Online Games Barbarism and Civilization

v2 Chapter 1133: , Reinforcements arrived

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"You see, brother, this is the biggest drawback of the cavalry without a companion. The Macedonian phalanx can only defeat the enemy, but cannot keep the enemy.

If my Macedonian legion is complete at this time, then even if the werewolves run fast, they will have to leave me at least half of them. "

Seeing the enemy who quickly escaped from birth, Sun Junyi showed a trace of regret on his face, so he once again mentioned the companion cavalry to Sun Junbo.

"Okay, okay, I know, don't worry, as long as the Colorful Rainbow Bridge can pass, I will immediately assign a light cavalry to you temporarily.

Although the light cavalry can't charge like the companion cavalry, they are still capable of chasing down the enemy. "

Sun Junyi, who knew a tendon, would probably mention today's affairs repeatedly in the next period of time. Sun Junbo had to give up a light cavalry to stop Sun Junyi's mouth.

Sure enough, after hearing that his cousin would soon hand over a light cavalry to him, Sun Junyi immediately closed his mouth with awareness.

After the victory, the next step is to clean the battlefield and treat the wounded.

After throwing out a large number of scouts, Sun Junyi immediately arranged his Macedonian army to rest, and handed over the cleaning of the battlefield to a player army behind.


"General, the enemy seems to have given up the pursuit, do we stop and fix it."

After discovering that the chaser disappeared behind him, a werewolf scout immediately found the wolf with a gloomy face and was not sick.

Hearing that the enemy had stopped pursuing the enemy, the wolf immediately commanded: "Immediately send an order to the entire army to make repairs by the stream two kilometers ahead."

The distance of two kilometers was just a few minutes for the werewolf warriors, and soon, a large number of werewolf warriors reached the stream.

After taking a few sips of the cold stream, all the werewolf warriors lay in embarrassment on the clearing and began to rest.

Looking at the embarrassed werewolf warriors, the wolf did not blame them. After letting everyone rest for ten minutes, they began to count the number.

This count of the number of people does not matter. When the result is passed to the wolf's disease-free, the wolf's disease-free immediately feels an unprecedented sense of powerlessness.

This time he led an army of 70,000 werewolves to attack Luqiao Town, and when attacking Luqiao Town, more than 15,000 werewolf soldiers were casualties.

If the heavy losses on the city walls of Luqiao Town were due to an unforeseen fire, and the wolf could still be accepted without illness, then the fiasco just experienced was unacceptable by the wolf without illness.

Now that the wolf is disease-free, there are only more than 35,000 people left, which means that there are nearly 20,000 werewolf fighters staying on the battlefield just now forever.

Fifty-five thousand people went to attack the phalanx that more than 10,000 people arranged on the flat ground. Not only were they defeated by the enemy, but also more than 20,000 people were brought in. This is no disease for the wolves who have been fighting on the battlefield for so many years. It's definitely a shame.

Although the wolf has more than 35,000 people without disease and still has the power to fight, but the 55,000 people just couldn't beat the opponent, he can still count on these 35,000 people have been scared. Are the courageous werewolf warriors going to make a comeback?


Looking at the Colorful Bridge in the distance, the wolf uttered a helpless sigh.

From the faces of many werewolf warriors around him, Wolf Wuyi had already learned the answer. Today they have no chance to see the true face of the Colorful Rainbow Bridge.

"If the order is passed down, the army will set off immediately. We will be stationed in Luqiao Town today, waiting for the arrival of reinforcements."

Unwillingly glanced at the Colorful Bridge in the distance, the wolf finally gave up and continued to attack without illness.

After receiving the order from the wolf to be disease-free, many werewolf warriors all secretly breathed a sigh of relief. They were really afraid that the wolf was disease-free and marched south again.

It's not that they are not brave enough, but the thousand-person square formation just rushed out of the wooden camp is really terrifying.

Facing the sharp-edged jungle made up of spears, all the brave men were stabbed into blood gourds and became a corpse on the ground.

With their current equipment, the kind of phalanx that can continue to charge forward is simply not something they can contend against.

In addition to the murderous wild and unstoppable phalanx, the strangers with sharp horns and scales on both sides of the phalanx also left a deep impression on the werewolf warriors.

Although the number of those weird people is small, their physical strength and personal strength are extremely powerful.

When the scimitar in the hand of the Iron Wolf guard slashed on those weird people, it would often arouse a series of sparks.

