Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

v2 Chapter 1124: Brothers

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"Little prince, if you don’t tell me, I forgot to ask, why are the soldiers of the Imperial Guard holding a huge shield or a mace? I remember they should have a huge shield with one hand and a wolf. The tooth stick?"

Hearing that 10,000 soldiers of the Imperial Guard were carrying only 5,000 weapons and equipment, the wolf asked with a puzzled look.

Actually, what's in the mirror of the wolf's disease-free heart, but when he should be confused, he must be confused to the end and show it so that he can win the favor of his boss and survive in the power field for a long time. .

Sure enough, after hearing the question that the wolf is not diseased, Xiong Xiaoguang suddenly showed a very useful expression.

He smiled and looked at the wolf without disease, pretending to blame, and said: "You think I don't want to bring a full set of weapons and equipment on the road, not to come over as soon as possible to support the general.

Both the Great Shield and the Mace are not light-weight, and carrying both of them will seriously affect the way of the Guards.

And just taking the same will greatly increase the speed of the road, so in order to hurry, I can only bear half of the weapons and equipment.

However, even if only five thousand soldiers of the Imperial Guard are capable of fighting, it is not something that an enemy of this level can contend. Therefore, the general can rest assured that we will soon be able to destroy the Colorful Bridge. "

After making a sudden realization, Wolf Wuyi was flattered and said: "It is diseaseless and dull. Thank you, the little prince, for your understanding. If you can successfully destroy the enemy's bridge plan this time, the merit must belong to the little prince."

"Okay, no matter what you do but not, everyone is for the Dashi Kingdom, all for your majesty, don't hesitate, let's set off as soon as possible!

As for the issue of meritorious deeds, we will discuss it together after the war is over. "

Enjoying the respect that the wolf does not have a disease to himself, Xiong Xiaoguang patted the wolf on the shoulder and motioned to the other side to lead the way.

"Pass our military order, Daze Legion will act as the vanguard, and set off on the battlefield before the target!"

Knowing that everything has a degree, after performing some dull courtiers, the wolf immediately returned to the true qualities of the Zhenxi General.

In this way, 35,000 werewolf warriors were responsible for clearing the way ahead, and 10,000 bear guards followed closely behind. The orc army of the 45,000 Great Stone Kingdom made a comeback again, directing their soldiers on the east bank of Dushan Lake. Huge ancient tree.


"Report, Boss Sun, the big thing is not good, and the enemy has returned."

Soon, the scout sent by Sun Junbo brought back the news of the orc army's comeback.

At this time, Sun Junbo was also playing against Sun Junyi. After hearing the information brought back by the scout, the two brothers immediately looked at each other.

How much time has passed since then, has the enemy fully adjusted so quickly?

Even if they have completely adjusted, what can they do?

Just now, more than 50,000 of them are not their opponents, and now they have only integrated some of the remnants of defeated generals. Do they still count on relying on some of the remnants to defeat them in the future?

"Is it still the previous werewolf army?"

Always feeling that something is wrong, Sun Junbo asked with some doubts.

"Yes, Boss Sun, it's the werewolf army that we defeated before.

But this time they seemed to have reinforcements rushing over, and we found a lot of Ursa soldiers behind them. "The scout replied truthfully.

"Okay, I see, you continue to take people to monitor the enemy."

Looking at the player scout who was gasping for words, Sun Junbo hurriedly out of the way.

MD, amateur is still not comparable to professional.

If this is professional, you don't need to ask yourself, and the other party will take the initiative to tell the truth about everything he sees.

It's like these amateur guys, they are all reluctant to give them a task, and they can't tell the priority of a task.

It seems that this is the case, and I need to suggest that Lu Chenguang train a player scout specially, always relying on temporary hunting of strong men to make up the number, sooner or later he will delay things.

After watching the player scout with extremely poor business ability leave, Sun Junbo immediately looked at Sun Junyi and asked, "Junyi, what should I do? The bear army from the Dashi Kingdom came over, and your Macedonian phalanx can block those Big five and three big stupid bears?"

Twisting his beard with his hand, Sun Junyi replied solemnly: "It's hard to say.

If this time comes from the ordinary bear army of the Great Stone Kingdom, then relying on the spear array and the crossbow, we still have the power to fight.

If the bear guards from Xiong Dashi came over, things would be difficult to handle. "

"Is the Bear Guards so powerful?"

