Online Game Oblivion: Void Emperor

Chapter 257

   "Hold my hand."

Ye Chen grabbed Vivia’s slender jade hand, and then apologized to Ilumina: "Ilumina, you cannot go to the eighth kingdom. The will of the world still exists over there, and it will repel you or even destroy you. ."

   "Sister Weiweiya will go with you, I am relieved."

   Ilumina has a very close relationship with Vivia: "I will be here, obediently waiting for your master to come back."

"it is good."

   Ye Chen smiled and stroked Yilumina's face, and then said to Vivia, "Vivia, let's go."

   "Don't use the power of the blood moon in your body, no matter what kind of resistance you encounter, you treat yourself as an ordinary person."

   "I was just an ordinary person."

   Vivia’s power was not given by others, but she learned it little by little over ten thousand years.

   And she can't forget the feeling of powerlessness when she was weak.


   Ye Chen closed his eyes, and when he opened it again, he appeared in his room: "Welcome to the Void Kingdom, my pure goddess."


   Vivia opened her eyes, and she looked around in surprise at this extremely modern room.

   Computers, TVs, bookshelves, glass windows, and the quiet and peaceful vistas outside the windows.

   "Here? This is the eighth kingdom?"

  Vivia was about to express her thoughts, but suddenly, she was helpless: "What's the matter? My power..."

"Be careful!"

   If Ye Chen hugged her in time, Vivia might have collapsed on the ground.

   "Achen, this, this world, why, there is no magic..."

   Not only is there no magic, Vivia just feels that the holy blood in her body is boiling.

   They are uncomfortable, very, very uncomfortable.

   "Don't rely on it."

   "Forget it, forget your spells, forget your fighting skills."

   "You belong here."

   Ye Chen hugged Vivia and said in her ear over and over again: "This is your home, and this is your country."

   Vivia did not lose her power, just because she was not a member of the Blue Star World and Void Kingdom.

   So suddenly, the body did not adapt.

  This point has nothing to do with the conflict of the power system.

   To put it simply, the world will perceive her as an alien.

   found out that she had come to her own territory when she shouldn't have come, so she was targeting her, suppressing her, and repelling her.

   However, Vivia is not a pure blood moon person.

   She is one of the three creation wills of the Eighth Nether Realm that was snatched by Noraus, and the pure goddess of supremacy, purity and harmony!

   Waiting for the remaining two world wills to realize this, Vivia can not only recover, but also go further.

   "Adapt to it."

   "You can, Vivia."

   "Forget the power of the past, try to accept a new self, you will..."


   Suddenly, there was a power in Vivia's body that she had never touched.

   She opened her eyes, her eyes left and right, leaping with blue and lavender light.

"this is……"

   Vivia can't describe what it is.

   I only think that this is the most mysterious and purest nature of the universe.

   Some people call it phantom energy, some call it Yuanli, and others say it is psionic energy.

  Different descriptions point to the essence of things-the most mysterious force in the universe.

   "What the **** is going on, Achen?"

   "This is not a place to talk."

   Ye Chen grabbed Vivia's hand, and then the two appeared on an isolated island surrounded by the blue sea.


   "Don't worry Vivia, I'll explain it to you slowly."

   Next, Ye Chen told Vivia about the fact that Nolavus had attacked the Eighth Kingdom 8000 years ago and killed all the living beings in this world.

   Wei Wei Ya was extremely surprised when she heard it, but what surprised her even more was her identity that Ye Chen said.

   "You mean, I am the will of the world taken away from this world by Noraus?"

   "Is there a goddess of creation like Nuwa and Yilumina?"

"how can that be?"

"Do not you trust me?"


   Vivia's worldview appeared contradictory.

   On the one hand, she couldn't believe that there was such a thing, on the other hand, she had no reservations about Ye Chen's trust.

   In the end, the latter defeated the former.

Chapter 0330: Wei Wei Ya's Eight Successful Labors

   "If this is the case, then, in my life, isn't it..."

  Vivia said: "This is no longer living in a nightmare. I'm like someone else's puppet, a marionette for the rest of my life."

   "No, Vivia."

   "You made the fiercest resistance, that's why you have the present."

   "Yes? Now?"

   Vivia thoughtfully, she said: "Speaking of which, Ah Chen, you have been familiar with me from the beginning, what is this..."

"Do you want to know?"

   "If you don't want to say," Vivia: "It's okay, I don't mind."

   Wei Wei Ya believes in Ye Chen.

   And Ye Chen has been caring and taking care of her, Vivia can see.

   He understands himself, understands himself.

   It is almost like living with her for many years, completely touching her.

   But Ye Chen gave Vivia happiness, and based on this alone, Vivia didn't care much about the reason in Ye Chen's mouth.

   "Thank you."

   Ye Chen thanked Vivia for her trust.

   But, there is nothing to say.

   If it were other people, even Ji Linger and Mu Mengxue, Ye Chen would never tell them.

   Ke Weiwei is different.

   She gave herself another chance.

  ‘Today’s achievement, in terms of credit, Vivia is at least 80%. ’

   Yes, 80%!

   Compared with Ye Chen's step-by-step lead, Vivia's courage and determination, as well as the choice to send Ye Chen back, are the most important.

   Ye Chen can imagine how much Vivia loves herself and how much she trusts her.

   will abandon everything he has and place all his hopes on him.

  ‘What’s more, victory should belong to both of us. If only I know all this, what if we win? ’

  ‘I want to fight with her, then taste the fruits of victory together and share the joy of revenge. ’

   Thinking like this, Ye Chen looked at Vivia and smiled.



   "This is a secret that belongs to us, it belongs only to the two of us."

After    said, Ye Chen put his hand on his forehead, and then drew out a wisp of memory.

   Ye Chen does not have the memory of Vivia, but he has the bits and pieces that he spent with Vivia in the past ten years.

   Whether it is happy or sad.

   is Vivia in his eyes!

   "I want you to witness all this with your own eyes."

   Ye Chen has finished the layout and accumulated enough family business: "Although now we have got what we once wanted most."

   "But the result is still unknown."

   Ye Chen said: "I don't know if I can win to the end."

   "Won, let's go to the end together."

   Ye Chen became the saint of the ancient country of Jiuzhou, and got Nuwa and the five great demon gods.

   is now the mother tree of the conspiracy era, launching a three-line battle, and in the future, it will collide head-on with the behind-the-scenes of the Ash Kingdom.

   "But if you lose..."

   There will be more than ten game days, five days in reality, Noraus will wake up.

   Dealing with the first foreign **** who destroyed the eight kingdoms, Ye Chen alone is not sure that he will win.

   Ye Chen needs Vivia's power, she is the expert to deal with the Blood Moon Cthulhu.

   "If you lose."

  Vivia, no matter what the secret is, her mind will never change: "I will sleep with you."


   "Regardless of past life and present life."

   In the past life, Ye Chen also had such a vow with Vivia, and now, it is when he answers the senior sister: "I have always been a despicable person..."

   "Look at it, sister."

   Vivia did not resist, as the finger fell on her eyebrows: "I was once you, and I was once."

   Endless memories, just like the tide.

   That was Ye Chen from the first time he saw Vivia, until he saw her die in order to protect herself. Ye Chen saw her.

   These memories are in Vivia, just watching the flowers, just like watching another person's story.


   is very real, very very real.

  Weiya can feel Ye Chen's love for her, as well as the trust and dependence on her.