Online Game: Island War

Chapter 55: Realm and strength

Lei Jiu didn't study law. Among all the occupations in the last game, there were no lawyers, lawyers or judges, so his understanding of the law was no different from that of other ordinary people. He generally knew which ones broke the law and which ones didn't. the extent of the offense.

Look at the noisy people in the council hall right now, even Nangong Dian and Nicotine don't know much about it.

Therefore, Lei Jiu didn't expect how rigorous and perfect the "Huanghuang Island Work and Safety Management Regulations First Edition" would be, without finding any loopholes.

The main purpose of the drafting of this regulation is to let the islanders have some understanding of some basic principles of work, life and safety, and to know the attitude of the island or the island owner to some principled issues.

In addition, there are also clear-text regulations for many fuzzy areas, which can be done and which cannot be done, or when they can be done and when they cannot be done.

After tossing about for more than three hours, the subordinates left with the basically finalized "Huanghuang Island Work and Safety Management Regulations First Edition".

Tomorrow, the content of this management regulation will be conveyed together with the relevant news of the Babel Tower.

The reason why the time was determined to be three hours was because the white wax he bought from the system before entering the game had already been replaced with a fourth one. One, the kind that can burn for an hour in a windless environment.

After everyone left, Lei Jiu blew out the candles. Although this thing was very cheap, the purchase amount was not high either. One of them belonged to the category where the quantity exceeded and the price would rise in seconds.

At this time, candles were the only means of lighting he needed at night.

As for lamp oil, vegetable oil is temporarily unavailable. Animal oil, now the tragic state of the animals on Huanghuang Island, can refer to the island where the dwarves used to be, and they have long been eaten to extinction.

Now even the other islands in the first island chain have suffered.

The wild boar family on Island 1 has been forced to switch from omnivores to herbivores. Why, because there is no meat to eat!

Moreover, when the lamp oil burns, the smoke is relatively large, which is not as easy to use as candles.

If you want to make candles by's not an easy thing, because the main material for making candles is paraffin, which is a by-product of petroleum refining, a mixture of alkanes.

Don't think about it until he finds oil, not to mention that even if he finds oil, he doesn't have the means to refine it for the time being.


For the next few days, Lei Jiu didn't stay in the tower.

During the day, he would still go to various places to see the progress of various aspects of the work. Only when he was really free would he enter the Tower of Babel.

As for the night, he had to go to the secret realm every day to soak until he went to bed, but it was a pity that he never met lord-level and king-level slimes.

In addition, he also found that the day and night in the secret realm are not synchronized with reality.

In reality, after night falls, time will continue to flow for more than three hours before the sun in the secret realm will set.

Later, he confirmed to Luo Zheng that the sunrise in the secret realm is also about the same time later than the reality. This is obviously a humanized setting made by the system to reduce the possibility of absenteeism.

Unlike the islanders who do other jobs, those who join the army and serve as soldiers spend most of their time in the secret realm to fight in order to improve their personal combat power as soon as possible in addition to half-day training every day. After all, among them, there is still no existence that has reached the upper limit of its combat power.

This made the red-haired species on the island set off a wave of joining the army. Unfortunately, Luo Zheng is very strict, and if the combat power limit is less than 60, they will not be allowed, and there is no room for negotiation.

As for the silver-haired breed whose combat power limit exceeds 60? Please go to the island owner's office to find Lord Nangong, thank you for your cooperation!

In fact, the upsurge of the Babel Tower is mainly surging among the red-haired species.

Compared with them, the thin silver-haired people are not so vigorous. They prefer to study quietly, work, or study some knowledge rather than exploring and fighting.

Moreover, if they were not selected by Lord Nangong, there would be almost no chance for the silver-haired people to come into contact with magic, and they would not be able to meditate without the meditation powder in their hands.

Unless you become a magician, you can't use magic, and the fighting power of the silver-haired species is about 0.

Even if you give them a knife, it is estimated that even the most **** bouncy ball slime can't be killed.

For those who have passed the qualification level and are interested in advancing on the path of being a magician, Nangong Dian naturally has arrangements.

Now that there is no shortage of manpower in the administrative department, he will arrange for these people to take rotations.

Why not let them use the night time to experience the secret realm?

Because magicians need a lot of time to meditate, and at the same time, the dead of night is also the most efficient time for them to meditate.

By the way, in the game world, the magician's meditation cannot replace sleep.

So those players who plan to level up during the day and use meditation instead of sleep at night can rest, and the same is true for practicing Qi.

The only ones who can combine training and leveling are those who train their bodies, because they can use body training punches to fight monsters and level up. However, since the power of body training boxing is not very ideal, after all, its main purpose is to forge itself, so the efficiency of leveling with body training boxing is not very high.

Whether it is body training, qi training or meditation, realm has a great influence on a player's strength.

The higher the realm, the more obvious the improvement to the player's strength.

Taking the body refining realm as an example, the initial skin refining realm will greatly improve the basic skin toughness of the body refiner, thereby improving its defense.

For a powerful body refiner, the ironic saying that the thick-skinned can be used as a shield has the potential to become a reality, to the extent that an arrow can't pierce it, and a gun can't pierce it.

From the moment of entering the meat refining realm, the physical refining realm will have an obvious bonus to the actual strength, agility and physique of the player during battle. Entering the peak of the meat refining realm, this bonus can even double the strength~www. The realms of refining tendons and bones in the back are even more exaggerated.

At the same time, the player's blood volume, physical strength, and defense ability will be greatly improved.

And the higher the body refinement level, the higher the resistance to abnormal conditions such as bleeding, poisoning, broken bones, internal injuries (visceral injuries), and even illness.

For players who practice qi, to improve the realm of qi training, although it also has a bonus effect on various attributes of the body, but compared with body training, it can be completely ignored.

But when the realm of qi training is high, players will be under the protection of qi (dou qi, infuriating qi, gang qi) all the time. As the saying goes, I am full of true qi, and no external evil will be added to me.

Players can use this cultivated power to strengthen and protect themselves, and can also be used to attack. There are many ways to use them.

In comparison, Qi training players have a variety of methods, unlike body trainers who are almost the same, so the advantages of group training or exploration are greater. But when it comes to group battles, the body refiners still have the upper hand.

As for the meditation realm, what affects the caster's mental strength and the total amount of magic power increases the recovery speed of spirit and magic power.

Better control the elements and magic of the outside world, meet the learning conditions of advanced magic and spells, and let players master more powerful natural forces.

It can be said that increasing the level of the realm of level 1 will increase the level of strength much more than the personal level of level 10.

This is not difficult to understand, after all, there are only seven levels in the realm, and there are a total of 500 levels.

Personal level, qualification level, realm, skills, and equipment, these are the five factors that Lei Jiu has concluded so far that have the greatest impact on personal strength, and it is also the direction of his future efforts...