was indeed used by Luo Shengli during the lunch break after Luo's family meal, which destroyed the brake system of the vehicle. . However, Luo Sheng's crappy technique alone could not complete the difficult challenge. It was Luo Sheng who bought the security and the driver of the villa, and put in specialized technical personnel to coordinate the crime.

The purpose is just to create an unexpected car accident. Roche Pharmaceuticals will follow the car accident in Rayong and fall into a state of no leader, and then he will take the role of Rayong grandiosely.

Controlling the entire Roche Pharmaceuticals is Luo Sheng's ultimate dream.

However, for the supporters behind the scenes, Luo Sheng killed him in one bite and no one supported him. He remembered all the guilt alone. Is it really worth it? When Luo Shuang accompanied his father to visit Luo Sheng, he stared at Luo Sheng with pity. After a few days, Luo Sheng's life in prison has made Luo Sheng look much older.

In the past few days, Aunt Luo's aunt has come to beg again and again if she can release Luo Sheng and give him another chance to be a new man.

But before the law, everyone is equal.

Even Rayong feels helpless, and Rayong feels the biggest chill. This white-eyed wolf, who had been raising himself for decades, stabbed himself in the end, even to his death. Could it be that all these years have been false feelings towards me.

Rayong was very injured, especially betrayed by someone close to him.

Luo Sheng is one of the few relatives in the world of Rayong, and besides Luo Shuang, he is a brother who is related to him by blood... (to be continued)