Online Game: Island War

Chapter 85: I can finally eat noodles

Now, it is the fishing village that has been relocated, and in the future, it will be the coastal city.

When a coastal city is no longer coastal, the fisheries, maritime trade, shipbuilding, and even naval-related industries and institutions that support the city need to be transferred.

Then, a big city turned into a small town?

Thinking about it is a headache. There is also the problem of the navy. Now the shipyard on the island is very small, and it is easy to relocate.

When we build naval bases and military shipbuilding factories in the future, if we always move them like this, I think it will be a lot of work.

The only way Lei Jiu can think of is... instead of building naval ships and warships, directly building spaceships!

It's a pity, he doesn't have that skill!

Fortunately, this kind of pain is not unique to him, every island owner player must be troubled by this problem.

Lele alone is not as good as everyone, hehe, so is trouble!


For the time being, we can only standardize all marine-related industries, standardize buildings, and modularize equipment and tools. When relocating, it can be moved when it is dismantled, installed when it is moved to a place, and it can be used when it is installed. a little.

I don't know if the system will be able to start the transmission service for the whole city in the future?


"The High Priest!"

"The island owner can just call me Andrew. I am no longer the high priest of the tribe. Besides, the Dawn tribe will soon become history, and the title of high priest will no longer exist."

Of course, Andrew believes that even if the title of high priest is gone, the island owner will not let the priest disappear with him.

Not only will it not disappear, but for the healing skills mastered by the priests, the island owner will continue to expand the size of the priests team. By then, the glory of the God of Light will be spread even more widely.

"Isn't the Dawn Tribe still there now!" The cooldown of Fusion Island hasn't expired yet, and it's still 10 days away.

"Previously, when I left the tribe to go on an expedition, the old man promised that now my old life belongs to the island owner. Of course, I can't still occupy the position of the high priest, regardless of whether the Dawn tribe is present or not!"


Well, you'll be happy!


The group stayed on the God-given Island for another two days. Luo Zheng and the others combed the entire island. After killing a dozen goblins, they never found any trace of the goblins.

Using these two days, Lei Jiu asked Andrew and the others to count the amount of food.

The Dawn Tribe's stockpile, plus the capture from the Goblin Tribe, totaled about 200 tons.


There are still two months before the corn planted on Huanghuang Island and the wheat harvest of the Dawn Tribe.

After absorbing the Dawn Tribe, the total population of Huanghuang Island has reached 13,000, and 200 tons of wheat can be divided into about half a catty per person per day in 60 days.

Although there are not many, the islanders can finally have a staple food to eat.

As for whether the kitchen should just cook and eat it with the skin on, or grind it into powder and eat it with the bran, Lei Jiu doesn't care, it all depends on personal preference.

Anyway, he himself must have got some wheat, peeled it, ground it, and used the white flour he got to make a big bowl of noodles to eat.

Without soda ash, will the baking food be very sour?

It's alright, wouldn't he make those pasta dishes that don't need to be raised?

Huaxia's pasta culture has a long history. When it comes to the types of pasta, it's too much.


Back at Huanghuang Island, Lei Jiu told Nangong Di about the experience and harvest of the trip, and asked him to prepare for receiving food and arranging storage.

In addition, to prepare for the acceptance of the upcoming Dawn Tribe population, the issue of belief was particularly emphasized.

In the office, in addition to Nangong Cuo, he also saw Qi Wenchuan, who was assisting Nangong Di in handling documents.

Having heard the words of his own island owner, Nangong Di directly handed the matter over to Qi Wenchuan to deal with.

"Lord Islander, on the Laya Continent, the conflict of beliefs among civilians is not serious, and even among the various churches, except for the directly opposed gods like light and darkness, there is basically very little war.

The problem with these people is that they have been in an environment where they all believe in the God of Light for a long time, and their world view may be a bit biased. We still have to start with propaganda!

In addition, I heard from Lord Nangong that the island owner plans to build a public ancestral hall in the next step. This building is very helpful for solving the upcoming religious problem. Please try to build it before integrating the island! "


It is very clear, "Then do it like this!"

When he was free, Lei Jiu took out the Qin Qiong challenge card again.

Qin Qiong Challenge Card: With this card, you can enter the challenging secret realm of Qin Qiong, a famous historical A-level player in the Soul Tower. After the challenge is successful, you can get the soul of Qin Qiong.

This card is a one-time card. After use, this card will disappear regardless of whether the challenge is successful or not.

Qin Qiong: Horses trod on both sides of the Yellow River and attacked three states and six prefectures. This is the evaluation of Qin Qiong's martial arts in Romance.

At the end of the Sui Dynasty and the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, Qin Qiong was known as the Taibao of Shenquan, making friends like Mengchang, and was famous all over the world for his virtues in filial piety.

At the same time, as the incarnation of the door god, his reputation among the people is also greater than that of another door **** Wei Chi Jingde.

Note: The casualties in the challenge secret realm are virtual and will not affect the game world.

As for Qin Qiong, Lei Jiu knew a little bit about him. He knew that he was extremely brave, and he was an expert in both horse and foot combat.

His boxing, mace, and marksmanship are all excellent, but he doesn't know who his fictional son Qin Huaiyu from "The Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties" learned that strange weapon from the mourning stick. His father, Qin Qiong, doesn't seem to know this.

The card only introduced Qin Qiong's personal characteristics, but did not mention his historical achievements.

But think about it, the card is the size of a slap. If there are too many words, it will be inconvenient to read if the words are too small (if you are interested, you can Baidu by yourself).

Lei Jiu was a little disappointed. In fact, what he most wanted to see was an introduction or explanation about the internal situation of the challenge secret realm. After all, this challenge card is a one-time If the challenge fails, it is equivalent to a direct waste. a chance.

After entering the secret realm, what kind of challenges will you encounter?

One-on-one or group fight?

Cough, it's definitely impossible to fight head-to-head. A-level famous generals have more than 100 combat power. Even if they fight in groups, Huanghuang Island may not be able to beat them, let alone head-to-head.

Although he was a little itchy in his heart, he wanted to see what was in the secret realm, but he had to hold back before determining the actual difficulty of obtaining the challenge card.

After all, when the reward was obtained, the system emphasized that this was the "first" battle in Huanghuang Island to be rated, and it was a "complete victory"!

Two very critical conditions were met before the system gave him such a challenge card, but he couldn't easily waste it.

It seems that I have to write letters to my friends again, and there is one more thing that needs their attention: the challenge card of famous officials and generals!

Although it is unlikely that someone will sell this thing, but what if!

Anyway, just pay attention. If someone sells the card under any special circumstances, won't he make a profit?

Lei Jiu felt that relying on him to obtain the challenge card entirely by himself would definitely not meet the needs of generals and souls on Huanghuang Island. How many.

More monks and less flesh!

It would be perfect if he could get a challenge card for a B-rank general recently to test the waters.

Just when signs of daydreaming began to appear on Lei Jiu, a system announcement woke him up.

"System Announcement: Congratulations to the player who is the first to upgrade to level 1. You will be rewarded with 100 gold coins and an intermediate occupation skill book!"