Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 1158: compromise

"Brother Tianxie he he ... what happened to him, will he be really stimulated and have some insanity?"

The fierce scene on the screen shocked Ling Jie, his face was pale, and his teeth were not consciously trembling. This is no longer the destruction of the city, but the brutal massacre, much more cruel than the destruction of the center city in a short time. The current situation has been extremely detrimental to the country, and this way he is now not exacerbating the anger of the thirty-two countries and making things worse.

"No, just the opposite." Zuo Pojun stared at the screen, frowned and shook his head. "The second brother has always been a very sane and intelligent person, and now I finally understand why he had previously wiped out the six kingdoms without fear. The central city of ... he did n’t think about the terrible consequences that might be caused, but from the beginning, he had the means to prevent the consequences from happening. Not only that, but the thirty-two countries would humiliate them. He swallowed into his stomach, unable to attack and retaliate. What he is doing now is the most critical step. "

"Well ... dear third brother, what you said is exactly the same as I thought." Murong Qiushui said with an eyebrow raised, he patted Ling Jie's shoulders with a look of confusion, and hehe laughed: "Little Jiezi, you Think about it, how would the second brother do this, the United States, and the players in the theater who are about to be retaliated by him? "

Ling Jie didn't even think about it, shrinking his neck and saying, "Of course I'm scared to have nightmares."

On the screen, no one who dares to actively attack the evil sky can be seen anymore. They couldn't bear the horrors of the evil sky, and could not bear the terrible **** pictures of his men.

"Yes! They will be scared, they will be scared to death. Of course, players in the United States of America want their second brother to leave immediately, of course, and those countries that have not been retaliated, of course, they want their second brother not to appear to them. The fear of one or two people is nothing. When everyone is afraid, it will evolve into a large-scale panic. When the whole people are panic, when the whole people are eager to leave or not to come, hehe, Have those heads of state made the Lord? "

Ling Jie stunned, and suddenly flashed in front of him, and said, "Brother Murong, you mean, the second brother is forcing the United States of America to agree to the non-partition that he proposed ... the amount is the condition he proposed. "

"BINGO, that's it. Well, to be honest, when I heard the three conditions put forward by the second brother, I was wondering if he was crazy. Now it seems, hey, my fourth son is still too underestimated. My great second elder brother. His brightness, in my eyes, is comparable to the sun in the sky ... Oh no, it is to eclipse the sun in the sky. "

Ling Jie: ⊙﹏⊙b


There was nothing wrong with their conjecture. When the evil sky was slaughtered in the American continent, the terrible pictures spread to every corner of the world, and they used their eyes to see for themselves what purgatory on earth is. Especially those countries that have invaded and lost the continent and have n’t waited for evil days to retaliate. Most of the players in these countries are horrified and white and pale ... They can hardly think of the pictures after evil days come to their theater.

The growing panic spread in their hearts, and the growing panic also turned into increasing pressure on those heads of state. They began to feel more and more clearly the seriousness of letting the evil sky step into the war zone of their country ... the serious consequences that would have been profoundly told them, no matter what method was used, no matter how much it cost, it would never be possible Let evil days come.

They couldn't help but think of Xie Tian's three conditions that would make them lose their dignity ... But thinking of the current national panic, thinking of the serious consequences, they trembled their hearts and began to think about this word by word Three conditions they would never have promised ...


The floor of the Central Plaza in the United States has become blood-stained and shocking. The sound of panic filled the entire Wall City, and was completely in fear, and the players of the United States without any warfare fleeing like headless flies desperately, eager to completely escape the sight of this devil. Although the crowd is dense, the efficiency of escape is still quite amazing. The square that was densely packed ten minutes ago is almost empty at this time. This scene is funny and ironic ... but the person they want to face is evil, thinking No one can laugh at the ferocity that his men made.

Their escape did not represent the end of the evil sky. Sweeping the fleeing crowd around him, he sneered, rising into the air, the moment of destiny was lifted, and the violent earth elements began to condense quickly: "Since all are gone, then here, ruin it ..."

boom! !! !! !!

In the sound of the earth's cracking, the entire Wall City square was wrapped in the earth element of the disaster ...

"Ding ... The transfer hall in the Wall City Center was destroyed and all career transfer mentors perished. Until the new transfer hall and transfer mentors are generated, all players are not allowed to make second, third or fourth transfers."

Turning his gaze, Ye Tianxie looked at the business district not far from the north, and moved with a smile.


"Ding ... The Wall City Center Prop Store was destroyed ..."

"Ding ... the Wall City warehouse was destroyed ..."

"Ding ... The Wall City Center Weapon Store was destroyed ..."

