Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

v2 Chapter 111: , Unique orc technology

Since Ning Yuan attacked the northern city wall, he directly chose to withdraw to the north when he retreated. https://

Because the road ahead was full of unknowns, Ning Yuan didn't dare to rampage like before in this big retreat.

In order to prevent being attacked by the enemy, or suddenly breaking into the territory of a large orc tribe, he left a team of three hundred people behind the team, and sent four hundred scout squadrons in front to investigate.

It took five hours before he stopped the team and set up camp.

After dinner, Ning Yuan arranged a team of 500 people on duty to perform three-shift rotation.

In this vast prairie, there are not only a large number of orcs, but also a large number of beasts, so he can't help but be cautious.

After returning to the camp, Ning Yuan found it difficult to fall asleep for a while, so he simply revisited what happened during the day in his mind.

There was no accident in the siege. In the absence of siege equipment, it would be difficult for them to attack the city head without using the soldiers' lives, so the failure of the siege was still within his expectation.

But what surprised him was that in addition to weapons such as swords, the enemy actually had a large number of archers.

As far as he knows, the orc civilization does not have a technological tree for building weapons, so the origin of these weapons is questionable.

He wouldn't be surprised if the swords were robbed or obtained through trading, but with so many bows and arrows in this period, he absolutely didn't believe anyone would trade them to the werewolves in batches.

And if it were to grab it, then having so many bows and arrows might not be something that a mere werewolf lord could handle.

In addition, there is another place that puzzles Ning Yuan very much, and that is why this Haller Rocky can now build a stone city.

Ning Yuan hasn't heard of which orc clan is good at building? Even their human lords have not yet been able to build the wall. Why is the werewolf lord Haller Rocky?

Ning Yuan was very puzzled about this question, but the facts were before his eyes, and he couldn't help but believe it.

After thinking about it, he came to an unverifiable conclusion, that is, Halle Rocky has annexed a human civilization or a dwarven civilization. This city was built by a human or a dwarf. What are the weapons and equipment? They are all created by them.

If you think about it this way, everything can be explained, but if the orc civilization plus the human civilization or the dwarf civilization are so powerful, then should he also consider the orc civilization?

Ning Yuan's head started to hurt when he thought of annexing the orc civilization. Although he is not a racist, he has no good feelings for the orcs.

As for the reason, besides the ravages of the orcs before, it is mainly related to the uncertainty of the orcs.

However, when he proposed separate actions before, looking at what Wu Yitian meant, he seemed to want to make a big deal before leaving.

The so-called big business is to plunder the tribe of the orcs.

Although Harle Loki now has a city, he is him. He does not represent all the orc tribes. As long as the primitive orc tribes can be found, relying on their strength and equipment advantages, these human lords are still very good Hope to eat each other in one go.

Because now is a sensitive period, coupled with the worry that the uneven distribution of spoils will affect the alliance relationship that has become very fragile between each other, Wu Yitian will propose separate actions.

Although acting separately, the risk factor will become higher, but the benefits will undoubtedly become greater. After all, there are only seven days left, and there is not much time for them to wander around here.

And looking at what Wu Yitian meant, he didn't just want to grab some cattle, sheep and other resources this time. He had already targeted the Orc population.

Although it is impossible for them to plunder the orc civilization without destroying Harle Loki, the orcs and the orc civilization are two different things. Without the orc civilization, they can still plunder the orc population.

As the players enter the Bronze Age, the player lords of the orcs have already filled their disease resistance, virus immunity, and body recovery capabilities, otherwise they would not be able to gather so many orcs.

Player lords have technology trees to point. Although the aborigines do not have this treatment, they can enjoy some of the technological achievements owned by player lords for free.

This unique ability is called evolution on the orc side, and learning on the human side. This is a very unique ability given to these aborigines by the Great God Nuwa.

And as mentioned above, the various skills in the science and technology tree do not have to be studied by scientific research points. The use of scientific research points to research is only to speed up the progress of people mastering these skills, and it does not guarantee that everyone can master them. skill.

If there is no talent, even if the player lords fill up the skill tree, there will be no talents mastering these skills in his territory.

And if a person is talented, even if he doesn't have a technology tree, he can learn some skills by exploring himself or observing the actions of others.

This is also one of the main reasons why many player lords have not many scientific research points, but they are still developing very rapidly.

Because they are diligent and studious, they pass on some of the skills they have learned in reality to their leaders, and then they spread these skills to the entire territory through these leaders.

In this way, although they did not use scientific research points to study those skills on the technology tree, they could still master those skills.

Player lords call this kind of behavior one point of hard work, one point of harvest, and this behavior model is more in line with the reality of hard work to get rich.

