Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

v2 Chapter 1080: Simeone (Part 2)

   "Thank your Majesty for being considerate of the people in Hubei, and I thank your Majesty for his life-saving grace for the people here."

   Simeone was overjoyed when he heard Ning Yuan let go. To express his gratitude to Ning Yuan, he respectfully bowed to Ning Yuan ninety degrees.

   After accepting Simeone's salute grandiosely, Ning Yuan's conversation suddenly turned and said: "Simeone, you may have misunderstood what I meant.

   Although I am willing to give the people here a chance because of your face, I have no guarantee that they will survive.

   You heard clearly, what I give them is a chance. As for whether they can survive in the end, it can only depend on their own choices and good luck. "

   Hearing the sudden change of Ning Yuan's speech, Simeone's face suddenly stiffened. If Ning Yuan is not the superior king, he really wants to rush over and give a lesson to this scumbag who has no right to his head.

   However, when he thought that the lives of the thousands of people in Hubei were in the hands of Ning Yuan, and their lives and deaths were all within Ning Yuan's thoughts, he could only forcefully suppress the dissatisfaction in his heart and continued to bow down.

After adjusting his facial expressions quickly, Simeone forced a smile and asked respectfully: "Then I don't know what kind of opportunity your majesty is referring to? If your majesty can solve Simeone's confusion, Simeone will be overwhelmed. grateful."

Seeing that Simeone had the mercy and sacrifice of a knight as he expected, and he was willing to wrong himself in order to save those innocent people, Ning Yuan suddenly smiled and said: "I am going to make a decision in Hubei, so this place will definitely change. Desolate.

   If the people here are acquainted, then I can show them a clear path, a path to freedom where they can stay away from war and live a worry-free life. "

   said, Ning Yuan pointed his arm to the east.

   Following the direction of Ning Yuan's finger, Simeone and others all looked towards the east involuntarily, but they could not see anything except the blue sky and white clouds and the distant mountains.

   "I hope your majesty will make it clear."

   After failing to understand Ning Yuan's intentions, Simeone bowed and saluted again, hoping that Ning Yuan could help them out.

  "Go east, keep going east, no matter whether it is a mountain or a big river in front of you, you should not turn your head back, and continue to the east.

   When you come to an area with fertile land but overgrown with weeds, you can usher in a new life.

   That fertile land is the only way I prepare for you. Once you get there, you can freely choose a piece of land without an owner and settle down.

   By the way, there is only a sparse population, not really deserted.

   After arriving there, if you meet local residents, as long as you tell them that you have escaped, they will definitely not embarrass you. "

   Seeing that Simeone had completely entered the set, Ning Yuan directly exposed his fox tail.

In the past few years, Ning Yuan arranged for the Silver Pegasus Knights to perform threshing operations in Anhui and Jiangsu. They first deliberately drove a large number of people there eastward, and then specially arranged for the Condor Navy to drive all the people to the seaside. Received the northeastern region.

  The threshing operation of the Silver Pegasus Knights eventually led to the loss of a large number of indigenous populations in Anhui and Jiangsu.

   Although the player lords in those two regions quickly chose to surrender to Ning Yuan, Ning Yuan did not return the people who were taken away.

   So after the loss of a large number of people, the once populous land of fish and rice suddenly became a rich paradise with sparsely populated land.

   Although after taking refuge in the Condor Empire, the player lords there all lost their interest in managing their territories and only knew how to play and hunt every day, but the aborigines under their hands were not idle.

   The aborigines who did not leave immediately began to rebuild their homeland after the Eagle Army’s Silver Pegasus Knights had withdrawn.

   After the loss of a large number of people, a large number of excellent farmland has become a land of no owner, and the people who stayed can choose from it, so every ordinary family immediately becomes a big landlord.

   However, although they actually own the fields, their status as big landlords is very embarrassing.

   Those real landlords not only have a large number of good fields in their hands, but also have a large number of tenants who cultivate farmland for them.

   But these new landlords in Jiangsu and Anhui have empty land and no tenants who can help them cultivate the land. They can only rely on the labor in their homes to cultivate as much land as possible.

   An ordinary family usually has fewer than ten people including children, and children can usually beat them, so the area of ​​land that each family can cultivate is very limited.

So even the people who stayed have become several times more industrious than before, waking up early and working hard every day, but because there is too much land without an owner, the whole Jiangsu and Anhui regions except those villages near the city. Besides, the other places are full of weeds, and everything is barren.

Now the Northern Expedition Alliance is in a state of defensive contraction across the board. They have no time to send troops into Anhui and Jiangsu. Therefore, although the Condor Army has not formally stationed in those two areas, in essence, the two places belong to the Condor Empire. Territory.

   Unless the Northern Expedition Alliance can turn defeat into victory and defeat the Condor Army, or the player lords who have taken refuge in Ningyuan suddenly turn back, there will be no suspense about the ownership of the two regions.

Anhui and Jiangsu are two important grain producing areas on the Yangtze River Delta. The grain produced there will affect the future strategic layout of the Shenying Empire. Therefore, in order to restore agricultural production there as soon as possible, Ningyuan must restore the food there as soon as possible. The number of permanent residents.

   However, the population that Ning Yuan transferred from those two areas has now been completely settled down. Those people have adapted to the cold climate in the northeast region and have integrated into the local ethnic groups.

   After some displacement, people have just lived a stable and happy life. As long as they are a normal emperor, they will never be moved back, because that is not a human thing at all.

Although Ning Yuan’s notoriety spread far and wide, and he had done a lot of slaughter of cities, in the Condor Empire, he always regarded himself as King Ming. The people of the Condor Empire considered him to be a good emperor and a benevolent king. , So it is absolutely impossible for Ning Yuan to relocate those people back.

