Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 233: Immortal reincarnation

[Yo, this chapter is almost four thousand. There was no way, it was raining heavily outside, and I couldn't go back for a while, so I shrank in the office for a while ... The rain didn't stop. ]

The first auction of the Chamber of Commerce in July ended, and only four pieces of equipment were sold, three of which belonged to the burial gods of the Divine League. This result is not difficult to accept, because this is the strength-the strength belonging to the Divine Alliance. But relatively speaking, the biggest winner is undoubtedly the July Chamber of Commerce.

For the first auction, the Chamber of Commerce in July alone earned an incredible 102.32 million gold coins. This number undoubtedly surpassed the highest record in the virtual game world and even the real world since then. . The root of this record is the huge influence of the world of destiny, the huge attraction of the equipment being auctioned, and the subtle calculation of Liu Yueyue.

The gold coins obtained from the auction of equipment are: 10,108.1 thousand.

Total: 1.114 billion gold coins.

A real astronomical figure.

No one had thought of it ... maybe, except Liu Yeyue, even Ye Tianxie and Zuo Pojun would never have thought that there would be such an incredible income.

At the same time, compared with the money income this time, the reputation of the Chamber of Commerce in July also completely resounded in the Huaxia Theater on this day. Even foreign players who are following the direction of this fairy weapon in the Huaxia Theater have remembered the name of the July Chamber of Commerce. Today's July Chamber of Commerce is no longer known only for Liu Yueyue.

On the other hand, no one paid much attention to how the No. 1 Chamber of Commerce went on and how it ended.

In the afternoon after the auction, players who went to the July Chamber of Commerce for consignment of various equipment almost broke the threshold and could not squeeze in. The strength and popularity that was revealed in just half a day was easy to convince players and became their first choice.

In the afternoon of the same day, in July, the Chamber of Commerce began to recruit a large number of the best professional chefs, engineering players, design players, collecting and planting players, etc., and even the most basic receptionists, waiters, and welcomers. Bin players, the minimum reward is enough to make people jealous to vomit blood. Under heavy rewards, players flooded in from all directions ... but, an announcement wiped out most of these players directly ... male players do not recruit, non-life occupations do not recruit, looks not for the beauty level, do not have good temperament No.

And all the female players who have been applied for have been brushed down for more than half of their careers. In the initial review, they have been brushed down for the most part. The beauty among the beauties selected last was personally carried out by Liu Yueyue. Choice ... Whether in the past or the present, the chamber of commerce in July has always been only women, and in the future, it seems that it will only be a chamber of commerce that belongs to women.

In this auction, the income obtained from the tickets belongs to the July Chamber of Commerce, and the 10,101,100 gold coins obtained from the auction equipment were all transferred to Ye Tianxie's fund card by Liu Yueyue, her explanation was ... The current scale of the July Chamber of Commerce and the reputation gained this morning all come from Ye Tianxie. It can even be said that now the July Chamber of Commerce originally belongs to Ye Tianxie. The gold coins obtained from the auction naturally belong to him completely. Instead of charging that 15% of the auction brokerage fee.



The sky is still dim on Wednesday, July 27, 2210

From a very young age, I have lived in the shadow of the sick, and my body is weak like a dying grass, with almost no resistance. For me, my father and mother have seen many doctors, but I always knew that my life could not be saved in any way.

However, for the sake of my family, I have always had the courage to struggle to survive ... I am twelve years old and I have not died, but my father and mother ... have already left before me, and have left ... as a potential source of disease in my body again When it broke out, I suddenly lost my desire to resist God. If it were not for my sister, I would really like to leave this seemingly gentle but murderous world.

My condition is getting worse and worse, and I spend about two thirds of my day in the muddy, and that day, my sister happily told me that she made a fortune in that mysterious and aspiring fate game, I'm so happy, but I'm still a drag from my sister ... it's her drag, and it's her last cowardly reliance.

So I can't die.

After that day, when my sister spoke with me every day, she mentioned a boy. She said he gave her hope and courage. She said how good he was. She said how dazzling he was. She said he gave her Here comes a sense of security, she said he has a very beautiful girlfriend, she said he ...

When she mentioned him, her sister's eyes were so bright ... Slowly, I seemed to understand something ...

Sister often said, I am Angel, not belonging to the world, the old man of God wants to take it back early, but she is not willing, so she has to grab the old man of God, silly sister, you do n’t know how nostalgic you are for your warmth Can't we disobey the old man's command?

I really want to bask in the warm sunshine before leaving, look at this world where there is darkness but my sister, touch the softness of the grass, listen to the crisp sound of the birds, and feel the taste of the drizzle ... there are so many wish……

The elder sister entered the game again, and went to the home in the game of the person she said. I really want to see it ... but this body is really weak, so weak ... it makes people desperate ...

The feeling of wanting to sleep forever is here again ... but if I do n’t have it, what would my sister do ... she alone ... how to persist ...

That day, the bad guy named Huang Quan came again. Although he was driven away by them again, this time, his face was so horrible. He said that he would really take a lot of people next time to take away his sister directly ... I hope that it was just a fright to us, it must be Not really, but I'm so scared ...

I have been bruised all over, so since fate has abandoned me, treat my sister well, okay ... as long as my sister can be peaceful and happy, even if I can only live in gray despair forever, I am willing and content.

My sister said that she is the only one left of me now, and I am her entire world, but why isn't my sister all of me? She is like the only light in my dark world, though weak, it is my entire sun.