That was the spark produced after the blade collided with the scales on the weirdo. Because of the blocking of the scales, the scimitar slashed by the Iron Wolf did not cause much damage to those weirdos. In many cases, their attacks were just cut off. A few scales on the weirdo.

In addition to the very hard scales of those weirdos, their resistance to strikes is also very strong.

After discovering that the weird people could not be killed easily with the blade, many iron wolf guards began to hack the weird people with the back of their swords. They hoped to use huge power to cause internal injuries to the weird people through the scales.

However, no matter how hard the Iron Wolf guards chopped and slashed, the sharp-horned monsters did not appear to have suffered any internal injuries. They seemed to feel a slight pain, and the fragile organs were not affected in any way.

If the screaming monsters are just invulnerable and possessing powerful bodies, then Iron Wolf Guards won’t be defeated so badly by virtue of their numerical superiority, because they are also among the elite of werewolf warriors and cannot kill the enemy. They can always rely on their numerical superiority. Live the enemy.

But the sharp horns on the heads of those sharp horns are too restrained from the iron wolf guards, but all the iron wolf guards injured by the sharp horns become bedridden and sick, and collapse directly. On the ground, then can only be slaughtered by the enemy.

The sharp horns on the top of the sharp-horned weird's head seemed to possess some incredible magical power. They were naturally restrained from the werewolf clan, and even the most recognized iron wolf guards were not spared after being hit by the sharp horns.

Facing such a group of sharp-horned weirdos who are not afraid of hacking or smashing, and restrain their werewolf clan to death, even if they are not afraid of death, they can't rush to die in vain!

Fortunately, there are only a few hundred strangers with sharp horns of this kind, otherwise they would not have attacked the enemy just now. I am afraid the enemy would have taken the initiative to attack them long ago.

Many werewolf warriors now have a very serious psychological shadow on the phalanx and the horned monster.

If the wolves cannot help them overcome this psychological shadow as soon as possible if they are not sick, I am afraid that even if the werewolf warriors dared to rush up, they will soon be defeated by the opponent.

Because they already knew in their hearts that they were not opponents of the other side, this kind of serious psychological hint would greatly reduce their strength and make them lose to the other side again.

If one after another loses soldiers and soldiers in the same opponent's hand, the psychological shadow will grow bigger and bigger, and eventually it will evolve into a kind of magic barrier, a terrible psychological barrier that will make you feel guilty whenever you see the opponent.

Although Wolf Wuyi doesn't understand psychology, he knows what is called the end of a strong crossbow.

Now his werewolf army is at the end of the battle, whether in morale or physical strength, it is in a low state.

In terms of physical strength, he can recover quickly through eating and resting, but the low morale is not so easy to recover.

Unless they can find a way to break the square or kill those sharp-horned weirdos, this low morale situation will be difficult to adjust in a short time.

When the wolves led the remnant soldiers to return to Luqiao Town, although the fire behind the walls of Luqiao Town had been much smaller, it was still not extinguished. Far away, the rising smoke could still be seen.

Just when the outline of Luqiao Town had appeared in the eyes of the werewolf warriors, a large group of five big and three thick bear warriors walked in front of them.

"Immediately pass the order, and the army rests on the spot and stops advancing."

After seeing a group of bear-man warriors with large shields in their hands, the wolf immediately rejoiced, and he immediately ordered the army to stop advancing.

After instructing the army to stop, Wolf Wuyi immediately led several guards to the group of Ursa warriors ahead.

"Dare to ask the brothers of the Bear Guards in front of you?"

Far away, the wolf cried out impatiently without being sick.

"Yes, we are members of the Janissaries."

Hearing the wolf's inquiries, a bearman warrior responded loudly.

As he spoke, the wolf sprinted without illness, and he had already arrived in front of the Ursa warriors.

After stopping to adjust his breathing, the wolf immediately asked, "Dare to ask how many people have you come this time, and which general is the leader?"

"Subordinates, see General Zhenxi."

After recognizing that it was a wolf without disease, the Ursa warriors at the head immediately came forward to bow.

After paying the military salute to Wolf Wuyi, a little bear leader replied: "Return to the general of Zhenxi, we have come this time with 10,000 people, and it is the little lord Xiong Xiaoguang who is personally in charge."

Hearing that Xiong Xiaoguang had brought ten thousand people this time, the wolf was immediately overjoyed. He took a deep breath and said, "It’s been hard for you to march all the way. Please stop and take a rest. I happen to be waiting here. The arrival of the prince."