"Ding ... the Wall City Center identification shop was destroyed ..."


One by one, the beeps relentlessly impacted the eardrums and hearts of all Americans. They could only shake their eyes in despair, feeling powerlessly from the disaster coming from the central city ...

"His Excellency, now that the commercial area of ​​Wall City has been destroyed, the city guards who have besieged the evil sky are all sent to death, and they are wiped out as soon as they arrive ... What should we do? , Your Excellency, you talk! "

The president of the United States, Mabao, was overcast with no words.

"His Excellency, the President of the Bangzi Country has just sent an urgent telegram. As long as Xie Tian can stop the current violence and do not retaliate against their Bangzi Country, they are willing to agree to the three conditions he put forward, please His Excellency, please think carefully ... ... "

boom! Ma Pao slammed the table with a punch, biting and said, "This group of dignity sticks!"

"Master, let ’s agree to the conditions of evil sky. Now, both the left and the right, most of them support the conditions of evil sky to let him leave. Although this will cause great trauma to the national authority and dignity of the United States, But now the whole country has ... "

"Stop!" Ma Baoao waved his hand impatiently, frowning frantically: "It is impossible for me to agree to the three conditions of bereavement and insult!"


"No, but. Don't forget, Wall City, and the guardian **** of gods-the goddess of liberty! Previously, in the East Rim mainland, the evil sky could destroy the skylight, which is obviously the terrible prop with which his own ability must not be guarded. God fights !! "

After five minutes ...

"Her President, our guardian goddess of liberty appeared ... and then was killed by evil."

Mabaau: "!!!!!!"

"Sir President, you must not drag anymore. Now the central business district of Wall City has been completely destroyed. The direction he is going now is the residential and commercial areas of our people. If these areas are destroyed, the consequences will be How serious, the President should be more clear than me. If Wall City is really completely destroyed by evil, at least 10 million people will go bankrupt and 10 million people will lose their jobs. With the prospect of a destiny world, there are already countless People have poured all their wealth on it. Not to mention other, the largest groups in our country ... such as Coriolis, Cargill, Schiller, IBM, Microsoft ... at least 30% of them have migrated to the world of destiny, And it is mainly concentrated in Wall City. If Wall City is destroyed, it will be a fatal blow to the economy of the United States, and the country will fall into a long period of chaos. The economic turmoil is even more uncontrollable, and our country ’s economy will go backwards. It is possible in five or even ten years ... these, would the President want to see it? "

Ma Baao's forehead was blue, accompanied by the constant sweat. His face was sometimes pale and sometimes bruises ...

"Report ... The first residential area north of Wall City has been destroyed by evil, and 30,000 players have lost their homes."

"It is reported that the Consulate has been surrounded by panic crowds, and all parts of the country are asking His Excellency the President to come in person and let Evil Sky leave at all costs."

"The report ... The Queen of England and Kyrgyzstan sent an urgent telegram, willing to agree to all the conditions of the evil sky, and hope that Your Excellency will cooperate."

"Report ... The President of Germany and Italy sent an urgent telegram, willing to agree to all the conditions of Evil Sky, and I hope that the President will cooperate ~ ~ Report ... The President of Italy sent an urgent telegram, and agreed to all the conditions of Evil Sky, I hope His Excellency will cooperate. "

"Report ... The third residential area north of Wall City has been destroyed by evil. A total of 37,000 players have lost their homes."

"In the report, both the Democratic and Republican representatives asked to meet with the President and insisted that if His Excellency the President no longer expresses his or her position, they will forcibly make decisions on behalf of His Excellency for the benefit of the nation and the country."




A tiny crack appeared in the toughened glass table that had been hit too many times.

"Xie Tian, ​​count ... you ... ruthless !!!"

Mabaow panted and thought somberly. At this point, he is not the only one who can control and manipulate. Even if he is unwilling, he has to make a decision that he would rather die.

Over Wall City, Ye Tianxie still continues the pace of destruction. When another residential area was destroyed in the elemental storm, he finally waited for the news he had been waiting for.

"Second Brother! Stop first!"

The voice of Zuo Pojun's exhilaration came from the intercom. Ye Tianxie put down the moment of destiny, a little smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, picked up the intercom, and said slowly: "They agreed?"

"Yes! Just now, including the President of the United States, Mabbio, a total of 24 heads of state called my father. As long as you can leave Wall City immediately and stop revenge, they are willing to promise you Three conditions ... At the same time, other countries, including the main city that has been ruined by you, will persuade them to apologize within three days ... ha ha, ha ha ha ha ... This result is almost like dreaming Wonderful. Second brother, you are really ... wife and wife are amazing !! "