Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 414: Lust

"Oh! Master, what are you doing? You will make Xiaoxi sleep." Guoguo stood by the window, watching Ye Tianxie's movement in puzzlement. Of course she wouldn't know what a man's actions mean to a girl ... but her inner heart could make her subconsciously feel like she shouldn't do it.

Guoguo's words fell into Ye Tianxie's ears, but did not make him awake ... No, it should be said that he has always been awake, he knows clearly what time it is now, what space, and more clearly what he is doing .

He knew more clearly that the deep craving that had never existed deep in his heart prevented his hands from stopping at all. The desire is so strong that he is so sober that he cannot restrain it with his will.

What's going on, why do you want so strongly ... Is it because you haven't vented for too long, and suddenly broke out today?

still is……

Could it be ...

A terrible possibility flashed through his mind-the last sin of the seven deadly sins: lust!

However, now that it is clearly in the period of gluttony, why is it ... Is it because the prop that clears the hunger directly ends the baptism of gluttony! ?

For the first six sins, Ye Tianxie can rightly take it right, but the last sin, headed by wickedness, is the one that will first affect the people around him, so he has already decided that before the sin of **** comes, He would leave home for a while and find a place to spend calmly.

But the reality is that the sin of **** suddenly came, which caught him off guard, and its fierce degree made him unable to parry it.

Xiao Xi's quilt was lifted up, revealing the entire small white body, which was flawless. In the darkness, her body was released with snow-like whiteness. Ye Tianxie's breathing became heavier ... Xiao Xi was given to him by Li Xianer. He must protect her and protect her, so that she cannot be harmed even a little. He wanted to let go of Xiaoxi, but, more, actually pressed the girl who let his madness ignited with innocent charm severely under his body, destroying it wantonly ...

His weak resistance told him that he had lost ... just like laziness, greed, and gluttony, he could hardly resist under the baptism of the seven deadly sins.

The only thing he can control is to make his movements as soft as possible ...

He hugged Xiaoxi and put it in his arms. One hand was still kneading in front of her chest, her movements were almost out of control. The other hand was backward, and she touched Xiaoxi's delicate hips and touched them. At that time, Ye Tianxie's hand trembled slightly, it is hard to imagine such a thin and small body, with such two petals of such soft snow | buttocks, under the touch, it was as delicate as a layer of milk The smoothness made him hold it, and he couldn't bear to let go anymore, playing greedily, and the movements on his hands became heavier and heavier, making Xiaoxi's breathing in the dream thicker.

Xiao Xi's thigh is very thin and only slightly thicker than Ye Tianxie's upper arm, but the ratio is amazingly slender, with a longer and straighter shin shank, which is simply not like something on earth. This is still the case at an immature age, and it is impossible to imagine what the beauty of heaven and man will develop after growing up.

Ye Tianxie ’s emotions are already on the verge of getting out of control. His body is rubbing her delicate body, and her hands are chaotic. She fumbles and rubs on her breasts, delicate hips, waist, and slim legs, if not in her heart. The last string of reason, unwilling to break, he had already pressed Xiaoxi under him.


With a soft call, he looked at Xiao Hina's confused snow face. Her eyelashes and nasal **** were trembling slightly, her tender lips opened slightly, exhaling irregular gasps.

In fact, how could Xiaoxi's five senses not wake up.

The call shook Ye Tianxie's body slightly, Xiao Xi's trembling body made him subconsciously embrace her little butt, but the ten fingers fell into two soft snow meats, and they could not loose anymore, but almost Uncontrollable grasping began to make Xiaoxi groan slightly. The immature moaning was like a strong oxidant, which made the inflammation of his desire swell again, and it was completely out of control.

Another lightning flashed, Ye Tianxie's face almost adhered to Xiao Xi's, the burning breath almost melted the beautiful person like jade carving in front of her, her face was so confused and innocent. She is such a small child. She excludes all outsiders. Others cannot even touch her body, but she is so obsessed with him. There is not even a trace of separation and taboo in front of him. She must not know herself. What to do to her ...

Ye Tianxie was struggling in pain ... but, his struggle was under that turbulent original sin, as weak as a flat boat in the sea.

Xiaoxi's expression was gaunt, her eyes closed, and she could not imagine what kind of confused and helpless look she would be. And just as Ye Tianxie was struggling with so much pain, she suddenly bowed her head forward, leaned closer to the lips of the cherry, and stuck it on Ye Tianxie's lips ... a jerky kiss. Her lips were slippery and soft, and there was an intoxicating coolness.

