Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 853: Dragon Forest

The appraisal operation was performed twice in succession. The appraisal old man shook his head and returned the black scroll to Ye Tianxie: "Sorry, guests from outside the country, I ca n’t really identify this scroll. Since it comes from the demon god, it must be a Something very special. Maybe the scroll of destruction, maybe the scroll of profession, maybe the scroll of teleportation, although I was eager to know what it was. But there was nothing I could do. "

Ye Tianxie was not surprised by this result. The appraisers of the Lost City have already said that it is impossible to find a stronger appraiser than him on the whole continent ... It is also apparently saying that he cannot identify things, Don't try to identify others.

Putting up the black scroll, Ye Tianxie thought for a moment, and tentatively asked, "Master of Identification, do you know where the Dragon Forest is?"

"Oh," this question made the old man smile, and he replied, "Young people, the location of the Dragon Forest, few people don't know when you lose sight of the mainland. You should be one of those brave men from another world, right? Step out from the west gate of my Tianyue City and travel 30 kilometers to the southwest. The center of the Dragon Forest is where the Dragons are. However, it is said that the Dragon God is in a long retreat state. The forest does not allow anyone to step in. If you are curious, just look outside the forest and never try to enter. "

"... I see. Thank you, the appraisal master." Ye Tianxie nodded and went out. After shaking in Tianyue City, after knowing the positions of some key locations, he took out the empty magic pearl and came under the hidden dragon's abyss.

Take out a pair of star infrared glasses made by Xing Baoer and put them on. Ye Tianxie can immediately see the distance of more than ten meters in front. When he came to the place of the Dragon God Stone that was broken by him, Ye Tianxie looked up and shouted, "Master Dragon."

"You came."

As soon as Ye Tianxie issued his call, Long Moya appeared in front of him. "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"Wait for me?" Ye Tianxie was surprised.

"Yes," Long Moya nodded, and said, "Dragon God, who has already cleared the gate yesterday and has evolved into a complete dragon of annihilation. The strength will not be lower than the dark dragon who left the dragon race that year. He knows you. Whether you have two Dragon Souls or you can keep the Broken Dragon Souls immortal, it will surprise him. He wants to see you. However, there is a condition. "

Ye Tianxie: "?"

"You must go through the forest of dragons with your own ability and pass the test there. This is the process that every alien dragon must complete when returning to its original place. Although you are special and have no dragon soul, you still have Can't make an exception. "Long Moya said, his face was somewhat worried. It is a long tradition of the dragon race that the dragon of the foreign race returns to the land of the dragon race. But Ye Tianxie's Dragon Soul is broken. Is there any ability to pass through Dragon Forest?

"What is the trial?" Ye Tianxie asked.

"I don't know." Long Moya shook her head. "Each dragon's trials are different, and I can't know what you will encounter next. If you want to, try to enter the dragon family with your own strength. Place ... If you don't want to, I believe that one day, Dragon God will take the initiative to look for you. He is not curious about you. "

"I'm in Tianyue City now. I came to you this time to tell you something about my plan to enter the Dragon Race." Ye Tianxie said.

"It seems that you are already very anxious to enter the Dragon Race." Long Moya looked at him a few more times, his face showed a thumbs up, and nodded: "Then you go, I will wait for you within the Dragon Race. The Dragon God Stone is broken, Dragon God is out of the game, I have no reason to stay here. The Dragon Forest Forest has a lot of formations, and the land of the Dragon Clan is in the very center of the Dragon Forest. Can it be reached? It requires not only strong strength, You also need to have sufficient wisdom and will ... Go when you are ready. Your eyes give me enough reason to believe that I will not be disappointed. "

The sound dropped, Long Moya has disappeared there. Ye Tianxie remained silent for a while and also left Yin Longyuan.

The Lost Dragons ... the birthplace of all dragons. Is there really a way to restore the Dragon Soul?

In any case, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, he must try.

Returning to Tianyue City, Ye Tianxie walked directly to Ximen and stepped out of Ximen. Prior to this, no remedy was even purchased. Now that he has too high a health value, relatively speaking, the most advanced recovery medicine sold in the pharmacy has a low and poor effect on him. His current life recovery is almost entirely dependent on him, and he will occasionally drink some Chen. Snow gave him the rising sun, or mineral water and pure milk bought from the mysterious merchant.

