Online Game: Island War

Chapter 203: Reboot Population Refresh

After roughly looking at these replies, Lei Jiu lost interest.

This post was originally on his whim. He wanted to leave something on the empty board. It was useless to him and Huanghuang Island.

But seeing the sensationalism of this post, its popularity is not weaker than that of Gongsun Jing's post in the adventure section, Lei Jiu had some thoughts in his heart.

what idea?

Not long after, the second post of the entire main section of the island was freshly released, "Use the famous general challenge card you can't use to exchange for the hope of rising! 》

The content inside is naturally the purchase of the famous general challenge card, the price is absolutely let the seller, and can be paid through gold coins, silver, gold equipment, fire element crystals, and magic materials.

Interested parties can contact Shen Baiye, head of the Yexuan Wild Hunt.

That's right, the organization under Shen Baiye is called Yexuan Wild Hunt, and the name is the combination of the last word in his and Su Xiaoxuan's names.

As for whether Shen Baiye would be harassed a lot, Lei Jiu was not worried.

Since Shen Baiye paid attention to his first post so quickly, he even sent him a letter, proving that Shen Baiye was actually very idle.

Since he is very busy, it is no big deal for Lei Jiu to find him something to do. After all, Shen Baiye helped him acquire the famous general challenge card before, but he has never been able to open a breakthrough, right?

As for what followed, the letter filled with Shen Baiye's complaints and complaints was thrown by Lei Jiu at random.

Besides, Lei Jiu's doing this can be considered to have made the Yexuan Wild Hunting Group famous, and it will be of great benefit to their group's future development.

This is also an important reason why Shen Baiye didn't give up his job despite being full of complaints.

Spring ploughing is approaching, and Heigen has already organized the farmers under his command to start breeding. The day after Huanghuang Island was upgraded to level 4, Lei Jiu came to the office and began to ask Qi Wenchuan about the preparations for the recent period.

Housing, food, and farm implements are the three major things that need to be prepared, and they are also the main things Qi Wenchuan has been focusing on recently.

There is a lot of pressure on housing, and even the blonds from the Sunset Tribe have only recently solved the situation where several people are crowded into one room.

And once Lei Jiu restarts the population refresh, with the current amount of food on Huanghuang Island, the population on the island will double in just two or three days.

After all, the population refresh mechanism is that as long as the surplus food on the island exceeds the consumption of the total population for one month, it will continue to refresh, and the more it exceeds, the faster the refresh rate.

The current stock of food on Huanghuang Island is enough for more than 35,000 existing people (including dwarves and other races) to eat for the autumn harvest, which means that they have food rations for nearly half a year.

In this way, even if there is no food input on the island in the future, the final population of Huanghuang Island will tend to be 170,000 or 80,000.

Moreover, the fishing moratorium will be over soon, and the fishermen will be able to go out to sea immediately.

With the current scale of Huanghuang Island, the daily harvest of these fishing spots will inevitably increase exponentially. In addition, the fishing boat hired by Lei Jiu to fish for food for giant barracudas transports 50 tons of sea cargo every day. There will be a balance of 20 tons while feeding the fish.

The input of these foods will contribute to the population explosion.

Of course, Lei Jiu can choose to turn it on for a while and then turn it off after the population is refreshed. Anyway, it can be turned on again after three months.

However, the speed of the population explosion, that is, the daily refresh rate of the population, is beyond his control.

Similarly, the shortage of housing is not caused by the inability to build so many houses on Huanghuang Island, but because the speed of construction cannot keep up.

Fortunately, with the large population refresh and the continuous influx of labor, the newly divided village-level farms and engineering teams, these two large labor demand households, will receive a large amount of manpower.

With people, the scale expands, and the construction speed naturally follows.

Therefore, the pressure on housing will mainly be concentrated in the period from the third or fourth day of the population refresh to half a month.

After all, it is different from the requirements of modern housing. There is no need for decoration, and there is no formaldehyde to be released. Even the moisture brought by the hardening of the cement inside the building is not dry.

At least at this stage, the islanders are quite easy to satisfy. As long as they have a shelter from the wind and rain, they will be very happy if they are not allowed to eat and sleep in the open air.

As for the future... that depends on the ability of Lei Jiu, the island owner.

The food aspect has already been introduced, but in order not to cause a food shortage, Lei Jiu will turn off the population refresh when the total population reaches about 130,000 or 140,000 after more than a month.

Even so, in the months before the autumn harvest, the proportion of marine fish and other seafood in the islanders' recipes will rise to a relatively high level.

Of course, compared to last year's life of only eating fish, it must be much stronger.

And this year, a lot of seasonal vegetables and a small amount of spices will be planted on the island. Even fish will still eat more, at least there will be a lot of renovations in the pattern.

The days when there were only fish soup and dried fish, except for the first year, there was really no way, Lei Jiu would try to prevent it from coming again.

In terms of agricultural tools, it is the least stressful of the three.

Because the equipment of the main army is fully gold-level, most of them are whiteboard blacksmith shops, and the tasks received later are basically related to civilian use, such as coal stove chimneys, such as some woodworking tools, mining tools, etc. .

Early on, Qi Wenchuan started arranging for a blacksmith shop to build and stockpile iron farm tools. Even the current stock is enough for 70,000 to 80,000 farmers to work at the same time.

Difficulties always exist objectively. There are difficulties to be overcome, and there are no difficulties to create difficulties... Then there is no need.


In short, as the earth rejuvenates and spring ploughing approaches, even if there are various preparations, he must restart the population refresh for the overall development plan.

Turning on the population refresh is not difficult, as long as Lei Jiu, the island owner, sets it up.

It's just that on the day when the population refresh started, the silver-haired staff who were responsible for registering and investigating the attributes of newcomers from the government affairs department were all exhausted.

After the islanders’ files are established and filed, they have to arrange accommodation, distribute a basic living allowance for three months, assign work places according to their abilities and specialties, etc. The entire government affairs system is very busy.

And various manpower demand departments, including each legion, are also receiving new recruits.

Even nicotine was busted.

As for Dawn Village, where Jin Jinzhong is located, a large number of labor reforms have been completed, and the town of Green Forest (forest dwarves), which has returned to its population, is undergoing farm transformation in preparation for the upcoming spring ploughing.

The town of Ironforge, where the mountain dwarves are located, and the town of burrows, where the cavemen are located, also have their own tasks.

Except for the blood clan, ogres, and Cyclops, who are managed militarily by the entire clan, it can be said that the entire Huanghuang Island is busy with receiving the population and preparing for spring ploughing.

At this time, there are only two real idlers, one is Ji Shengtan who doesn't care about anything, and the other is Lei Jiu who leaves everything to a bunch of subordinates and doesn't want to care about anything.

Lei Jiu doesn't dislike doing things, but he hates trivial things.

During the spring ploughing, he would naturally stand up and take the lead, but now that there are so many things going on, he is not sensitive to thanks.

However, when he saw that others were so busy, he was embarrassed to wander around leisurely to attract attention.

So, he hid in the Tower of Babel to practice his skills...

: . :