Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 113: adhere to

Long Moya's expression was turbulent. He hesitated briefly, and then extended his left hand. A golden light flashed through this dark space. The light passed, and a golden strange sword appeared in his hand. The astonishing might of sword came on. Its appearance turned out the surrounding air in an instant, causing huge changes in the surrounding gas fields.

"This is the Dragon God sword that accompany me for half my life, and it is also one of the only ten mysterious artifacts lost in the mainland. This sword can play several times the power in the hands of my dragons. If you get this sword, depending on your current Ability can go all over the world, drop it, this dragon sword of God of Oath will belong to you in the future! "

Sword of God Xuan ... The power of Rumor is said to destroy the heavens and the earth, a tool of God Xuan that everyone can't find! Long Moya took out this sword of Shen Xuan, of course, not only simply wanted to use this sword to seduce Ye Tianxie to put down the Xuan fox he protected. If he hardened, he could directly put Ye Tianxie and Xuan Fox Killed at the same time. He already prepared to give Ye Tianxie this sacred dragon sword, because the extremely strange and extremely powerful dragon power he showed made him eager to see how far he can grow, so he wanted to go in his heart. Help him grow up as quickly as possible ... and at this time, it was just a homeopathy that gave Ye Tianxie a temptation ... He believed that on the one hand, it was a first sight, and there was no such thing as a deep stranger with deep feelings, and on the other hand The mysterious sword that allows anyone to have a greedy heart ... This is an easy choice.

Ye Tianxie's expression and gaze appeared stagnant at the same time, he looked at the golden odd-shaped sword held by Long Moya in a daze. The sword potential of the sword and the aura appearing behind it have proved how powerful a device of God Xuan is ... This is an ordinary person who can't resist the temptation. The black fox in his arms raised his head, and the dark little eyes secretly looked at him. The forepaws of both hands were holding his clothes tightly. The panic that had just calmed down appeared again in its eyes ... He never knew each other ... he, would he really ... might he be willing to give up a mysterious weapon in order to protect himself?

However, Long Moya underestimated Ye Tianxie's arrogance, or his evil spirit ... Ye Tianxie's inherent evilness destined him to be different from ordinary people. When he decides to protect the snow fox, he will not allow anything to hurt the snow fox ... The temptation of the sword of God Xuan is extremely great, and if he gives up the snow he decided to protect for this temptation Fox, then, that would be exactly the same as when he trampled on his self-esteem, pride, and persistence.

He can't do it.

No matter how strong the sword of Shen Xuan is, it is just a dead thing, and Xuehu is a creature that belongs to this world!

So, his gaze quickly changed from stagnation, then he still shook his head.

Long Moya went silent, and was a little helpless for a moment in surprise. He couldn't understand why he gave up a god-like device that anyone would dream of in order to protect a creature that had just come into contact with him without any feelings and interests ... Is his heart too good, or is he ... … I got water in my head, I was squeezed by the door, then I was kicked by the donkey, and the pig was arched ...

The moment Ye Tianxie shook his head again, Xuan Fox's eyes were shaking, and there was something shining in it that was shining with bright light ... After so many years of silence, it finally understood how it could be called Moving……

Long Moya breathed a short sigh of relief. The left hand of the **** of the dragon sword pointed forward, pointing directly at the mysterious snow fox in Ye Tianxie's arms. There was a deep helplessness in the cold expression: "Your stubbornness surprised me, but the mysterious fox is too scary I dare not have any luck, and I ca n’t have any luck. Before its power can be restored to that year, I must annihilate it. Although I do n’t want to hurt you at all, if you insist ... I can only connect you Annihilation together. Although you have half the blood of the dragon, but you are also a human from a different world, you will not really die in this world, so don't blame me ... blame me, don't blame me, today, I must shoot. "

A horrible coercion that could not be resisted at all, Ye Tianxie suffocated instantly, covered his body, he frowned, quickly stepped back, his breath that was locked immediately followed.

The power derived from Ye Tianxie's evil dragon soul is far superior to the ordinary dragon's power, but how can the power of his newly awakened dragon soul be compared with the thousand-year-old dragon desert cliff, which will destroy him, It only takes a moment.

The heavy pressure almost crushed his body, and a golden light suddenly struck from the sword in the hands of Long Moya among his suddenly shrinking pupils. The violent power is as heavy as the stormy waves ... This is the first time Ye Tianxie faced the power of the **** level. The degree of terror completely exceeded his expectations. This is also a horror that no player can face calmly. power!

"Soul of the evil dragon!"

boom! !! !! !!