And her sudden and proactive kiss made Ye Tianxie's last strand of reason directly break. He lost his control and sucked Xiao Xi's small and smooth lips, sucked greedily, and felt soft and creamy. He lifted away the tense and closed jade teeth, and found the overwhelming timid lilac tongue. With a sip, a few traces of light and sweet Xiangjin, bit by bit, straight into the heart and spleen ...

Xiaoxi whispered, her cicada-like eyes trembled violently, her white body was suddenly stiff, her delicate neck lifted up high ... but she breathed the taste of "brother", and her body slowly softened and tender. Cowardly put the tip of his tongue into his mouth, let him taste and suck. She would never know how irresistible the temptation of such a jerky and cowardly gesture to a man.

Ye Tianxie finally collapsed, he sucked the tender lips in the girl's mouth frantically, his tongue stirred in her small mouth, teased her frightened little tongue, and a stream of Xiangjin was forced out of Xiaoxi's lips to open, slowly Slowly, flowing down her neck, and then to her shiny pink buds. Ye Tianxie's hands were stroking frantically throughout her body, no matter where she touched, they were all smooth and moist, like fine powder. Her body, even in the dark, was still so shiny and white.

"Xiao Xi ..."

While sucking her little tongue, he uttered a trembling whisper in his breath, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, separated her white tender legs, and then held her tender | hips with her hands, making her the most intimate girl The part closely fits his desire to swell to almost explode. Although Xiaoxi's body is small, she has a delicate accumulation of fat between her thighs. She is extremely soft and soft. Such a girl, even without a beautiful face, will be a stunner for men. That unprecedented touch made Ye Tianxie take a long breath and couldn't bear it for a second, holding Xiao Hinen | Hip's hand down hard ...

"Brother ... brother ..." In a long call, Xiaoxi's snow stock suddenly lifted, her body suddenly stiff, her two beautiful legs stretched straight, and even the snow toes that were leveled were convulsed. Her body was too small, and the person who wanted to occupy her was so huge that she couldn't hold it at all. The moment before, it didn't penetrate into her body, but made her cry out in pain.

This scream also made Ye Tianxie stop his movements, and his craving desire couldn't hold down his distress. She hurryed up Xiaoxi and let her stay away from her slightly. However, Xiao Xi, who was softened, stretched out her two snowy arms around her neck, took the initiative to open her legs and re-crossed Ye Tianxie's waist, and then slowly and carefully Sit up ... Smooth friction makes Ye Tianxie can't help raising her neck and raising her waist, making a comfortable low groan, and then, he feels that he is choked by two slices of carp-like fat. A soft moan sounded from Xiao Xi's mouth, her snow | hips held by Ye Tianxie began to sway and rub back and forth in her moaning sound, the movement was so careful and jerky ... The tactile, visual and spiritual impact brought by Ye Tianxie almost erupted on the spot ~ ~ Xiao Xi ... why ... who taught her this ...

Ye Tianxie's thoughts were immediately drowned.

Xiaoxi leaned his hands around his neck, leaning forward slightly, and supporting his body with thin, straight, and dazzling slender ankles. Zhuyu's rounded buttocks hung back and forth on the waist of the man, and the most delicate parts of the body and leaves Tian Xie rubbed fiercely, the jerky movements began to slip | Shun, the speed is getting faster and faster, the intensity of friction is constantly increasing, Xiao Xi's tender face is pure and flawless, perfect as the purest elf, see Less than a trace of lust, such a pure expression, but doing such obscene moves ...

From dry to hot and hot, sticky and greasy, gradually, the parts they rubbed with were already murmur of water, and the wet dripping slurry did not know where to come out. Ye Tianxie closed her eyes and almost fainted. Gradually, under the slippery water, he felt that he began to slowly slip into a small section of wet, hot and tender tender tube during friction. Ye Tianxie took a long breath of cold air, and Greek pity has already been burned by desire, and her waist is violently slammed, grinning and getting in!

Xiaoxi sighed slightly, her white arms hugged Ye Tianxie's body tightly ... Ye Tianxie's **** was too hot, Xiao Xi was so young, but Birun It's amazingly plump, and in the greasy and slippery, Ye Tianxie didn't reach the bottom, and Xiao Xi was tightly combined. The combined part slowly overflowed with redness, which was Xiao Xi's pure and impeccable proof, so he was ruthlessly snatched away.

The fruit on the windowsill looked at them confused and dull, and had forgotten to see the heavy rain falling outside.

[Well, I ’m not good at that. It ’s just like that. You have to know that the beast is fierce. Want to see the full version, please add the equatorial group to find a priest. 】