When talking about the Bear Guards Corps, Sun Junyi's expression was very ugly, and Sun Junbo immediately asked.

Looking up at his cousin, Sun Junyi took a deep breath and said, "It's not so powerful, but very powerful.

There are a total of two bear-man heavy infantry regiments in the Dashi Kingdom, one is the one under Lang Xiaotian’s command, and the other is the bear-man Guards directly under Xiong Dashi.

Although the number of soldiers of the Ursa Guards was less than that of Wolf Xiaotian's heavy infantry, the quality of the soldiers of the Ursa Guards was much higher than that of Wolf Xiaotian.

To put it bluntly, Lang Xiaotian's bear-man heavy infantry are all Xiong Dashi picking the rest.

Originally, the bear people were known for their rough skins and thick flesh. After they were equipped with a full set of heavy infantry equipment, it was even more difficult to kill them.

We are all light infantry here, facing the attack of a bear-man heavy infantry army, these races here are very difficult to resist. "

"Then you mean that if it is from the Bear Guards of Xiong Dashi, we can just wait for death?"

Listening to Sun Junyi describing the enemy as so invincible, Sun Junbo suddenly looked dissatisfied.

Ignoring Sun Junbo's dissatisfaction, Sun Junyi said to himself: "It stands to reason that the biggest disadvantage of the Xiongren heavy infantry is that they move very slowly. They shouldn't come over so soon!

However, according to intelligence analysis, the only one of the Bearmen Legion in the vicinity of the Dashi Kingdom is the Imperial Guard Corps directly under Xiong Dashi. Apart from them, no other bearmen can rush over. "

"Junyi, what are you mumbling about? You can tell me whether you can fight or not.

Now here you are the commander of the army, all the army is still waiting for your order? "

Seeing that Sun Junyi's old problem of a tendon had committed again, Sun Junbo immediately reminded him not to get into the horns.

"Second brother, you go and transfer the troops on the east frontier defense line in half, and let them arrange the needle-punched jungle defense line in the wood camp."

After being interrupted by Sun Junbo, Sun Junyi said blankly.

Hearing Sun Junyi's answer, Sun Junbo asked with a puzzled look: "If the troops on the east frontier are drawn, what about the east frontier?

Also, what about your Macedonian Legion? Are you not going to let them play this time? "

Looking at Sun Junbo, Sun Junyi first showed a playful expression on his face, and then said in a cold voice: "The enemy knows that the Eastern Defense Line is easier to defend and difficult to attack, so they will definitely continue to attack from the north after receiving reinforcements. of.

Orcs have a strong sense of revenge. After they have strong support, they will definitely want to prove themselves again.

And if you want to prove yourself again, the best choice is to get up from where you fell.

So I am sure that the enemy will continue to attack from the north.

As for my Macedonian Army, I not only invested a lot of financial and material resources in them, but also invested a lot of time.

It is not easy to train them to this level, so I don't want to see them suffer too many casualties.

If it is just an ordinary bear army, then I will order the Macedonian army to deploy in the rear. Once the acupuncture jungle array in front cannot withstand it, my Macedonian phalanx will immediately top it.

If it came from the Bear Guards Corps of Xiong Dashi, then even if my Macedonian regiment was on top, it would be just a struggle. The two are not heavyweight opponents at all.

Second brother, don’t blame me for protecting yourself. After all, my Macedonian Legion is one of the few elites left by the Sun Moon God Church. So as long as the Colorful Rainbow Bridge is not in danger, I will not let the Macedonian Legion easily face those. Not in a heavyweight bear army. "

Sun Junyi made no secret of his desire to preserve his strength, and Sun Junbo felt a bit hot on his face. He didn't know whether he should be angry or smile.

Now the entire Northern Expedition Alliance emphasizes that the alliance is my family, and my family is the alliance. Everyone must focus on the interests of the entire alliance. The most taboo is Sun Junyi's behavior that only thinks about his own interests at all times and protects himself at critical moments.

Fortunately, there were only two of their brothers in the room at this time, and Sun Junyi's words did not reach the third person's ears, otherwise, once it spread out, even Lu Chenguang would not be able to keep him.

Looking at Sun Junyi with a natural look on his face, Sun Junbo warned with a stern face, "Junyi, you remembered it for me, and I will keep all these thoughts in my mind from now on, so don't talk about it.

