Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 559: Lost Emperor

Ye Tianxie strolled the shopping streets of the Lost City. There are some in Tianchen City, all of them here, not in Tianchen City, and they are everywhere. Including large and small painting and calligraphy, KTV, game halls, casinos, entertainment centers, bath centers ... There is no such great industry as lady health care-at least not on the surface.

Walking out of the entertainment center, Ye Tianxie took a long sigh of relief. The NPC here was smiling all the time. When he saw the brave badge and hero badge on his chest, he immediately saw the same as his dad ... Various entertainment facilities, including expensive golf courses and the like, can be admitted for free forever. I also carefully asked if I could be their image spokesperson ... The powerful effect of the hero badge was really felt, and it was no longer the word "strong" alone.

Walk through the commercial street as quickly as possible, and remember the locations of the major shops. Ye Tianxie looked at the time, looked for a passerby NPC to find out the way, and declined the NPC's request to send the hero to himself in the life or death, and went in the direction of the central imperial palace. On the scale of the Lost City, if you want to walk all around, don't even think about it for ten or eight days.

The scale of the Lost City's imperial palace is naturally not comparable to the main city of Tianchen City. Standing in front of the city gate and looking at it, the eyes are full of stunning golden splendor, and the luxuriousness of its architecture makes people feel as if they are in an unreal beautiful myth. Such luxury may only appear in the virtual world.

The gates of the Royal Palace are paved with gorgeous white jade bricks and tiles, so that people walking on it will become subconsciously cautious. Dozens of guards were standing in front of the door, all of them solemn and extraordinary. Ye Tianxie walked over and said to the closest palace guard: "Troubleshoot, I want to see the lost emperor."

The guard gave him a quick glance, and said politely, "Hello, a brave man from a different world, I will take every chance, unless he has a license, he will not meet foreigners. You still have to wait until the reputation exceeds 100,000.

"... Troubleshoot, Xie Tian came from the call of the lost emperor." Ye Tianxie said.

"Evil sky?" The guard's face was shocked, and then his gaze was fixed on the hero badge on his chest. His calm eyes showed eagerness, and he stepped back quickly, OK. A standard knight ceremony, said sincerely: "It turned out to be an evil hero, please forgive the villain for being rude. My emperor has been waiting for a long time, and the villain will inform you immediately."

Hearing the word "Xie Tian", the surrounding guards all turned their heads and cast a look and eager eyes on Ye Tianxie. If it's not restricted by discipline, maybe it will be directly surrounded. The guard who spoke to Ye Tianxie took out a golden intercom and said respectfully, "Guo Shi, evil sky has arrived, and it is ..."

As soon as his words were finished, a yellow light flashed in front of the guard, and a person had already appeared between him and Ye Tianxie. The guard was not surprised, and took a step back, saluting respectfully: "National division."

"Um." The comer nodded and agreed, turning to look at Ye Tianxie. This is a middle-aged Taoist priest who looks forty or fifty years old, wearing a gossip robe, wearing a crown of heavenly masters, holding a white whisker, and looks pretty serious, with thick eyebrows and no beard. Not good will be like a naughty noodle.

Ok? This is the state division of the lost city? It feels like ... not very reliable. Ye Tianxie thought in silence.

The priest looked up and down Ye Tianxie over and over again, and nodded while evaluating: "Nice and good ... wonderful ... wonderful, it is worthy of being able to pass the abyss trial and get the hero badge. No eyes, But it is amazing how powerful and powerful, and there is a look of emperor. There is no strong breath on his body. Obviously, he has reached the supreme realm of returning to normality and vanishing. "

Ye Tianxie :! @ # ¥% ……

"Can you take this mask off and let the old ... let the poor road see the true content? Oh? This mask ... Could it be Gu Ping's love of the heroes? I didn't expect it ... I didn't expect it. To see the things of my old friends again, I must have felt a lot when I saw the emperor ... Xie Tian, ​​please follow the path of poverty. "After that, he pulled Ye Tianxie toward the palace.

In the royal palace, there were a group of guards and maids, most of which were bronze armors, followed by silver armors, and the most amazing was the guards who were all in gold armor. The number is not large, but each one has at least the strength of the boss of the same level. Ye Tianxie glanced at the eyes of the evil dragon, and was surprised to find that the guards here did not have any one to peek into its details. All their levels are above 80.

"Director Tao, I don't know how to call it?" Ye Tianxie asked.

Thinking about what to say, the Taoist priests were habitually embarrassed, and replied, "Amitabha. The poor monk's code ... keke, the poor road's pheasant."