   But without relocating a large number of people, the agricultural production in Jiangsu and Anhui cannot be restored.

  Ningyuan’s goal is to occupy the entire earth and build a real empire that never sets.

   In order to achieve this goal, he not only needs a large army but also a large amount of grain and grass. Therefore, he must resume the production of those two important grain producing areas as soon as possible to accumulate strength for future expansion.

In the past few years, after constant warfare, the Shenying Empire successively occupied Hebei, Shaanxi, Shaanxi, and Sichuan regions north of the Yellow River. It also occupied Gansu, Xinjiang, Qinghai, and Tibet, and expanded its territory. Piece.

Suddenly, with such a large area of ​​territory, the original aborigines of the Condor Empire are no longer enough. Therefore, it is basically impossible to migrate the population from the Condor Empire to Anhui and Jiangsu. After all, The Condor Empire is in a state of lack of people everywhere.

  Since the population within the Condor Empire was not enough, Ning Yuan could only target those lands that did not belong to the Condor Empire, so the Hubei region, which was next to Anhui and Sichuan, became the best choice.

   Originally, Ningyuan only wanted to use endless destruction to force the aboriginal people living in Hubei to Anhui and Jiangsu far away from the war.

   However, he never expected that he would encounter Simeone in a small Nanzhang county, such an excellent elf ranger with chivalry spirit, so he immediately made a small modification to his previous plan.

   He is going to use Simeone’s compassionate spirit to confuse the aboriginal people living on this land, and let them take the initiative to move east.

   Although the homeland is difficult to leave, the aboriginal people will not necessarily follow Simone's advice, but as long as the monkey army arrives, Ning Yuan let them show their hands on the fertile plain east of Nanzhang County.

   Believe that the aboriginal people who have been warned from Simeone will immediately believe what Simeone said before.

   When they move eastward, they will become the best propagandists to help the Condor Army carry the news all the way.

   After a large number of people collectively migrate to the east, the Northern Expedition Alliance will certainly not sit idly by, and they will definitely take a series of response actions at that time.

   It's just that no matter what countermeasures they take, as long as Ning Yuan and his monkey army stay here in Nanzhang County, all their actions can only serve to quench their thirst by drinking poison.

  Because when the people here no longer help them to cultivate crops, not only are they not the cornerstone of the Northern Expedition Alliance, they will also become a burden to the Northern Expedition Alliance.

   If you want to keep the people who migrated eastward, the Northern Expedition Alliance must provide them with free three meals a day. Otherwise, when there is not enough food to eat, those people will never obey the Northern Expedition Alliance’s orders to stay.

   And once the Northern Expedition Alliance chooses to provide free food to the people, the food they have accumulated over the years will be consumed at an extraordinary speed.

   In the end, it is very likely that the food and grass they have stored up is exhausted, and the people will leave when they can no longer provide food, and they will end up with no money.

To avoid this ending, the only way for the Northern Expedition Alliance is to repel the Condor Air Force that invaded Nanzhang County, and drive Ning Yuan and the others back to the other side of Daba Mountain, otherwise they will never be able to untie this deadlock. problem.

And if the Northern Expedition Alliance took the initiative to attack, it would be exactly what Ning Yuan wanted. Because if you want to defeat the Condor Air Force led by Ning Yuan, the Northern Expedition Alliance must dispatch their only remaining air force, and Ning Yuan can just take the opportunity to take that one. The enemy's residual air power was wiped out.

After the Northern Expedition Alliance lost its air power, the entire area north of the Yangtze River was all said by the Condor Army. By then, it would completely become the back garden of the Condor Air Force. They would attack wherever they wanted to attack. Without air power, the Northern Expedition Alliance can only hide in the city and watch it eagerly.

And to quickly push the Northern Expedition Alliance into desperation, the chivalrous Simeone will play a vital role, because since the moment he spoke, Ning Yuan has already seen that he wants to choose the second way. Left directly.

   That's why Ning Yuan immediately took the plan after a little trial and gradually introduced Simeone into the trap he set up for him.

   After listening to Ning Yuan's specific plan, Simeone's face was extremely heavy, because he knew that his homeland was hard to leave. Other than his acquaintances, it might be difficult for others to believe what he said. People would definitely think that he was alarmist.

   After pondering for a while, Simeone looked up at Ning Yuan and asked, "Your Majesty, if those people were determined not to leave, how would you choose to treat them?"

Looking at Simeone with a look of expectation, Ning Yuan replied in a cold voice: "I have already said As long as they don’t come to take the initiative to oppose me, then I and my army It is determined not to hurt them.

   But if they show a slight stance of wanting to be an enemy of us, then don't blame me and my army for turning their faces and ruthlessly.

   For the enemy, I always only give them two choices, either surrender or die.

   This time we led the army here, our purpose is to come over and destroy, we don't need any captives, so those who are our enemies will have only a dead end.

   As for you, I am open to you because you are the face of the elves.

However, it is enough to give this kind of affection once and again. I will never give it a second time. At that time, no matter what race the enemy we encounter, as long as they dare to stand in our way. Go, then I will lead an army to kill them all. "

   Ning Yuan knows that people like Simeone who are extremely knightly spirits, you have to give them enough pressure, they will be more and more courageous, so he directly used a murderous answer to dispel all the fluke in Simeone's heart.

   Looking at Simeone with a look of disappointment, Ning Yuan said again: "Simeone, I said before, I admire people like you, but the standpoint is different, so I will never be able to be a person like you.

   Now that you know my purpose and choice, please make your choice now! "

   Seeing Simeone standing there in a daze, Ning Yuan decided to push him again.

   After looking up at Ning Yuan, Simeone bowed to Ning Yuan deeply, and then resolutely walked into the fields to the north.