At the moment Ye Tianxie shouted, a colorless flame ignited on Ye Tianxie's body. A layer of invisible round barriers instantly condensed around Ye Tianxie's body, holding him and the body of Xuanhu. At the same time shrouded it. The terrible attack from the sword of God Xuan from the hands of the God Xuan beast hit the colorless barrier, making an extremely loud impact, and a large area of ​​cracks appeared on the surrounding ground.

However, after the impact, Ye Tianxie still stood in place, not only did not receive any damage, he did not even move his position, even the powerful impact was completely eliminated.

Long Moya moved again, and he felt shocked at Ye Tianxie again. To him, Ye Tianxie had only the primary strength of the dragon soul just awakened, and it was impossible for him to bear any of his blows. However, after this unattended attack, he stood intact. Even the black fox in his arms was not harmed.

"What's this?" Long Moya shouted in shock, another move in his hand, a violent wind blew up, rolled up the rubble on the ground countlessly, and madly impacted in the direction of Ye Tianxie.

The wind with violent energy whistled through, but before touching Ye Tianxie's body, the colorless barrier appeared for a moment. Suddenly, the wind was separated by the indestructible circular barrier, divided into two streams from Ye Tianxie's Left and right shocked ... still did not touch his slightest.

The barrier derived from the spirit of the evil dragon allows him to fear any form and intensity of attack, but his life is falling rapidly at a rate of 10% per second, and during the duration of the barrier, he cannot use any Way to restore life. In this case, the duration of the full defense barrier is at most nine seconds, because once the life drops to 10% or less, the defense barrier automatically disappears. At the same time, he was a little bit puzzled that the talent skill of this "inverse bone evil dragon" alone was named "soul of the evil dragon", but he formed an absolute defense barrier by burning his health ... Then, "soul "where is it? Or, the current effect is only the first-level ability of this skill, and the real ability will slowly be revealed in the growth?

The action of Long Moya stagnated, his eyes stayed on the imaginary colorless barrier around Ye Tianxie's body ... Long Li, he felt a familiar, but strange, completely different from what he knew before Dragon Soul Power.

This is the strange dragon power produced by the combination of darkness and light! ? Obviously so weak, but can make his attacks helpless!

Looking at the rapidly falling life, Ye Tianxie knew that after nine seconds, the Dragon Soul Barrier automatically disappeared. What he did at this time was just like the last dying struggle. He did not retreat, nor did he run away. Under the lock of the breath of the gods and mysterious dragons such as Long Moya, he had no possibility of running away, and it was even impossible to use back to the city. However, he did not feel nervous or hesitate to regret it. He slowly stroked the little fox in his arms and said flatly, "My guardian barrier is formed by the dragon power that belongs to me only, but it also lasts. Not long. You have your persistence, and I have my persistence ~ ~ You will kill me for your persistence, I have no complaints. But I will not give up my persistence for fear of losing my life ... I If you are destined to die with Xuanhu in your hands, it can only be my incompetence. "

Ye Tianxie's life has dropped to less than half, and the faint flickering dragon soul barrier may disappear at any time. His words made Long Moya silent for a moment, at this time I wonder if it is indifferent and proud to praise him or to sigh and sigh him. However, in any case, he must kill Xuanhu, because no one can bear the terrible consequences that it may cause after the revival of its power. He would never allow such a possibility to exist, even if it is really only one in 10,000, or even one in 100,000.

The eyes of Xuanling Snow Fox are like two drops of trembling black water, flickering in the darkness with a trembling light. There is no trace of impurities in this light, pure and pitying. It can speak to Ye Tianxie and naturally understand human language. Unfamiliar environment, a person who can't resist it now, and insists on destroying it ... The most desperate and helpless moment, Ye Tianxie's protection, hesitate to give up a sword of mystery, hesitate to lose his persistence, It is undoubtedly an extremely huge touch on its heart.

That kind of thing called moving grows, swells, and expands in its soul ... For a moment, it has a decision that it will never have.

At the moment when the barrier of Dragon Soul disappeared, Long Moya frowned, and her lowered hand raised again, but at this moment, the mysterious Xuehu who was lying quietly in Ye Tianxie's arms suddenly jumped out of his arm. As the fluffy head stretched out, the fox's mouth opened, and Ye Tianxie suddenly caught a bite on his finger.

[This week is almost ten thousand words acridine, are you sorry you do n’t give it up! !! Excuse me! !! !! You continue, I dare to say 10,000 words every day next week (╮ ▽ ╰) ╰]