Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1054: Open, the gate of destiny (below)

Ye Tianxie's movements suddenly reminded the master of this voice for a moment, surprised: "Blue spirit !?"

"It's me." It sounded loudly in Ye Tianxie's brain.


"Now that I have just merged into fate, my strength has not yet fully integrated with it, so I still retain a trace of free soul power and can barely communicate with you ... if you are looking for the door to fate, stand here At the center, then lift the moment of destiny straight up to the sky. When the moment of destiny flashes, the gate of destiny will begin. When we suppressed the tower of destiny, the gate of destiny always existed. When the moment of destiny left, the gate of destiny also disappeared. However, even we did not know what was in the gate of destiny, because ... no one had ever opened it. "

In Ye Tianxie's intent listening, Lanmo's voice gradually faded. When the last sentence was finished, the voice had completely disappeared.

Ye Tianxie took back the empty fantasy pearl, turned his body, and walked towards the core of the top floor of this tower of destiny. The location of the core is easy to find, because the ground here is a solid gray floor. Only the small area in the center is a pale white.

Ye Tianxie stood at the very center of this pale area, took a deep breath, and then lifted the moment of destiny high as the blue spirit said, pointing his tip vertically to the sky.


A weird wind suddenly sounded in Ye Tianxie's ears, and at the same time, an equally weird light flashed through Ye Tianxie's eyes. He looked up and found that at the moment of destiny, there was a layer of shining white light.

Red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue ... all these lights have shone at the moment of destiny. And white, this is the light that never appeared at the moment of destiny. At the core of the Seven Destinies, none of the power is white. So what is this white light ...

The answer was slowly revealed under Ye Tianxie's gaze. Layers of white light appear at the moment of destiny, gradually shining on more and more areas. Suddenly, in front of Ye Tianxie, in the original empty air, a diamond horn appeared gradually under the light of white light ... Yu Qi is said to be reflected by white light, so much better to be described by this white light Out of the ordinary.

this is……

The water chestnut horn gradually expanded, and the two edges stretched quickly one by one horizontally and vertically. Ye Tianxie's gaze moved with their extended trajectory, and his heartbeat accelerated. Sure enough, when the white light at the moment of destiny was intense to a certain extent, a door shape two meters high and one meter wide appeared in front of him.

"It's the door !! It's the door to destiny!" The moment the "door" appeared, Ye Tianxie's ears heard a common scream with Yaya and Guoguo.

Is this door ... the door to fate?

It turned out to be based on the moment of destiny ... Is it a gate that exists because of the moment of destiny?

If this is really the gate of destiny, will its key be the moment of destiny?

The light at the moment of destiny continued to be intense, so intense that the door appeared more and more clear. The door at this time is not just a silhouette, but it is clear enough. At this moment, Ye Tianxie suddenly felt something, and tentatively retracted his hands holding up the moment of destiny.

With the disengagement of his hands, the moment of destiny did not fall down, but hovered in the air so immobilely, releasing an extremely dazzling light. Under the light is the mysterious door of light that has been fully formed.

Two meters high, one meter wide, standard rectangular shape. Ye Tianxie reached out and tried to reach the shining door ... Unexpectedly, his hand passed through without any obstruction, as if the door was just a layer of illusory light. .

"What the **** is this ..." Ye Tianxie retracted his hand and frowned at the light door. This must be the gate of fate. Although the gate of fate was found, how to open it? He wouldn't be stupid enough to think that this was really just a door of illusory light made of light.

Do you need that mysterious key?

What is the key ...

"Master, look! There seems to be something above this strange door."

Between Ye Tianxie's frowning thoughts, Guoguo suddenly shouted, and Ye Tianxie looked up, and then looked in the direction that her finger was pointing. As far as she could see, at the top of the door, there was a faint faint light Vacancy. Although not obvious, it does exist. At the moment, when his body moved, the wings of the open Abyss flew open, causing his body to float as high as the door, and he stared at those places where the light was dim ...

