Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 248: Evil heart

This is a virtual game world called Destiny. Its main developer is an alien named Alpha, and its deputy developer is a American from Pross.

On the day the world of Destiny opened, Alpha returned to his hometown ... and Alpha has been on Earth for more than a decade, but no one has ever known which galaxy he came from. His appearance and his disappearance are a mystery. Prose committed suicide that day, and it was a mystery where no answer could be found ...

The weird scenes did not suppress the extreme passion for the world of Destiny. In less than a week, the horrible number of people online is proving to people ... that the world of destiny will evolve into a human second world at an extremely fast speed, and it will be equal to the real world world. Because their currencies can be used universally, and many things that cannot be done in the real world can be done and completed in this virtual world. Most of the things in the virtual world are much better than the real world ...

And the fact is the same. At the same time, more people have been in the "Fate" world for more and more time than in the real world.

This is a trend that cannot be stopped. And if the world of destiny suddenly disappears, then the consequences will be uncontrollable ... caused by, it will be worldwide *. Because that's like cutting half of their lives.

Ye Tianxie discovered its unusual and incredible weirdness from the first day he entered the world of destiny ...

The world of destiny is not a pure virtual game world ... To be more specific, it has an incredible intersection with the real world.

The first intersection he saw was the moment of his fate.

The second intersection is Guoguo.

The third, and the one that shakes him most, is Xiaoxi.

And now ...

He heard the name "Li Xianer" from an NPC, an NPC who gave him a great shock.

When these three familiar words came to his ears, he was like hearing three deafening blasts of thunder.

He turned back at an extremely slow speed, his eyes that became out of focus in the tremor, looked at the calm eyes of the blue-haired man, and said, "Why do you know her name!"

"Defeat me, you will know everything you want to know, the weak and not qualified to get an answer." The blue-haired man answered him coldly.

Ye Tianxie's face showed a terrible suffocation. He stepped forward and said fiercely, "Why can't you tell me now! You won't be the one who hurt me, then why can't you let me be Know ... what exactly do you want ... Do you know how much it is torture me !!! If you really want to help me ... tell me all. "

Facing his eyes full of negative emotions for a moment, the blue-haired man's pupils were slightly turbulent ... At this moment, he seemed to see himself at that time.

"Some things are not what I tell you, you will believe."

"You said, I will believe it!" Ye Tianxie said heavily.

"you will not……"

"Why do you think I won't!"

"After I heard the truth, I would rather die than believe it! I don't understand that feeling!" The blue-haired man closed his eyes slightly and said blandly: "And ... even if you really believe, Knowing too early will only be harmful to you. Instead of helping you, it will upset your mind and make it harder for you. "

"I don't need a reason." Ye Tianxie slowly shook his head and stared straight at him: "I just want to know ... everything! Why do you know Xianer? Who are you? Why do you appear here ... Xian Where is she now and what is she doing? "

From Ye Tianxie's voice, the blue-haired man was enough to hear that he was already struggling to suppress his emotions ... his emotions were already on the verge of getting out of control. This out of control emotions showed that ... How important the word "fairy" is to him.

The blue-haired man was silent, then raised his eyes, sighed, and said, "Since you are so persistent, I can tell you ..."

Ye Tianxie didn't speak, and stared straight at him.

"But, I must remind you that the only consequence of knowing the truth today ... will only be meeting with Li Xianer, and even her demise. Do you still insist?" The blue-haired man is not salty. In a tone, he said something that made Ye Tianxie's eyes shrink suddenly.

Never meet Lixian Er, even her death ...

Ye Tianxie moved the corner of his mouth and suddenly smiled: "Forget it, I don't want to know."