Summon a white horse, bless the "Red Wind" and run straight to the southwest ... Whenever a long journey is required, he will miss Kaka extremely. I don't feel anything when I get used to it, but I lose it, and then use another mount. Even the best mount in others' eyes is not even a **** in his sense. Weeping Fei Lin is incapable of crossing the water, land, and air, and the undead monster dragon has the ability to take off, and can be transformed into an iron armored dragon .... Kaka can freely change between various forms, which not only greatly improves his mobility, It also gave him a lot of tactical options ... and the white horse under him now makes it impossible to fly, and the water is directly strangled to death. He didn't cry on the land. Sense, agility, and even better. More often, Ye Tianxie would rather open his wings of Abyss and fly to the air.

The horrible white wolf that had been destroyed before, if Kaka swallowed it, it could be transformed into its form ... No matter where it appears, it must be powerful, and it is exciting to think. But ... Kaka, he hasn't seen him in a long time. The ball has also been lost for a long time ... If the ball is there, he usually does not need to work hard to level up. I go there every day, and let alone the 70th grade, the 80th grade is early.

They are still there now, just silent with the sacred marks and magic marks ...

When will they be brought back?

In memory, the Dragon Forest is getting closer.

Maybe it is because it is close to the forest of dragons. On the way, not only did you not see any people, even the beasts were basically not seen. The people in Tianyue City will not blaspheme the land of the dragon, and the beasts have no guts to prey on the dragon's territory.

More than an hour later, Ye Tianxie finally came to the Dragon Forest.

Looking ahead, this is an ordinary forest without any unusual features. The trees are towering, the green grass is spread, and the air is exceptionally clear and natural. The only strange thing was that it was too quiet and approached, Ye Tianxie obviously felt a strange sense of oppression coming.

Is the dragon's coercion? Ye Tianxie didn't hesitate and went straight in.

"For the Dragon Forest, Yaya is here for the first time." Yaya floated behind Ye Tianxie and looked around curiously, and as they moved forward, the trees were flung behind them one by one.

"You haven't been here? You are the goddess of Xi Yao!" Ye Tianxie said.

"People were just goddesses of human beings before. Dragons would not listen to them. Dragons are great. I remember that the dragons seemed to have two sacred dragons. One was the dragon of light, which is now the dragon of the dragons. God, the other is the Dark Dragon ~ ~ More powerful than the Dragon God. The previous Dragons were even more powerful. About 10,000 years ago, they were also injured by resisting the invasion of the Demons. Later, the Dragons were in It is rarely active on the mainland. It has always been in a semi-closed state. When the demons made a comeback a century ago, they did not appear. They should be working hard to preserve their strength. "Yaya said while thinking, suddenly, she With one mouth open, he shouted, "Ah! Big Brother, be careful!"

With Yaya's shouting, among the trees in front, three black shadows screamed and flew to Ye Tianxie ...

Saurosaurus: Level 80 Samsung Elite, Life: 280,000. The odd-shaped lizard with a small amount of dragon blood was not recognized by the dragon family, and was then sent to the edge of the dragon forest to expel all people or beasts who entered the dragon forest without permission.

Talent: Earth. Skills: Lizard, Intimidation, Weakness: Wind.



-4600, -4983!

Ye Tianxie quickly retreated, avoiding one of the lizard dragons' assault, but his body was still hit hard by the other two lizard dragons, taking away nearly 10,000 lives. He quickly summoned the Shura Demon Sword, and one stroke of the wind-based magical martial arts ability, "Cleave the Tooth", slashed away ... Suddenly, with a roar, the broad wind blade cut forward like a sharp blade, bringing the two lizards together hit.

-76500, -76500!

The life he had just lost was filled back suddenly, Ye Tianxie backed away from the lizard dragon by cutting his teeth, and Beckham was fully open and rushed up like lightning. In three seconds, all three lizards were instantly killed under the twelve consecutive blows of three meow meow punches in one second, and they were clean and clear.

The extreme edge of the Dragon Forest means that this should be the lowest level monster in the Dragon Forest ... it is actually a level 80 Samsung elite!

It's unusual to lose the strongest race on the continent!