The line of sight was level with it, and Ye Tianxie had clearly seen that, just above the door, there were five light dim areas evenly side by side. The shape of these five light dim areas is different, all are close to square, but they are never irregular. Below the five light dim areas, there is a larger light dim area. This dim area is at the center and presents a very standard narrow rectangle. It's about thirty centimeters long and five centimeters high. Ye Tianxie's gaze swept away, and his brow suddenly moved.

Wait, these shapes ...

Why is there a considerable sense of familiarity.

One may be a coincidence ... Five of them are familiar ... Where have you seen these shapes?

Doubts formed in the heart, he quickly converged, concentrated all his thoughts, and remembered where he had seen these shapes of things ... his worries did not last for a long time, five items in the same category, but after getting it Something that he had never used appeared in his mind ...

From his backpack, he quickly took out the five things he had never found any use for, and was almost ready to be forgotten by him.

Ye Tianxie has five more stone-like things of approximately the same size and different shapes in his hands. They are: fragments of stone stele ①, fragments of rock stele ②, fragments of rock stele ③, fragments of rock stele ④, rock Fragment of the monument ⑤.

Comparing them one by one with the light dim area on the light gate, Ye Tianxie became more and more shocked, because their shapes, from ① to ⑤, are exactly the same as the shape of the light dim area from left to right above!

What this means ... Isn't that the pieces of the fragments of the stele that he had inadvertently obtained are the keys to this gate of destiny! ?

This idea was born, and Ye Tianxie's heart couldn't be more excited. He calmed down, picked up the fragment of the stone monument①, adjusted the angle of it, and then tried to move it closer to the dim spot of the first light. As he was approaching, suddenly a strange suction came from the front. Ye Tianxie did not Resist, let the suction to absorb the fragments of the stone monument ① firmly adhere to the first dim light area, covering the original dim light area perfectly.


It really is so!

With the attachment of the first fragment of the stone monument, there was a slight turbulence in the light above the light gate. Ye Tianxie faintly noticed that this light gate was a little less illusory and more real.

He continued to pick up the fragment of the stone monument, and brought it close to the second dim light area, exactly the same as before. When the fragment of the stone monument approaches, it will be actively attracted to it. Then came the third and fourth. For each additional fragment of the stone monument, the light of the gate of fate will change once ~ ~ There will be less illusion and more sense of solidity.

When the fragment of the fifth stone monument is attached to the gate of destiny, the gate of destiny in front of it is no longer an illusory light gate, but a physical gate that releases white light. Ye Tianxie's hand pressed against the door, as if touching the smooth and hard ceramic. At the same time, the edge of the narrow rectangular hollow in the lower middle was also faintly illuminated.

Fragments of five stone steles juxtaposed on the gate of fate that has become an entity, releasing a faint white light. There is only such a simple door to fate. Ye Tianxie observed for a while, but still didn't know where to open the door. The key to the door of this destiny is the fragment of the stone monument. There is no doubt that the key has been inserted, and how to open it.

Ye Tianxie's gaze fell on the narrow hollow, and he thought for a moment, and with one stroke, recalled the moment of destiny floating in the sky and held it in his hand. Then he turned it up, pointed it forward, and tried to insert the moment of fate into the narrow hollow ...

Without any obstruction, the body at the moment of destiny slowly entered the hollow as Ye Tianxie advanced. What is extremely trajectory is that, as the moment of destiny is infiltrated, it does not extend out behind the gate of destiny ... but, as if swallowed, disappears little by little.

When the moment of destiny was completely immersed in it, and only the dark handle was left, the fragments of the five stone monuments suddenly trembled, then floated down at the same time, gathered around the moment of destiny, and combined instantly to form a rule Round slate.

"Fragments of memory have been fused ..."

"The memory of memory ... open ..."

The dull voice reminded slowly in Ye Tianxie's mind, the closed door of fate suddenly opened, and the world in front of Ye Tianxie suddenly became pale ...