Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1048: Love debt

"Relax, brother, I won't let you down. No matter how difficult it is, I will bring her back ..." Ye Tianxie said firmly. This is the voice he has wandered in the deepest part of the heart of countless times. The obstacles in front of him are greater than heaven, and the hope is faint and almost nothing, but he never forgets this idea, and he will never be forgotten and erased.

"You did not disappoint me," Ye Ya said with a smile. "It is a miracle to survive the dragon soul burst. Although this miracle was exchanged by Xianer for the rest of his life, he can restore his strength. Ben It ’s impossible. Even the Brahma goddess said the word “impossible” so surely. The true **** said the impossible, and the fairy who knows you best, also understands the consequences of bursting the dragon soul. That's why the decision is so decisive that you completely forget her in exchange for the peace of your life ... Only me, I am a dead person, and the dead can regain their bodies and see with their eyes again There is nothing I can't believe in this world. You are my brother. Even if all the people in the world are desperate for you, I will not! "

Ye Ya exhaled a long breath: "You succeeded, and it was earlier and smoother than I expected ... Destiny is not as cruel as we think, but it has a mild side. It can be said It is a miracle, it can also be said that this is your destiny. The hidden things in your soul are doomed to be ordinary. "Ye Ya took a deep look at Ye Tianxie and said meaningfully:" You should be the most aware of yourself. Many of the powers you awakened in this world did not exist in the original dragon. There are many secrets hidden in your body. What these secrets are, Xianer do n’t know, I do n’t know. It's you, and you should be confused ... Maybe only time will tell you the answer. "

Ye Tianxie was silent, as Ye Ya said, he was often surprised at the strange powers that appeared on him ... such as his sacred marks. According to the Blue Demon Emperor, his sacred marks are not the false sacred marks of the Tiandi family, but only one true sacred mark between heaven and earth. It was also this true stigma that awakened him stubbornly under his obsession, and helped him recover the dragon soul that had burst. Even the goddess of Brah asserted that the dragon soul that could not be recovered was repaired by this stigma. This means that this magical sacred mark has accomplished a thing that the true God can't do or even believe.

On the other hand ... isn't it a sacred mark, hiding power beyond the level of the true God! With the memory of Chen Long, he knew exactly how terrible the goddess of the Brahma was. Even if it was the Emperor of Heaven, he must also show respect and obedience in front of her. Is it true that it is beyond the power of the Brahmin?

"After you suddenly recovered the Dragon Soul, I was surprised and worried that you would fall into the abyss of suffering as much as Xianer was most afraid of. From then on, I could not extricate myself from the pain, and tried to find it at all costs in the madness. The way to Tianyu. But fortunately ... the moment you learned everything, your emotions got out of control, but then you behaved very calmly. You did n’t try to go to Tianluo Molu without any means. There was no pain and depression, even crazy. Life doesn't seem to be disturbed in any way. "

"Because, my life was exchanged by Xianer for her destiny. Now she must be watching me quietly in a corner of the sky. Xianer's life for me, what reason can I let myself live? It ’s bad, I will keep the desire to see her again in my heart, and bring her back, and then spend every day in the best state. I will not go to Tianyu to die to death, on the contrary, I want Living well is better than anything, because only if I live well, I will not disappoint Xianer to give me this life. Only if I live well, all the people who are good to me will be comfortable, only I am good Alive, I have time to improve my strength little by little, and I have the hope of bringing Xianer back. Ten years will not achieve a century, and a century will not achieve a millennium ... Until I do not have enough ability, I will not Go to death. But one day, I will set foot in the heavens again, set foot on Mo Luo. Cross all obstacles and appear in front of Xianer in the perfect state ... "

Ye Tianxie's words are sloppy, every word comes from his heart and soul. Because this is the faith and voice that has been firmly in the depths of his soul.

Ye Ya looked at him silently for a long time, and laughed, very pleased: "Xiaotian, you really grow up."

He grew up and is no longer the young man who was on the verge of collapse several times because of the loss of Xianer.

Yeah ... Now he is not only Ye Tianxie, but also Long Tian, ​​the general of the dragon dragon who trembled the Molu tribe. For hundreds of years in life, Chen Long has experienced countless storms of blood, and has the most rational and tough heart ... The time of existence of the soul must be several times his "brother".

I really don't need to worry about it any more.

