Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

v1 Chapter 59: , The mysterious Forbidden City

   This war with the tiger tribe was a battle of both losses. Not only did Yang Yunhui's tiger tribe army collapse, but also the condor soldiers in Ningyuan suffered heavy losses.

   In the past wars, although there will be some casualties, as long as they can win, Ning Yuan can capture some prisoners of war, and then these prisoners of war will naturally become members of the Condor tribe.

The reason why the Condor tribe can quickly grow to its current scale is actually inseparable from Ning Yuan’s tactics of fighting and raising war. Every time he wins a war, his Condor tribe will grow a little bit. Only by plundering the population and various resources from the outside can the Condor tribe quickly become stronger.

   And this war with the tiger tribe is completely another mode.

  Because they are two completely different races, the whole process of this war was extremely tragic, and neither the enemy nor the enemy had any thoughts of showing mercy.

When the war is over, the defeated party will not have a living prisoner. If this kind of war is fought several times, let alone continue to grow, it may be very difficult to maintain the status quo, and wait until the strength regresses to a critical point. At that time, I am afraid it will not be far from complete destruction.

   Due to the particularity of his own talent, Ning Yuan had to start thinking about how to face the huge special civilization of the Orcs in the future. After all, he didn't want to fight such a tragic battle with the Orcs.

   But can different races really blend together easily?

Ning Yuan must take the initiative to face this problem now, because he will continue to fight countless wars with these civilizations in the future. If ethnic integration cannot be achieved, then it may not be long before his army will be replenished because of insufficient troops. Decline rapidly until it perishes.

   But if people live with those orcs, it may not be so easy. After all, the living habits and survival patterns of the two races are completely different. Forcibly putting them together may cause many problems.

Take the tiger tribes, they are completely carnivores. They don’t produce, and they are busy preying every day. After preying, they will choose to rest in the territory to avoid wasting the precious energy in the body. .

   The human race is accustomed to the sunrise and rest life. They are never picky eaters. As long as they can eat food, they will cherish it very much. They will plan to store food for emergencies.

If these two races are allowed to live together, then I am afraid that humans will eventually become servants of the tiger tribe, because the tiger tribe individuals are powerful, they can easily occupy a dominant position, once they get used to relying on humans for food, I am afraid Will thoroughly develop the bad habit of getting something for nothing.

Moreover, human beings are a kind of delicious food for the tiger tribe. Ning Yuan has no way to restrain every tiger tribe warrior. By virtue of their powerful strength, the tiger tribe can do it without knowing it. The most important thing for a person to disappear completely is that humans are far easier to prey than wild beasts. This is the biggest temptation for those carnivorous creatures.

   If these special orc civilizations cannot be integrated, then when facing them in the future, they will only be a lost trade that will hurt the enemy by 1,000 and 800.

   For Ning Yuan, this difficult problem was simply an unsolvable one. His head was almost exploded after thinking about it, and in the end he couldn't think of a feasible solution.

   Sometimes, if I really don’t understand, it’s better to let the flow go. In desperation, Ning Yuan can only force himself to distract, and opening a treasure chest is a good way.

   It may be the frustration of the battlefield and the pride of the casino. This time, Ning Yuan's luck was so good that he had three diamond-level special items out of two diamond treasure chests.

A bronze-level war-free token, a silver-level gold medal for immunity, a silver-level locator, a gold-level four-man Army invasion token, a gold-level war delay token, and a diamond-level escape Scroll, a blueprint for the construction of the Forbidden City, a diamond-level special arms training manual.

   War-free token Ning Yuan won’t need it anymore in this life, so he simply threw it directly into the storage space and sold it when he had time, or gave it to someone to pretend to be forced when he had time to make a girlfriend.

   The Immunity Gold Medal said nothing can be sold again. Although he doesn't want to use it, he still has to leave a way for himself.

   Locator, Four-Man Army Invasion Token, and War Delay Token are all consumable items in battle. He never has too many of these items, and must keep them.

Escape Scroll: Special props, diamond level. When the invading party fails and is life-threatening, the lord player can tear the escape scroll. At the moment the escape scroll is torn apart, the lord player of the invading party will be teleported back to his place In the base camp of the face, the escape scroll is only for the personal use of the lord player, and cannot transmit the army led by the player.

   In the past, players often referred to petitions, gold medals and iron hats as life-saving items, but compared with escape scrolls, they are simply worthless.

  Because the escape scroll is the real life-saving item, it allows players to truly save their lives. Although it is limited to those invaders, at least it can prevent them from dying in foreign land.

The Forbidden City: A wonder of the world. This is a magnificent ancient palace, a symbol of imperial power, a back garden of the emperor, and a castle belonging to the emperor alone. Only the most powerful empires are qualified to build it. After successful construction, This allows the emperor to grasp the loyalty of all the subjects in the country without leaving the Forbidden City. Once the loyalty of subjects in a certain area drops significantly, the monarch will immediately receive a reminder, and the territory will receive a little scientific research value every day.

