Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 542: Evolution in Rebirth! Light of Roots! (u

Facing the almost empty blood tank, Ye Tianxie still rushed to the Abyss for the first time. The cooldown time of Xuanling's Healing Recovery has not yet been cleared. The recovery amount of Xuanling's Healing is Ye Tianxie at this time. It's basically a waste of money. Although his ability to recover his life is extremely amazing, the blood claws of Akabuchi can make him die as long as he touches his body ...

-1080000, -1080000, --1080000!

It was another three swift and swift winds that smashed Aiyuan's body. Ye Tianxie attacked three times in a row, and Achien finally had the opportunity to fight back. The blood claw stabbed Ye Tian with a terrifying air wave. The evil face door ... Ye Tianxie didn't realize it, and still slammed into the body of Achibu with a dragon soul split ...

The cymbals behind Ye Tianxie blessed the "Wall of Heavenly Obstruction" at a very fast speed, and the body turned into a white light flashing past, hitting the blood claws attacking Ye Tianxie with a loud sound, 夭The uncle's body was slammed into the air and hit Ye Tianxie's body. Ye Tianxie's body was knocked back for dozens of meters. One person and one pet were unharmed. With a roar like a beast, Ye Tianxie's body turned back on and on again, and a series of heavy blows hit Abuchi's body. Abuchi roared angrily, his hands burst into blood, and the body suddenly rotated, driving Blood claws attacked Ye Tianxie's body ...

Akamoto's powerful single attack technique that can launch three attacks in an instant-Red Cyclone!

Bang Bang! !! !!

It is still a cricket, and it tries to jump up, blocking its attack with its own body, which is not much bigger than Akabuchi ’s fist. Under the protection of the wall of the sky barrier, it still does not suffer any substantial harm, but His body was smashed into the air again, hitting Ye Tianxie's body that was protected, and shortly after the attack by Akabuchi, Ye Tianxie's dragon soul broke and chopped like a storm, and was taken away mercilessly. With Abyss's life ...

-1080000, -1080000, -1080000, -1080000 ...

From Ye Tianxie's blessing of the disaster to the present, in the short time now, Abyss's life has fallen by more than one fifth ... more than 20 million lives! !!

This is the horrible claw king!

It is still so terrible to bless the flames of calamity with Ye Tianxie's current basic attributes, and how strong the claw emperor after growth is, it is unimaginable. No wonder God and Demon are so frightened by the Claw Emperor. Once the Claw Emperor's breath appears, no matter who he is, he must be annihilated before he grows up.

The powerful suppression made Abuchi go back and forth, the extremely strong attack made Abuchi shudder in the retreat, and the ever-changing color of the flame made it even more intimidating in the heart ... it was a mystery The beast even felt fear! And even if its attack hits the opponent, it will suffer even more terrible damage, and its two successive attacks did not even solve the little fox ... The anger that was already burning, at this moment, Ascension to the extreme.

The IQ of the mysterious beast will not be weaker than humans. It has fully realized the horror of the colorful flame, and understands that the reason why its attack cannot solve the little white fox is because of the layer of fluorescent barrier around its body. ... It didn't attack again, but suddenly spread its wings and backed, and flew up to a height of five meters. However, its movement speed can be compared with the current Ye Tianxie. It just lifted off, Ye Tianxie has caught up in an instant, and a dragon soul split and smashed on its body. Abyss did not respond, both Suddenly, the claws opened, and Yangtian made a roar like a wolf ...

嗷 ~~~~~~

The space oscillated and the sand rose. The sound seemed to be able to penetrate the soul, directly hit the depths of the soul, and completely defeat human consciousness into a blank space. Under this roar, the attacking Ye Tianxie suddenly stopped his hand The movement, like being immobilized, remained motionless, and the calamity of his body became ... in no time.

At the same time, the white wall of Tianze and the wall of the obstacles on the urn, even the status of "Blight of *" and "Nightmaw's Claw" by Beckham disappeared at the same time.

Voice of Breaking the Realm: Yangtian issued a roar penetrating through the barrier of strength and soul, forcibly erasing all auxiliary states blessed by all targets within 100 meters, consuming 800 magic, 100 seconds of skill cooldown, and firing frequency is very low.

The special trick of Achibuchi played an amazing role, and even the plague of the claw emperor was completely erased. A total of ten seconds have passed since the flames of calamity burned and went out ... a dozen seconds have destroyed 25 million lives in Akabuchi!

"Ding ... You used the special skill 'Salmon of Calamity', and health and magic were permanently reduced by 300, and strength, physique, agility, and spirit were permanently reduced by 20."

Ye Tianxie, who had just left the disaster state, could not immediately wake up, but was in a hazy state of consciousness recovery, not even hearing the prompts in his ears. The anger in front of him in front of him was fiercely fierce, using the claws of blood to send an ordinary bash, and smashed at Ye Tianxie who had no more threat to it ...

Ye Tianxie, who had not fully recovered his consciousness, was motionless, and it was impossible to avoid this attack ...

boom! !!

A deafening collision sounded, and with the sudden rush of a white light, the blood claws of Abyss were still hitting.