"Well, when I grow up, I grew up under the protection of my brother when I was young, and finally I have the ability to protect my brother." Ye Tianxie said softly. No matter how he has changed and what identity he once had, the man in front of him is his elder brother and will never change. The parents of this life have left him. The biological mother of the previous life died melancholy when he was very young. He didn't even meet up, and the biological father ... the fate that made him and Xianer, and ruined his family. If the parents and brother are all dead, how can he not hate ... Only the brother in front of him can let him enjoy the real warmth of affection.

Ye Ya smiled comfortably, nodded hard, and he reached out and pressed on Ye Tianxie's shoulder: "Xiaotian, there are many people you need to protect. Including those who are tied to your red face, and those who are really good to you Partners and friends ... Of course, and your last sister, Xiao Xi, she is also a silly child. "

Ye Tianxie's eyes waved and said, "Brother, what happened to Xiao Xi, you must know, right?"

Ye Ya nodded slightly: "Hundred years ago, after dying with your fairy, Xiao Xi cried for a few days and nights, and then disappeared in Tianyu. No one knows where she went because she went to It is the star of Xi Yao that only a few of your closest people know. Later Xianer found her here and told her that you are still living in another world, and she is of course crazy to see you. Just You should be very clear that the people in the heavens will not set foot on the earth at will, because on the earth, the power of the people in the heavens will irreversibly weaken, and if it is long enough, it will even be weakened and exhausted. Xiaoxi she Do not want to lose strength, because she wants to protect you, she wants to protect you with her own strength, and never let you be killed like a hundred years ago. This fragile girl, it has been difficult to bear those years, and it can no longer bear The second blow. So, in order to be able to reach you and protect you with her own power, she resolutely chose a curse imposed on her by Prose. This curse will change the strength attribute in her body, The power of changed attributes will not be affected on the earth, and will not be perceived by the people in the heavens. And the price is ... once she opens her eyes and the eyes touch the light on the earth, the power in her body will violently go away, and the She was also out of control. "

"You are in a turbulent world of fate and you are exposed to the vision of too many people. You have not deliberately covered up your identity. It is not difficult to find out your actual identity. Again In addition, your randomness makes many people or forces resent and jealous of your heart ... Maybe you will also wonder why you are so glaring, but the real life is still too peaceful. In fact, it is all Xiaoxi ...... When you don't know, she doesn't know how many people are trying to clear you or want to scramble you. Among them are people from all over China and people from all over the world ... For you, this girl, Her hands were already bloodied. Because she would no longer allow anything that could hurt you. "

Ye Tianxie: "..."

Ye Ya glanced at Ye Tianxie and said with a smile: "Xiaotian, you are really lucky to have such a red face, and such a younger sister. I can imagine how huge the charm of the dragon that year was."

"It turns out ... this is actually the case." Ye Tianxie closed his eyes and made a soft voice. Inwardly, he called the name of "Xiao Xi" over and over again.

Long Xi, his sister of the last life, is a girl as beautiful as an angel and a lively and innocent girl. When I saw her again, she was so indifferent. On the night of goodbye, she hugged him ~ ~ murmured in her mouth ... In the previous life, she was always silent, almost never actively spoke, unwilling Communicate with anyone other than him.

Originally, he thought Xiaoxi was an indifferent girl.

After restoring the memory of Chen Long, he couldn't help but be shocked. Why did that wizard-like Long Xi become what he is now.


She left Tianyu a hundred years ago and came to this star of Xi Yao. After 100 years, her heart died with the death of Chen Long. The great excitement made her reluctant to trust anyone and communicate with anyone. Just waiting silently in a world that only her, brother, and fairy knew ... just remained silent for so long. Year after year. She is also indifferent year by year, and even her language skills are gradually fading away in this too long indifference ...

The girl faced the sunset quietly, but there was no glory in her beautiful eyes, but only the dead gray ... Thinking of such a picture, Ye Tianxie's chest suffocated. He put his hand on his chest and called for the name of "Xiao Xi" again. There is too much love debt on his body. Xianer, Moer, Xiaoxi ... even if they spend all their lives, they can't be repaid at all.

Ye Ya has been watching Ye Tianxie's changing expression. After a long time, when Ye Tianxie finally suppressed the suffocation, he said, "Xiaotian, for them, just like you said, be good Live better than anyone else. "

Ye Tianxie emphasized his head and said gently: "I will live well and live better than anyone else. I will find a way to strengthen myself little by little, until one day I can Strong enough to bring back Xian'er's peace and peace ... so powerful that no one can hurt the important people around me! "