   When the thousandth Forbidden City appears in this world, the war on the plane will end and the planetary battle will officially begin.

Like the Great Wall, the Forbidden City is a world miracle. To build them is not an overnight effort. It takes a lot of manpower, material and financial resources. Moreover, the Forbidden City must be an empire. The empire is a product of the late feudal era. He hasn't even reached the Bronze Age, it is still far away from him.

   But what Ning Yuan cares most is the last sentence. When the thousandth Forbidden City appears in the world, the war on the plane will end and the planetary battle will officially begin.

   He remembers that Dongfang Ming once said on the forum of civilization that the battle of planes is not the ultimate warfare method of this game. It seems that Dongfang Ming did not say at the time that it was the battle for hegemony on this planet.

   So what does this planetary battle for hegemony mean?

   Is everyone fighting for a planet together, or is it like a real Star Wars, where players have to fight across the planet?

   Thinking that barbarism and civilization is a game in the cold weapon period, Ning Yuan prefers to believe that everyone is fighting for a planet together.

However, this game still has a certain fantasy color, so it cannot be completely ruled out that one person has one planet, and the players will have a complete Star Wars. Of course, Ning Yuan is more willing to believe that it is the former, after all, the planet The war or something is too much.

As for the situation of this planetary hegemony, it seems that the truth will only be revealed when the thousandth Forbidden City appears, but Ning Yuan is now considered a foresight, and he can do something in advance based on his own guesses. ready.

The last diamond-level special item is the arms training manual, which details Wei Wuzu’s training methods and the production methods of the various weapons they use. After reading all the introductions carefully, Ning Yuan knows that his own opportunity will come. Up.

  Wei Wuzu: The most elite soldier of the Wei Kingdom during the Warring States Period, created by the famous general of the Wei Kingdom Wu Qi, Wei Wuzui is well-equipped and mainly heavy infantry.

Soldiers must be able to wear three layers of heavy armor and iron helmets, be able to open a twelve-stone crossbow (120 catties equals one stone), each carry fifty crossbow arrows, hold a halberd, and hang an iron sword at the waist. Negative rhino-faced large scull, carrying 3 days of combat food and grass, can walk more than 100 miles in half a day. Only when these requirements are met can he become Wei Wushun.

  Equipment: three layers of heavy armor, halberd, crossbow arrow, iron sword, rhino face big scull.


  Wei Wuzu was the first special force in China's history. As a history lover, Ning Yuan was very familiar with the famous Wei Wuzu during the Warring States Period.

After Wu Qi defected to the State of Wei and founded Wei Wushou, he fought in 72 games and won 64 games. The rest were undivided. The most famous one was that he led the 50,000 soldiers of Wei to defeat Qin State Five. The Yin-Jin battle of a hundred thousand army is over.

   These achievements fully proved the power of Wei Wuzu. Although they were finally annihilated in the vast history, at least they still left a strong mark in the long river of history.

Ning Yuan's training manual contains not only the training methods of Wei Wuzu, but also the three-layer heavy armor, halberd, crossbow arrow, iron sword and rhino-faced large scull manufacturing is comparable. Those world miracles that hurt the people and money are much more precious. With this training manual, when he can train a qualified Wei Wu pawn, even if he can't be invincible in the world, at least he has the strength to challenge those big forces, so Only then did he say that his opportunity came.

   Ning Yuan had also wondered why Wei Wuzu died so quickly before. Finally, he synthesized some information found on the Internet and came to a conclusion that belonged to him.

   First of all, Wu Qi's departure put Wei Wuzuo in an awkward state without a leader. Although Pang Juan is also a famous general, Wu Qi is the founder of Wei Wuzu. I am afraid that no one in this world knows how to use these elite soldiers better than him.

  Secondly, Wei Wuzu's training conditions are too harsh, not to mention reaching one in a thousand, at least one in a hundred.

   And why are these soldiers training so hard for?

   is nothing more than making meritorious deeds and shining ancestors. When they got everything they wanted, they gradually developed some bad habits that they didn't have before. They are no longer as fierce as before, and even many people are reluctant to go to the battlefield.

  Finally, and the most crucial point, the founder Wu Qi went to Chu State. He can tinker with Wei Wuzu in Wei State, and he can do the same in Chu State.

  Although there is no clear record in the history books that Wu Qi created the Chu martial arts **** in Chu, but I believe that as long as the Chu Mourning King is not a fool, he will definitely support Wu Qi's establishment of a martial arts **** in Chu.

The two were also pawns founded by Wu Qi. One was personally led by him, and the other lost the commander who knew them best. When they met on the battlefield, it was clear who won and lost. Wei The soldiers of the country were founded by Wu Qi, and in the end he buried them personally. Maybe this is also a kind of reincarnation.