As long as I have a sister, even in hell, I have the courage to smile and look up at heaven. If everything can be exchanged, I really want to go to sleep like this, and use my broken life, but in exchange for my sister's crystal bright smile ...


The soft light projected into the only small window hit the corner of this small space. Chen Xue gently closed the diary. Closed his eyes. Breathing the air that smelled of death ... I don't know since when her body is weak and even breathing is so difficult.

She turned her head and looked at her sister lying next to her, trying to keep herself silent. At this time, Chen Xin was sleeping like a begonia in spring, with an intoxicating smile on her quiet and beautiful face ... she liked to see her smile from her heart ... she must be very happy and happy in the game world . And her time in the game has been quietly getting longer ... but as long as Chen Xue is a little bigger or shouts softly, she will immediately come out of the game.

"Sister, you will be happy ... and then I will be in heaven, silently watching you have been happy all the time ..." She murmured with her lightest voice, watching her only reliance.

Today is the eighth day of Ye Tianxie's journey to Tianri City ... During the eight days, the lost mainland player group has not calmed down ... Following Ye Tianxie's completion of the gang alliance system task in the Huaxia theater, the Huaxia theater The major forces of China have been formally established and slowly matured. It is also these days that a name that has never appeared but trembled the eyes and hearts of countless Chinese players appeared in the eyes of Chinese players.

Through the territory of level 80 monster gold armor and bear, Ye Tianxie finally came to a small town. He took a break, opened the rankings, and then frowned suddenly.

Hierarchy Ranking (Higher experience in the same level is preferred.)

First place: Evil Sky, Level: 20, Class: Inverse Bone Evil Dragon, Affiliation: None.

Second place: Tian Moxie, Level: Level 18, Class: Shooter, Affiliation: Covering Wings.

On the day when the wing-covering wings of the destiny world were officially established, the news of Tian Moxie joining the wing-covering wings was like a violent storm, causing strong turbulence among the Chinese players. Tian Moxie once was an lonely lone ranger, but this time ... he even joined the wings of the sky!

And the real sky moxie ... that is the current evil sky, with a sneer ...

At the auction site that day, the person he saw when he was leaving, the person who stood behind the Son of Heaven, covered his face and dressed in an archer costume. Although he had hidden his information, how could he escape? When Ye Tianxie's evil dragon eyes appeared, the word Moxie appeared in front of him that day ... If it weren't for the next moment he was passed from the auction hall, he might lose his mind.

Tian Moxie ... this is the name she gave him back then, and it was she who led him into the virtual game world, and this name accompanied him for five years.

But now, the name ... the name she took for him was taken up by others, and it was his anger that ignited ... Tian Moxie's "undefeated evil emperor" prestige, it would never be simple Coincident, but someone deliberately did it. And at that moment, he finally understood.

It is the wing that covers the sky using his name ... Because Tian Moxie is recognized as the king of the Chinese virtual game world that cannot be shaken. He has countless admirers and admirers, his reputation is unparalleled, and the whole world has been trembling because of his name ... and if one day, the lonely Tian Moxie suddenly joined a force ... Well, even that Just a very small little guild, that guild will ring the world overnight.

The wing-covering wing has succeeded, and it has been a complete success. As soon as the news of Tian Mo-xie joining the wing-covering wing, countless admirers of the wing-covering rush to the wing-covering wing ... The Divine Alliance was established at the same time, but in the days after its establishment, the new members of the Sky Wings increased nearly five times faster than the Divine Alliance ... The influence of Tian Moxie is unparalleled! And everyone believes that with the sky-covering wings of Tian Moxie, it will be the true "wing-covering wings"!

Another consequence of the success of the wing covering the sky is ... Ye Tianxie's anger and resentment ~ ~ But what makes Ye Tianxie somewhat puzzled is that the child of the sky is still only ranked Sixth place, what method does the wing that covers the sky push this fake sky moxie to such a high position in the rankings? Since there is such a method, why doesn't the Son of Heaven need to be on himself?

Third place: Meng Yu Yi, Level, Level 18, Class: Assassin, Affiliation: Immortal Reincarnation

Fourth place: Endless Kill, Level: Level 18, Class: Sword Warrior, Affiliation: None.

Fifth place: Cangchen, Level: Level 18, Class: Summoner, Affiliation: Immortal Reincarnation.

Sixth: Son of Heaven, Level: Level 18, Class: Gunfighter, Affiliation: Covering Wings.

Seventh place: Yi Jian Ling Yun, Level: Level 18, Class: Sword Warrior, Affiliation: Immortal Reincarnation.

Eighth: Burial God, Level: 18, Class: Assassin, Affiliation: Divine Alliance

Ninth Place: King, Level: Level 17, Occupation: Bloody Hand, Affiliation: Immortal Reincarnation.

Tenth place: Phantom Star Soul, Level: Level 17, Class: Sword Warrior. Affiliation: Immortal reincarnation.

On the day when a new force was established, a name that made Huaxia shake was remembered by almost all Huaxia players, and that was-immortal samsara. Because that day. Among the top ten on the ranking list ... there are actually four people who belong to the immortal cycle!

Today, the original four people have become five people, and the top ten of the ranking list actually belong to the same force! This is a shocking fact. Countless speculations have pointed to this strange, mysterious, but extremely powerful and immortal reincarnation.

At this time, the original four had one more person called "King", an unfamiliar and mad name ... And to Ye Tianxie's surprise, his profession-"blood hand"!