It is impossible for a hardworking person to endure starvation anyway, but if a lazy person does not have the property given to him by the previous generation, then he can only have a meal without a meal.

Nowadays, with the continuous rise of technology in the player's territory, the aboriginal forces of their plane have also benefited a lot.

Although the aborigines are still unable to catch up with the players, as time goes by, the gap between them and the player lord will only get smaller and smaller.

When this gap narrows to a certain extent, the aborigines will no longer be the gift packs for players to obtain population and resources, and it will be hard to say who will be annexed by that time.

Although the science tree of the orcs is a bit weird, as long as their disease resistance, virus immunity, and body recovery are full, even if the civilization of the orcs cannot be plundered, they can have an orc army in advance. Where is the physical quality of the orcs?

Even if they can't have the technology behind the orcs, as long as they can plunder some powerful orc populations, their human lords can also form an orc army with good combat power.

Wu Yitian saw this, so he planned to try his luck to see if he could find an orc tribe and swallow it whole.

Ning Yuan didn't have this thought in the first place, and he hadn't thought about it at all, but now after Wu Yitian's enlightenment, he must face this problem squarely.

Think about it carefully, in fact, it is good to have an orc army without plundering the civilization of the orcs.

Ning Yuan didn't require them to be so powerful, as long as they could play the role of some amazing soldiers on the battlefield. No matter what, Ning Yuan could still use them as cannon fodder.

Just like the previous siege battle, if he had a cannon fodder in his hand at that time, his main force could wait until the enemy’s stones and arrows were almost consumed before attacking. Then, the main force would not There will be so many battle attritions.

Ning Yuan’s Condor Legion can now be said to be strong and powerful, with people, people, and equipment. Perhaps the only drawback is that it lacks some cannon fodder that can absorb firepower.

Moreover, it is said to be cannon fodder, but cannon fodder is not necessarily used to send death on the battlefield. In addition to sending death, they can also involve a large number of active forces of the enemy.

In addition, Ning Yuan can also select some elites from the surviving cannon fodder to form an elite army. After all, the fire makes real gold. Soldiers who can survive the blood and fire must have some real skills.

The more Ning Yuan thought about it, the more he felt that this road was feasible. He only needed to pay some food and weapons to pull up a good-sized cannon fodder army.

And the most important thing is that no matter how many people are killed or injured in this cannon fodder army, he will not feel distressed. It is indeed a very profitable business.

Of course, whether this sale can be made, the most important thing is whether Ning Yuan can find an orc tribe and conquer it.

In fact, many lord players have already used this method of plundering only the population and not the civilization.

Although this approach cannot continue to improve the technology of those civilizations, it also avoids the coexistence of multiple civilizations on one's own plane, and ensures that the lord players are always in a state of leading technology on their own plane.

After all, civilizations like the orcs are really terrifying. No lord would like to see uncontrollable forces appearing on his own plane. Therefore, at this time, it is undoubtedly more correct to only plunder the population and not the civilization. s Choice.

Of course, there are certain drawbacks to doing so, that is, it will be difficult for these lords to obtain the unique orc technology behind them.

For example, the wolf cavalry of the werewolf, the totem warrior of the tauren and so on.

Although the werewolf clan is already very powerful in their talents, they are not invincible on the ground. Many types of troops are their nemesis.

Although two-legged humans can't beat them, the four-legged human cavalry is the nemesis of the werewolves. If there is no wolf cavalry, then the werewolf warrior will only be slaughtered when facing the human cavalry.

Of course, it does not mean that the werewolf clan is invincible after the wolf cavalry. The wolf cavalry only gives the werewolf the capital to fight against other races. After all, no one is truly invincible in this world.

After the werewolf race is full of disease resistance, virus immunity, and body recovery ability, the next technology in their race technology tree is to domesticate giant wolves and train wolf cavalry.

When the formed wolf cavalry is trained, the werewolf clan will become even more terrifying, and the werewolf knight and the wolf mount will become a nightmare for the enemy.

Wolf knights themselves are already very difficult to entangle. The giant wolves under their seats are even more terrifying than them. If you don’t pay attention to the giant wolves under them when fighting the wolf knights, then the souls who lost their lives in the wolf’s mouth may be lost again. It's going to be one more.

The wolf cavalry is a unique unit of the werewolf clan. If a leader only plunders the werewolf population, but does not plunder the orc civilization, then the lord basically bids farewell to the wolf knight.

Unless he can later plunder a werewolf who knows how to tame giant wolves, or the orc civilization, he will never want to have a wolf cavalry in his life.

In addition to the werewolves, other orcs also have their own unique technological arms. If there is no plundering orc civilization, then these unique arms will not appear, so this method has advantages and disadvantages.

Online games barbarism and civilization

Online games barbarism and civilization