Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

v1 Chapter 12: Labor storm

   Although Ning Yuan was expelled from the Grizzly Bear tribe, his current situation is not as bad as he thought before, because this time he is not alone, and he is followed by a group of brothers.

   In fact, when Xiong Yue first appeared, Ning Yuan knew that he might be powerless, and Qingfeng and the others were afraid of their own strength and did not dare to openly kill themselves, so the only way left was to expel themselves from the tribe.

   If he were the only person, even if he is now strong, it would be difficult for him to survive in the wilderness of this era, so being expelled from the tribe is no different from being sentenced to death.

   But it's different now. Thirteen brothers chose to leave with him.

   Although there are not many people, at least for now, he can protect himself for the time being. As long as he can find a way out as soon as possible, then he can turn this deportation into an opportunity and even regain his own tribe.

   Of course, if one is not careful, these people will probably disappear from the world completely in a few days, and the thirteen brothers who chose to follow him will completely die.

   And Ning Yuan will also lose this attribute and be sent to prison for labor. Like other dead players, he will farm the land, feed the pigs, go herding sheep, or do some dirty and tiring heavy manual labor.

   Savage and civilization are different from previous games.

   In previous games, if the player dies, they just need to wait quietly for the resurrection.

   But in this game, death is a more cruel punishment, even if the player is dead, it is not immune. In this game, death is a very terrible thing.

   The reason why death is a terrible thing is that after the player dies, he has to perform death work and rest in the prison.

   And the labor in this prison is all real work. If the players dare to sneak and **** here, then Nuwa God will immediately increase their imprisonment time.

   Of course, this imprisonment time also has a limit. It can only be increased to 30 months at most, which is three months in reality.

   This game is a game of farming and fighting. If you are one or two months behind others, you may not have much impact, but if you are two or three years behind others, then the impact will be great.

   So even though the players may be too lazy to even get up and help when the soy sauce bottle is poured in reality, everyone in the prison burst into an unprecedented enthusiasm for labor.

   Regardless of the labor tasks assigned to them by the system, they can complete them with high quality and quantity. Even some sister players can even do the dirty and tiring work of cleaning pig manure for several months.

   There is basically no such thing as cleanliness here. If you want to get paid to leave early, you have to learn to persevere and tolerate.

   Of course, the players are not doing nothing in the prison. As long as the players do not slacken and skid during their labor service, they will receive a little scientific salary every day.

   After all, they have lost everything and will lag behind others a lot after restarting, so the system gives them some compensation in scientific research value, so that they can start again as quickly as possible.

   However, these scientific research values ​​are only valid for the lord player. If the player chooses to become an adventurer after being reborn, these scientific research values ​​will be frozen by the system until they choose the lord profession again.

   The death penalty for the game of Savage and Civilization is very cruel. After the player dies, not only will they lose everything, but they will also have to perform ten months of hard labor. Is this a game player or a game player?

   It's acceptable to lose everything, but the service time is too long, so many players who died for the first time began to collectively complain to the game company.

   But the game company just gave a sentence "The game has been officially launched, no one has the right to interfere with everything in the game", and then there is no more.

   Seeing the perfunctory attitude of the game company, the players immediately stopped doing it. Regardless of whether there was death in the game or not, more and more players have launched a condemnation of the game company.

   Seeing that the situation intensified, the head of the game company finally had to take the initiative to quell the storm.

   The game company first made a sincere apology to the majority of players, and then announced some specific settings about the imprisonment. When the players saw these settings about the imprisonment, the storm gradually subsided.

   It turns out that the labor service in the prison is similar to the actual sentence. Although the prison time is ten to thirty months, if the players perform well in it, the sentence can be reduced.

   And this reduction of sentence is very powerful. Lord players can reduce their sentence to three months at most, and adventurer players can reduce their sentence to ten days. The actual time is nine days and one day, respectively.

  Moreover, there are some special props in the game. After using these props, the players' work and rest time can be reduced, and some props can even directly exempt the player’s labor sentence.

   After all, the main game of barbarism and civilization is the cold weapon civilization, which is the feudal era. In that era, some privileged classes have certain immunity, otherwise there will be no gold medals in history.

The reason why the game company did not publish this information on the official website at the beginning was entirely to increase the playability of the game and allow players to explore and summarize in the game by themselves, but they never expected that the players just served After a few days of labor, a collective rebellion began.

   In fact, as long as the players persist for a few more days, they will find this hidden setting.

   blame is that most players are good law-abiding citizens in reality. They have never been in jail, and their thinking mode is still fixed in those traditional games in the past.

   They think that as long as the tasks assigned to them by the system are completed on time, it is completely unnecessary to do more work. They have not fully understood the true meaning of 100% virtualization.

   Although the three-month labor period is still a bit long, compared with ten months, players can barely accept it. After all, three months can still be passed by gritted teeth.

Of course, these are not the most important. After all, no matter how to shorten the work and rest time, the players will have to work hard in the prison, but when the players see the attributes of the three special items that the game company subsequently announced Later, this turmoil is destined to be subdued.

  Gold Medal of Immunity: Special props, silver level, used after death, after use, you can avoid a labor sentence after death and be directly reborn.

  Iron Hat: Special props, gold level, used before death, and the title obtained after use, can be exempt from three deaths and labor, directly reborn, and the title disappears when the number of times is exhausted.

   Petition: Special props, bronze grade, used after death. The people feel your merits and take the initiative to petition you. After use, the sentence for death and rest becomes one month (three days). UU reading www.uukanshu. com

   The Gold Medal of Immunity can directly avoid a death and rest. With this item, players can declare and say goodbye to imprisonment.

   Although the petition's attributes are not as awkward as a gold medal for exoneration, the term of labor sentence can be directly shortened to one month, which is quite good.

  And the most important thing is that during this one-month sentence, players can walk around in the prison without any work, which is equivalent to a vacation in another form.

  Iron hat is a prop, not to mention, three death sentence immunity is equivalent to three exemption gold medals, and its effect is much greater than the immunity gold medal.

   You need to know that players will lose everything when they die, so when they die, no matter how many gold medals they have, they can only use one, and the others will become the spoils of others.

   is different. After using it, you can get three exemptions directly. After rebirth, you don't have to bother to find a new exemption gold medal.

   Of course, if you can live well, no one wants to die, so these props are just an insurance just in case, to relieve the players from worries, so that they can concentrate on developing their own influence.

   After experiencing this labor storm, players have begun to re-examine this game and rethink the true meaning of this virtual degree.

   And the game company also took the opportunity to make an announcement after the truth was revealed.

The core content of the announcement is that this is a 100% authentic virtual game, which is full of various mysteries and requires players to explore by themselves. This is the first and last time. The game company will only be responsible for protecting the host system in the future. The normal operation of the company will no longer take the initiative to answer questions.