Ye Tianxie: + _ + ……

"Mr. Dao had to be ..."

The elder Tao blushed and said embarrassingly: "The poor Taoist was a monk before, and worshipped at the door of the Tianhua City Wuhua Temple Master Wuhua. Then one day he pierced the Taoist law, so ... not to mention the poor Taoist. Tian Xiaoyou, you have gone through eight trials and defeated the Abyss, the beast of the gods and mysteries. This move is even better than the namelessness of the year. Now, the entire Lost City is spreading your name. My emperor was also alarmed, For the first time in all these years, my emperor was so anxious to meet someone. "

"Everyone in the Lost City worships heroes?" Ye Tianxie couldn't help but think of the scene that made him unable to carry on several occasions to flee.

The Taoist did not nod his head and shook his head, saying, "Lost continent is a continent with strong respect. Everyone wants to be a hero, and everyone will worship heroes, but it will not be a crazy degree. And more than three years ago, The eight demon kings escaped from the Tower of Destiny, but they also buried a source of disaster that could erupt at any time. At the same time, the magic of the Tower of Destiny also affected more and more souls, although it seems that, The life of the people is as usual, but anyone can smell that a huge crisis is approaching the lost continent, maybe a hundred years, or ten years, or tomorrow, and will come to the lost continent with a dark cloud. And you are different. The arrival of humanity in the world is diluting this shadow. "

"Oh?" Ye Tianxie looked at him puzzledly.

The Taoist priest went on to say, "Because, not only do you have a huge number of human beings in another world, but you will not truly die on the lost continent, and you will be resurrected immediately after death. So, although your power level is far below us, but infinite Life represents infinite power and infinite possibilities. Perhaps at that time, you will be the greatest hope to resist the demons who will make a comeback ... "

Ye Tianxie: "..."

"And you are the strongest of the human races in another world, and a hero who has created a miracle and passed the test of the abyss! In the rumors of the Lost City, you have been rumored to save the coming catastrophe of the lost continent And under the arrangement of fate, to the real hero who lost the continent, so ... hehehehe. "

Ye Tianxie: "..."

That's it. Are those NPCs so enthusiastic about themselves? It turned out that there was almost no reason to regard him as a savior. The so-called "three people become tigers", the power of public opinion is powerful, and it is even harder to resist. Ye Tianxie did not know whether he should be proud or speechless.

"Here, this is the emperor's royal study. The emperor has been waiting for you for a long time. Come with me."

Stepping into the door of the Imperial Study, the luxurious and majestic breath came. Meeting the emperor ... Although it is in the virtual world, it still gives Ye Tianxie a very strange sense of strangeness ... It feels like walking through the ancient drama ~ ~ 御 书房The decoration is not as luxurious as imagined, a simple desk dragon seat, a few carved dragon screens, and two dragon golden pillars. Although simple, it fully reflects the breath of the emperor and the dignity of the kingship. At this moment, on the throne of the carved dragon, there was an old man wearing a purple crown, wearing a golden dragon robe, holding a paper roll, and bowed his head. Hearing his voice, he looked up, revealing a gentle and deterrent face, and saw the Pheasant Taoist and the stranger standing beside him. He stood up and smiled gently: "You, evil sky."

The sound is mild and the tone is gentle, but it seems that some force is shaking the eardrum fiercely into the ear. This is a kind of majesty that does not need to be deliberately contrived and revealed. If it stays high, words and deeds, words and actions will naturally reveal the majesty of the king and the style of the king.

The Pheasant Taoist stepped forward, saluting respectfully: "The emperor, evil sky has been brought." He glanced at the evil sky and said, "The emperor, he is from a different world, he does not understand the number of etiquette here, so ..."

"Oh, anyway, since we are not the people who lost the continent, naturally we don't need to follow the etiquette flow here. Evil, please sit down."

The Lost Emperor took down the purple gold crown on his head and laid it on the table at will. The absence of a crown made him less emperor's breath, and he tended to be a peaceful old man. Ye Tianxie came forward and sat down and said hello: "It's a great honor to meet you. The emperor who lost the mainland, my name is Xie Tian."

"Hehehehe? This is the way you greet humans in other worlds? Haha, it's interesting ... Evil, I'm really glad to see you. You don't need to treat me as an emperor, just treat me as an ordinary old man. Then listen to me, the old man. "

The lost emperor narrowed his eyes and sighed softly, apparently having countless minds in his heart.