"Subordinates obey.

Come, pass the order immediately and rest in place. "

After receiving the order from the wolf to be disease-free, the vanguard of the Bear Guards immediately stopped and repaired in place.

After about twenty minutes, Xiong Xiaoguang led a team of guards and appeared in front of the wolf without disease.

After seeing Xiong Xiaoguang, the wolf immediately bowed and said: "The final wolf is free, see the little lord."

"The General Zhenxi doesn't need to be polite. Have you just experienced a great war?

Why are all of your werewolf warriors listless? "

After signalling that the wolf is not ill, Xiong Xiaoguang frowned and asked.

As soon as he arrived here, he immediately felt an atmosphere of sadness. Although he didn't know that the wolf-free werewolf army had just experienced a fiasco, he still saw something wrong with the facial expressions of those werewolf warriors. child.

Hearing Xiong Xiaoguang's question, the wolf's disease-free face was full of bitterness. He sighed lightly and smiled bitterly: "Don't hide the little lord, we have just experienced a fiasco, and now we have just withdrawn here to repair.

If it weren't for the little prince, you led the Guards to arrive, I'm afraid we will continue to retreat. "

Hearing that the wolf-free Daze Army had just experienced a fiasco, Xiong Xiaoguang immediately asked in surprise: "General, what is going on? Has the enemy already begun to cross the river?

When I was in Luqiao Town, I just listened to Wolf Dapeng talking about what happened in Luqiao Town, and didn't have time for detailed inquiry.

What is the current situation, please give me a detailed introduction! "

"Little prince, this is how things are..."

Seeing Xiong Xiaoguang's question, the wolf explained in detail about the Colorful Rainbow Bridge, the phalanx of spears, and the horned monster.

After listening to Wolf’s explanation, Xiong Xiaoguang rubbed his nose and said, “General, you mean that the Colorful Bridge is not fully formed yet, so it’s not accessible yet.

As long as we can destroy the giant tree that supports the Colorful Bridge, the Colorful Bridge will be destroyed, right? "

"Yes, although this is only my guess, but judging from the reactions of the enemy, I should guess that it is not far from ten." The wolf replied without disease.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's set off quickly to destroy that giant tree!"

After getting the affirmative answer, Xiong Xiaoguang immediately stood up from the ground, ready to leave immediately.

Seeing Xiong Xiaoguang's urgency, Wolf Wuyi hurriedly dissuaded him: "Little Prince, don't worry, we haven't studied how to deal with the enemy's sharp-horned monsters?"

Looking at the wolf without disease, Xiong Xiaoguang smiled and said, "General, you have been stationed in the interior with troops all the year round. You may not know what the race of those sharp-horned monsters are ~ ~ doesn't know them very well. That's why it's at a loss.

Although I haven't seen any sharp-horned monsters alive, I have seen dead ones, and I know their details and some strange abilities. "

"Little lord, have you ever seen a dead sharp-horned weird? Where did you meet?"

Hearing that Xiong Xiaoguang had actually seen the corpse of a sharp-horned monster, the wolf was overjoyed immediately.

Knowing yourself and the enemy can survive all battles. The reason why some unknown things are terrible is mainly because you don't know enough about them. As long as you know the basics, and then develop targeted tactics, the opponent will not be so terrible.

"When I was in Jinan, my subordinates once salvaged the corpses of a few weird horns in the Yellow River. At that time, General Lang Xiaotian was also there.

According to General Wolf Xiaotian, the sharp-horned monsters are called the demon race. They are born with infinite strength, strong resistance to attacks, and have scale armor and sharp horns.

The scale armor can not only defend against bows and arrows, but also help them withstand the close attacks of swords.

The sharp horns have the ability to curse evil, but anyone whose body strength is not as strong as theirs is stabbed by the sharp horns, and they will immediately fall into a weak state.

Your werewolf clan is not as strong as the demon clan, so you are restrained by their evil horns.

And the physical fitness of our bear people is much better than that of the demons, so their evil horns are not effective for us.

This time I brought ten thousand Ursa Guards soldiers, five thousand shields and five thousand maces.

No matter what the spear phalanx you are talking about, or the warriors of the demon race, they are all just a piece of paper in front of my Bearman Guards. No one can stand a wolf of the Bearman Guards. Tooth stick. "

Xiong Xiaoguang said confidently.