The blue-haired man stared at him, nodded his head, and said softly, "Tianxie, you don't have to be sad. Li Xianer loves you more than all, and the reason why you leave you is all for you and your future ... she I told her that the biggest wrong thing she did in this life was that she could n’t help finding her ten years ago and staying with you for seven years. If she did n’t do that, she would n’t introduce you to such a whirlpool. Everything, as long as she resists alone. But ... I understand that she has a deep relationship with you that you can't imagine, she can't control the desire to find you and be with you ... "

"I understand ... even you can understand, how could I not understand with her seven days and nights. I always knew that she must have had a great dilemma when she left me. She even drank my water to the city Distressed for a long time, how can I bear my sadness ... How can I not understand. "Remembrance, smile, hesitation, confusion ... Various emotions reflected on his face, at this moment, his expression suddenly calmed down, calm With a slight smile.

He was convinced that Xianer's affection for him would never change ... never. And she must be working hard for their future now. What about yourself? Fairy is working hard, what qualifications do she have to be pessimistic, complain, confused, hysterical ... Isn't it the same as Xianer to work hard in the direction she deliberately leads?

She left the moment of fate to herself, so she did her best to gather the core of fate.

He left himself Guoguo and Xiaoxi, who were his most cherished relatives. He would take good care of them and prevent them from being wronged ... although Guoguo was sometimes too weird and wayward.

Thinking of this, for a moment, the depression in my heart and the violent breath that had just risen suddenly disappeared. The blue-haired man inadvertently clicked on the softest string in his heart. In the memory, her face, her tenderness, her smile, such as the soft warm light, caressed his heart ... Every minute and second with her, he is precious Can no longer be precious memories.

So, in order to be with her forever, he is willing to give every effort.

"You tell me why the improvement of my ability requires the baptism of the seven deadly sins. I want to know the reason." Ye Tianxie breathed a sigh of relief and turned to ask. He had never heard such a way to increase strength with sin. Even if he could, he would not be willing to try ... but for the sake of fairy, he would be willing to do so, even if it was unforgiving.

The blue-haired man did not answer him immediately, but looked at him with a hint of mysterious voice: "Do you know why Lixianer named you" Xianxie "for you?"

"Why?" Ye Tianxie moved.

"In the future, your name will be 'Ye Tianxie', shall you ..."

At the age of ten, they first met on the snow-covered ground. Her voice still lingered. On the first day they met, she rarely asked him for a weird request ... So, after that day, he changed his name to "Ye Tianxie".

Over the years, he occasionally asked why she would call him the name, and she always smiled and said, "Because I like the name so much ..."

Is there a particular reason for this?

"Because she already knew that you had to be baptized with the Seven Deadly Sins. This is a baptism that you must go through."

"What does this have to do with my name?" Ye Tianxie asked.

The blue-haired man nodded slightly and said blandly, "Your dragon soul is the soul of evil dragons. You know ~ ~ what is 'evil'?"

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"The word" evil "is neither good nor evil. If we must find a position, it means that there is both good and evil, or between good and evil. In fact, evil and good and evil are completely different. Good Those who are good must have good intentions, and those who are evil must have nausea. Most living beings have both good and disgusting, but they must not be positioned by 'evil'. The essence of evil is a connection with good and evil, but Mind that has nothing to do with good and evil. This kind of mind cannot be cultivated and formed like good and evil, but is inherently difficult to develop. "

Ye Tianxie's brain was chaotic, and Jack said, "You tell me directly, why I have to go through the seven deadly sins before I can awaken the dragon soul."

The blue-haired man nodded and said: "Dragon souls with bright attributes need to be guided with kindness, otherwise the power of the dragon will be silent forever. Dragon souls with dark attributes need to be guided with a bit more disagreeable mind. Your The Dragon Soul has both light and darkness. What it needs is the guidance of the "evil" heart. And ... from childhood to age, whether you were a family member or Li Xianer, you have been guided with your temperament. To the "good" side, and your natural evilness is nothing more than making your habits different from ordinary people. The true evilness is to ignore good and evil, and only do what you think is right, for yourself and for your protection People who care about you can ignore everything, trample on everything, and not be bound or bound by any so-called 'good' or 'evil' ... This evil nature, you can't do it now ... because of the baptism of living environment, So that you wo n’t really touch the true sin. So, you need to be baptized. After baptism, he will live only for himself and those around him, without the needless fears. So, your dragon Only because of your evil Generation and rapid awakening ...... Now, you understand me? "