Otherwise, once it is passed on by someone who is interested, in order to maintain the image of the alliance, President Lu will definitely kill you.

At that time, even if you can train and command the Macedonian Army, it will be useless. Our Sun Moon God Sect will not keep you such an unabashed person.

There are some things that President Lu and I can handle for you, but there are some things that we can't handle.

So if you still want to stay in the Sun Moon God Sect, and also want to command and train the Macedonian Army, you'd better pay attention to what you say and do. Do you understand? "

Sun Junbo really knows his cousin too well, and Sun Junyi's character cannot allow him to get along with others for a long time, otherwise he might offend him at some point.

For so many years, he and Lu Chenguang have often wiped Sun Junyi's ass, if they had not been covering Sun Junyi, Sun Junyi would have been kicked out of the Sun Moon God Cult.

Unexpectedly, their all-time favoritism made Sun Junyi more unscrupulous, and now he dare to blurt out anything.

If he is not given a severe warning, I am afraid that sooner or later there will be trouble.

Sun Junbo is really too aware of how difficult it is to communicate with people with a rib, so he did not plan to communicate with Sun Junyi, and directly adopted the simplest and rude methods.

What Sun Junyi cares most is the Macedonian Army he trained by himself. As long as he threatens him with the Macedonian Army, he will definitely give in immediately.

"I know, second brother, I will only think in my heart in the future and never say it again."

Sure enough, Sun Junyi immediately admitted that he would be deprived of command of the Macedonian Army if he didn't say anything.

Seeing Sun Junyi's head drooping, Sun Junbo couldn't bear to blame him any more, so he changed the subject and said: "Well, Junyi, if you have a good mentality, it's best.

Now I give you the command of all the troops here. I don’t care what tactics you use, and no matter how you mobilize the troops, as long as you can hold on until the Colorful Rainbow Bridge is fully formed, and hold on until our army on the other side of the lake rushes over. .

You can put forward any requirements at any time. As long as I can do it, I will be satisfied with you first.

If the Colorful Bridge is destroyed by the enemy, then you and my brother will have no future.

I will become a sinner of the Northern Expedition Alliance and the Sun Moon God Sect. You will also be beaten directly from heaven to hell. President Lu will not only deprive you of the military power in your hand, but will also directly knock you to the end, making you a An ordinary person.

Say it all, do it yourself! "

Sun Junbo's remarks are not alarmist, since ancient times, he has been the winner and the loser. This law applies to all places where there are rivers and lakes.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there will be competition. Sun Junbo has been able to come to this day, he has stepped up step by step on the body of countless losers.

The higher the position, the more like walking on thin ice, because the high position is fixed, there are only a few of them, and only a few people can get it.

Under every high position, there are countless people who are always watching and waiting for you to make mistakes. Only if you make a mistake, they will have the opportunity to replace it.

This time Lu Chenguang is fully responsible for directing the war in Henan and Shandong, and the fertile water does not flow into the fields of outsiders. As the president of the Sun Moon God Sect, Lu Chenguang has used a large number of Sun Moon God Sect players in this war. Provide them with a platform for making contributions.

If they win, not only will they, who are activated players, show their faces, but the Sun Moon God Sect's voice in the Northern Expedition Alliance will also be greatly enhanced.

If it is because of the Sun Moon God Cult players who were activated by Lu Chenguang, the war will not go smoothly, not only will Lu Chenguang's prestige be greatly affected, they will also be liquidated and sent to the cold palace.

The construction of the Colorful Bridge this time was the biggest test for Sun Junbo. To defend the Colorful Bridge, he would definitely be more valued by Lu Chenguang in the future.

Once the Colorful Bridge is destroyed, and the Northern Expedition coalition's plan to cross the river is frustrated, then as the supreme commander of this operation, he will be duty-bound to resist all responsibilities.

After understanding the seriousness of the matter, Sun Junyi looked at Sun Junbo with a heavy face and promised: "Don't worry, brother, although I am not very proficient in human relationships, I still know who has been silently defending me for so many years. , Do everything for me.

Without your second brother's silent protection, there would be no such thing as my Sun Junyi today, and it would also be impossible for this Macedonian army to appear.

Compared with your second brother, this Macedonian army is nothing.

Even if the Macedonian army is all gone, I will help you second brother to complete this mission. "