It knows that if it hits Ye Tianxie, Ye Tianxie will surely die. Hitting it, it must also be undoubted ...

Maybe, protecting him has become his habit unconsciously, or it is the instinct of being a pet, or it is the traction of the soul's blood ... whatever the reason, it knows the consequences clearly, but There was no hesitation in making such a move ... it was more like an instinct from deep inside.

After all, it is not an ordinary pet. It is a mysterious snow fox that even the sacred beast and the strongest dragon **** of the dragon tribe dread ... It has rich emotions, and has many years of life and experience. Has a heart that is as immaculate as its body ...

Without the protection of the sky barrier, it was undoubtedly killed by the blow of Abyss. The body that was blocking Ye Tianxie's body was hit by Ye Tianxie's chest again after being blown away. Before, taking his body upside down and flying out also made Ye Tianxie's consciousness completely awake.

The dim picture just now made Ye Tianxie understand what was happening at once, and his eyes widened, and he exclaimed in surprise: "夭 ... 夭!"


His body bumped to the ground, and his chest-wrapped down his body fell to the ground weakly. Ye Tianxie's fists clenched and his teeth clenched. The previous picture flashed in his head ... In a state of disaster, he would lose consciousness, but he would not lose sight and hearing. What he saw when he was awake, Everything you hear will be recalled ...

This was the second time he had watched Wu die in front of him. The first time was in the icy bones. That time, she was using her body to protect the ice wolf from the attack. And this time, in order to protect him, he also used his body to resist the killing blow ...

In the state of calamity, he destroyed 25 million lives in Akabuchi. At this time, Akabuchi still had 75 million vitality. The calamity of calamity could not be launched yet, and he was completely gone. Overcome it possible. Hate in my heart, but can only sigh helplessly. In front of me, Li was lying there quietly ... When she died for the first time to protect Fifi, it suddenly revived and evolved miraculously one after the other, and this time lifted the ice crisis, and this time, it Just lying quietly, the exquisite body shrank into a white snowball, and the long velvet tail dragged to the ground ... no sound.

This time he faced the real death of his pet partner for the first time ...

Maybe, I really should n’t have come to try this abyss ...

How can you be strong ... after all, it is just a player, no matter how strong, you can't jump out of the player's category. How can a player fight against a mysterious beast whose level is higher than himself. The mysterious beast, that is the ultimate beast whose strength is comparable to that of the true god, can it be competed by players several levels lower than the strength of the people who lost the continent ...

With a roar in his ears, Abuchi ’s body suddenly burst into an aura that was much stronger than before. Ye Tianxie looked up, but saw his claws held up, and the red magic pattern on his body was like Lighted, flashing fiercely, burning ...

God Forbidden Technique • Red Abyss: Abyss's exclusive mysterious skill, burns his violent blood, releases all the power sealed in the blood, and reveals his own mysterious power without reservation. When encountering a powerful enemy or in a state of anger, it has a high probability to launch. After casting, the whole body will become red, and the vitality, attack power, and defense power will be increased by 50%. The movement speed and attack speed will be increased by 30%. It takes ten seconds to launch, and it can continue forever, but in the process of being sustained, you will experience the pain of burning yourself and lose a small part of your reason.

The message from the evil dragon's eyes made Ye Tianxie expressionless ... It turned out that the previous one has been in the state of power blockade by itself ~ ~ now it is really ready to start showing its own All strength. Achibuchi, who is blocked by power, has not been able to resist, but what is he doing to resist Achibuchi with full strength?

Uncle's death had a great impact on him. Speaking of which, he is an undefeated person, and his death is a manifestation of his incompetence. Because it means that he does not have the ability to protect his partner. If this is in the real world, he will watch his partner's true death.

Without paying attention to Abyss, Ye Tianxie's hand reached out to Ji, trying to lift his body, and the moment his fingertips touched Ji, suddenly, a strong, but extremely soft The white light shone from its silent body, making Ye Tianxie's hand stiffen there, and then, under his gaze, his body carried an extremely strong white light floating from the ground. From then on, the body gradually straightened in the float, and those closed eyes slowly opened, revealing the light like crystal ...

"Ding ... Your pet 'Xuanling Snow Fox''s special ability 'Xuanling Resurrection' is triggered. Xuanling Snow Fox is resurrected and all states are fully restored."

"Ding ... Your pet Xuanling Snow Fox's ability is awakened due to unknown reasons. The pet is advanced as a fairy pet with all attributes increased. The cooldown of Xuanling Heal is reduced by one second, and the cooldown of Xuanling Recovery is reduced by one second. , Turn on the skills 'Xuanling Revival' and 'Xuanling Wall · Back to Heaven'. "

"Ding ... Your pet Xuanling Snow Fox's ability is awakened due to unknown reasons. It is an advanced pet, with all attributes increased. The cooldown of Xuanling Heal is reduced by one second, and the cooldown of Xuanling Healing is reduced by one second , Turn on the skill 'Xuanling Light · Dream.' "

"Ding ... Xuanling Snow Fox Exclusive God Forbidden Technique-The Light of Roots Turns On."

Ye Tianxie: "..."